The Gospels: Jesus Heals the Sick
Matthew 8
(v.2) This is important to stress to our kids...God heals who He wants to heal. He has reasons for what happens in our lives, and we need to trust Him no matter what the outcome. We need to have Rom 8:28 on our minds whenever we don't understand why we're going through a struggle.
(v.4) I point out that Jesus wanted the man to obey the Law, and go to the priests, and follow the Law regarding healings and offerings. Remember, when Jesus came the first time, He came to fulfill the Law for us. Matt 5:17
(v.8) This centurion leader knew who Jesus was...and he knew that Jesus, being the Creator of the universe, could speak a word, and the servant would live. Jesus healed people who believed.
(v.10) Jesus was pleased with the amount of faith this man showed...shouldn't that be our goal?
(v.14) This is one verse that contradicts the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, which insists that all priests, bishops and popes should not marry. If they claim that Peter was the first pope, then why does he have a mother-in-law?
I'm not trying to pick on the RCC, but just as in the Protestant practices of men, over time, the Word has been altered, added to or deleted. This is the curse of religion...trying to earn our way to God, instead of just accepting that He did the work for us, and all we have to do is put our faith in that!
I ask that all my Catholic friends look into this, and just follow the Bible, and not the practices and rules of men.
(v.24) My kids love it when I act out the fear and panic of the disciples, and Jesus is asleep! Remember, these disciples were experienced fishermen, and they knew these waters. This was a demonic storm, and like other times, the demons obey Jesus and the storm subsided.
(v.29) Like the demonic storm we just read about, these demons in these men knew who Jesus was. Notice that they say torment us before the time? They know their ultimate fate...torment in hell for eternity. Hell is real, and those who reject what God did for them in Christ, will suffer eternal torment physically and mentally.
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