The Gospels: The King on the Cross
Matthew 27:32-44; Psalm 22
(v.33) The hill where Jesus was crucified was called Golgatha in Hebrew, which means skull. In Greek, the word is Calvary.
The hill is aptly named for if you stand about 100 yards away, you can see a skull, where there are two indentions that look like eyes, and another in the mouth area.
Through my own Bible study, I came across something that clicked with me, and I'll share it here for your information, and perhaps, incentive to look for yourself.
In Genesis, God says this to Satan after he tricked Adam and Eve to sin:
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed. He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. ~ Gen 3:15
We have already looked at the prophecy of her Seed, which is the first hint of the Immaculate Conception. But also take note of what happens between the seeds...the seed of Satan, the Antichrist, will trip up mankind. But the Seed of the woman will bruise the head of Satan's seed.
When Jesus took on our sins that day in history for all mankind, He conquered sin and death. He crushed the head of Satan! Do you see the connection?
(v.35) This was prophesied in Psalm 22:18, and if we read Psalm 22 while reading the accounts of the crucifixion, we will see that God had David write this to point us to the cross!
(v.44) We read in Luke 23:43 that the other two criminals being crucified next to Jesus had a discussion. One was hard of heart and showed his evil nature. But the other one came to see who Jesus was. He asked forgiveness and he acknowledged who Jesus was...that is the equivalent of the Sinner's Prayer!
One thing to point out...Jesus didn't say, "I wish I could save you, but you haven't been baptized." He didn't say, "Say five Hail Mary's and serve your fellow man."
No...all that was needed to be saved was FAITH!!!
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