The Gospels: Practicing Righteousness
Matthew 6
(v.1) We are not supposed to tithe and show off what we give to God...that is between Him and ourselves. Besides, a person who wishes to have others know how much he/she gave, is only doing it for themselves...not for the worship of God.
In verses 9-13, we see the prayer that Jesus told His disciples to pray. It is often called the Lord's Prayer, but it's not the prayer of our LORD, it's a template for us to think on all the things of God in prayer.
The REAL LORD's Prayer is in John 17
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name
~ I teach my kids to pray TO the Father, IN THE NAME of Jesus. The Father is to be worshiped and hallowed or respected.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
~ This alludes to the two comings of Christ...He will come again and restore the earth to it's rightful owner (Jesus), and the whole creation will be like it was when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.
We are also to be mindful that our desires are often not good for us, so we are to trust in Him, to lead us and guide our lives the way He wants us to live for Him.
Give us this day our daily bread
~ God is our Provider, and He will give us all we need in life. Much like the Jews in the Wilderness who were fed by God with manna...they never went hungry.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
~ Only if we have forgiving hearts, can God truly forgive our sins. If we are saved, then we have a new heart that is loving and forgiving. Sure, we will have moments of hate and selfishness, but we won't let our lives be driven by hate and resentment.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
~ God doesn't tempt us, for He can't. But He does allow Satan to tempt us, and God pleads with us to rely on His strength, and His Word, to keep us away from falling into temptation for evil.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
~ It's all about Him, and the glory and praise goes to Him!
(v.16) Like tithing and giving, we shouldn't proclaim our fasting times as well. We shouldn't seem weak and hurting because we're fasting. In fact, when I have fasted, I have found that God strengthens me, and I don't feel weak. Appearing weak to others only is a ploy to tell them you're fasting!
(v.21) If we seek the approval of mankind, then that's as much as we'll get here on earth. But if we seek God's approval and blessings, then He will deliver and prepare wonderful rewards in heaven for us! It's an easy choice!!!
You cannot serve God and mammon.
~ Mammon is money, and if we place riches and material things as important in our lives, then we aren't following God. There is a phrase that is often misquoted that most of us have heard:
Money is the root of all evil...but the Scripture says the LOVE of money is the root of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10
That is a big difference! God blesses some of us with money, and it's up to us to use that money for His purposes, by donating and supporting ministries that do God's work.
(v.33) If we lay our troubles at the foot of the cross, and let Jesus take care of them, then we won't worry and stress ourselves out. It all comes down to the fact of whether we trust God or not.
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