The Gospels: Wise Servants & Beware Hypocrisy
Luke 12
(v.1) The Pharisees were supposed to be teaching the people, and helping them grow closer to God. But in reality, they were only growing their power, and condemning the people for their sins. They were too focused on the Law and traditions, that they forgot what they were for! Remember, leaven is like yeast, and it puffs up like pride...God hates pride...Satan rebelled because of pride.
(v.2) Isn't this reassuring? God will not keep His wisdom from us, but we need to be seeking and looking for it, in order to attain it.
(v.5) Too often, people fear evil people on earth, and not what happens after death. Our days are numbered, so we need to make the most of them and focus on the One who has the power to cast us into hell, or welcome us into heaven!
(v.8) Christianity is not private...we are to share God's love and what He did for us on the cross to all who will listen. Then, we let the Holy Spirit do the rest!
(v.15) A successful life is not measured by what we attain in material things or financial wealth. Jesus shows us that what is important, is to love others in His name, and reach out to the lost...that is what builds up rewards and treasures in heaven, that NO ONE can take away from us.
(v.31) If we stay focused on what God is leading us to do, He will provide for us.
(v.34) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Amen!!!
(v.48) We need to remember that with God's blessings, comes expectations. If we are given His wisdom and situations for us to be giving, we need to follow through with love and service to others.
(v.51) People who don't know Christ, think that He is love...He is, but He is also the One to bring wrath and justice upon the earth in the last days.
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