The Gospels: Jesus Reveals Himself to the Disciples
Luke 24
(v.15) While these disciples were talking about the last week's events, and wondering what comes next, Jesus suddenly appears with them! This is one of many examples we will see of the power of Jesus' heavenly, resurrected body. Our bodies will enjoy the same powers and dimensions that Jesus does!
(v.19) I love this verse! Here was the Creator of the universe, who just was beaten, spat upon, had His beard ripped off His face, crucified and buried, and He has the sense of humor to say, What things? Who says God doesn't like to laugh or tease us!
(v.26) Jesus reminds them that they should have known from the Scriptures what would happen...especially if they read Daniel 9, Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53! In addition to that, Jesus told the disciples many times that He would be killed and rise again in three days!
(v.30) We must remember that the host is the one to bless the bread and pray, but they let this stranger do it...why? Perhaps they felt He had authority, and knew it was proper to let Him do it. And when they saw the holes in His wrists, they knew it was Him!
(v.31) Their eyes were opened...isn't that like us as well when we come to see Jesus as the Creator of the universe, who willingly died in our place, so we could be redeemed to the Father for eternity?
(v.32) Doesn't it warm your heart when God is speaking to you in His Word?
(v.36) I explain to my kids that on earth, we experience three dimensions plus time. So four dimensions are all we can understand. However, physicists have discovered that there are at least 10 dimensions in space, so Jesus had the ability to enter rooms and disappear, even though He was flesh and bone. We will have these same dimensions when we're in heaven. I believe Adam and Eve enjoyed these things in Eden before they sinned...then only four were allowed.
(v.39) Here were the men who spent three years, day after day with Jesus, and He told them many times He would be killed and resurrected, yet they didn't believe! This should give us comfort, for in those days our faith is tested, and we doubt. No matter what, if we are His, He will keep comforting us and showing us His love!
Another thing to note...Jesus says flesh and bones...not flesh and blood. This is important...He shed all His blood on the day He was crucified, and that blood was sprinkled on the throne in heaven to wash away our sins forever if we have faith!
(v.45) Jesus used the Word of God...the Scriptures to show them that what they had seen, and what they will see, is what God had the prophets speak about. What a Bible study that must have been!
John 20
(v.25) This is where the term Doubting Thomas came from. Thomas wanted to see the LORD before He would believe. How many skeptics say, If God would just show Himself to me, I would then believe? Our response should be, you see Him every day, in the sunset, in the trees, in the animals, and in a child's laugh.
(v.28) Thomas says something interesting here...My LORD and my God! This is one of many instances that show that Jesus is God, not an enlightened man like Ghandi or Buddha.
(v.29) Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. That's us...we haven't walked physically with Jesus, but He has reached us through His Word, through another Christian, and through His Holy Spirit! That's called FAITH!!!
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