Acts 1
The book of the Acts of the Apostles was written by Luke, and is considered the fifth gospel by many Bible scholars. Even though Jesus is only alive in the first chapter, His Holy Spirit is given to His Church in this book.
(v.5) Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to His disciples
(v.6) This is a telling verse...even the disciples thought that Jesus was going to kick the Romans out and restore Israel to it's glory. Most, if not all, the Jews wanted God to do this, and that is the main reason they crucified Jesus...He wasn't going to be their King. He is their King, but He had to die for their sins before He brings judgment upon the world. If they knew their Scriptures, and didn't let their emotions get in the way, more would have seen this and accepted Jesus then.
(v.11) Jesus will come from the clouds to the earth, just as He left. We read about this later in Rev 1:7
(v.18) We see the confirmation of the Potter's Field Matt 27:3-10 and the gory details of the death of Judas.
(v.26) Casting lots was common in that time, and it is similar to rolling dice. They must have assigned one number or group of numbers to each option, and rolled the dice to see who would be chosen. I personally have a tough time with this action by the disciples, for instead of praying and asking God to tell them who should succeed Judas, they rolled dice!
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