Acts 3
(v.6) This coincides with the verse Jesus said in Matt 6:20 regarding treasures and riches. Our riches on earth stay here and are burned. But the power of God is everlasting, and it changes lives on earth and in heaven!
(v.16) God heals those with Faith...we need to put our complete trust and faith in God, and let Him work in our lives, instead of trying to do it for Him!
(v.18) I can't help but think of Isaiah 53 when I read this! Prophecy is important, not only to validate God's Word, but to see that the whole Bible is one long love letter from God!
Acts 4
(v.4) We see throughout this book, that the more the Jews and Satan persecute the Church, the greater and faster it grows!
(v.12) In case you or someone you're talking with thinks all religions lead to salvation, read this carefully and think about it. This verse and many others, like John 14:6 should renew our faith and make us more eager to love and serve Christ.
(v.13) Even the uneducated and untrained speak with authority when they have the Holy Spirit working in them!
(v.18) This verse makes me think of the times we are living in now...the name of Jesus is shunned and denied to be spoken in our government, in graduation speeches, and even in some churches!
(v.29) What a prayer this is! They knew that they would be persecuted and even killed for defying the Pharisees, but they couldn't help but proclaim the LORD to all who would hear! We all need to be more like this...time is running out!
(v.32) The Bible doesn't say that in order to be a follower of Christ, you need to give up your home, your life savings, and all your possessions. The early church did this, in order to organize and be prepared for the coming persecution. What we need to do today, is build strong friendships with other believers, and make ourselves as debt-free as possible, so we can use our possessions for the betterment of the Brethren.
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