Nehemiah 5
(v.14) Like Daniel, Nehemiah refused to eat of the Persian cuisine. Instead, he grew and provided for himself. Even though we have grocery stores today, it's wise for all of us to have gardens where we can eat vegetables and fruits of our own.
Nehemiah 6
(v.9) When we are feeling weak or doubtful, we need to call upon God to carry our burden. Matt 11:28
(v.12) It doesn't say why, but Nehemiah sensed that he was being lied to. We have a fail-safe way to know if we are being deceived...the Word of God! Compare it to what you're being taught (especially from here) and make sure it's true. Acts 17:11
(v.16) Often, when great things are accomplished, it was because of God. The speed and efficiency of the wall being built was a tribute to the people's faith, and God's provision.
Nehemiah 7
We often skim over the genealogies, but they are there for a reason...God put those people there to document His work and His people in history. We hear today that the Jews "stole" the land from the Arabs and Palestinians...when they weren't there until after the Jews were spread out to all the nations.
Nehemiah 8
(v.6) For Christians, it's common to bow our heads when in corporate prayer. But it's not common to raise hands during song, or to get on our knees in public. I personally am doing more of that, not to gain attention, but to show God my stature to Him...lowly. Worship should come from the heart, and if one is moved to raise hands, then that is good. However, one shouldn't make such a commotion to draw attention to himself, for that is not the reason for worship...it should be all directed to God.
(v.17) I make a point to show my kids that the Jews had forgotten to celebrate the Feasts. This was mandated by God, yet all it took was one generation to not pass this along to their children, and the Feasts were forgotten.
Nehemiah 9
(v.3) We have it so easy nowadays...we go to church for a couple of hours on Sunday, and we think we're giving God a great amount of time! Here we see that they worshiped God for 8 hours!
After repenting, confessing their sins, and hearing the Word of God, the people were really growing in the LORD. This is what we must do. We don't have to spend 8 hours on Sunday, but we should try to pray more, read His Word daily, and sing to Him numerous times during the week. After all, He gave us life, so we should spend a substantial part of our day acknowledging what God has done for us!
Nehemiah 10
(v.28) We keep seeing the phrase, everyone with knowledge and understanding...these are people who have repented and are studying the Word. When we make the effort to seek Him, He rewards us with wisdom and blessings. Acts 17:27
(v.36) The concept of the first fruits is crucial. This goes with tithing, and in the case of children, we are to consecrate the firstborn son of the family to be dedicated to the LORD. I have daughters, but all three of them are learning God's Word, and I expect them to give their lives to God. My oldest has already been baptized at the age of seven, and I expect when she is a teenager, she will do it again...to proclaim her dedication to the LORD.
Nehemiah 11
The Jews welcomed and blessed the foreigners who wished to dwell with them...this is following God's commandments.
Nehemiah 12
(v.43) I have felt such great joy when around others who love and worship God! When we get together and when we collectively worship God, we can feel God's presence there!
Nehemiah 13
(v.2) God turns curses and trials into blessings. The outcome may not appear a blessing at the time, but we're always better off, and in a better state to be used by God because of them. James 1:2
(v.19) On Sundays, after we've gone to church, my family either spends the day with other families who are believers, or we stay at home to be together. During the week, our kids and ourselves are mixed among the secular world, at school and at work, so it's important to have a day where you spend time with only believers.
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