Acts 2
(v.4) God had the disciples speak in different languages because Jews from all over the globe were in Jerusalem for the celebration of Pentecost. In order for the Church to be born, the people needed to be in one place, and hear the Word of God in the language they understand.
(v.16) Here we see one of the many workings of the Holy Spirit...Peter goes from a man who acts and speaks before he thinks, to a man who is wise and knows Scripture like a Pharisee! From this point on, Peter speaks with authority, as all the disciples do, because they have God's Spirit working in them. This same power is available to us, if we read His Word and speak out to the lost.
(v.42) A church that is powerful for the LORD has these four things:
Doctrine ~ We need to be reading the Word, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book in order to get the whole counsel of God...not just soundbites.
Fellowship ~ We need to lift up and encourage one another. It's not easy being a Christian. We need to be around other believers so we can learn from and strengthen one another. I have learned a very important lesson about church...I am not to go so I get something out of it, rather, I am to go to love and serve my fellow Brethren.
Communion ~ This is touchy with many denominations. Some insist on doing communion every Sunday, and others do it once a month. I feel it is important to have communion with other believers, but we need to be free of hate and anger when we do it, and we need to know WHY we do it.
Some faiths say that the bread and wine actually turn into the flesh and blood of Jesus during communion. This would be cannibalism. Jesus chose bread and wine since in those days, those were staples of every dinner. He wants us to pray and remember Him when we sit down to eat at least once a day.
Prayer ~ We need to pray privately, but also with other believers. Jesus said in Matt 18:20 that He is amongst those that pray together. He loves it when we gather and worship Him in song and prayer!
(v.47) These early Christians were good citizens, and they were looked upon by the Romans as nice and orderly people. It wasn't until the Pharisees and the Jewish leaders persecuted them, that uprisings and riots occurred. Only then did the Romans come to hate the Christians since the Jews blamed them for all the troubles.
Getting back to the point of this verse...we are to be good people, who follow the laws of the land, and show love and service to our fellow man. We need to act out the Gospel instead of just proclaiming it by mouth.
Think and pray about the church you attend...is it doing ALL these things?
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