The Gospels: Jesus is the I AM
John 8
(v.3) One thing I point out to my kids, is that the Pharisees brought this woman (Mary Magdalene) to Jesus. They set her up, and now they are using her to try to set up Jesus!
Of course, Jesus wasn't fooled!!!
(v.8) Scholars believe that Jesus was righting the sins of the Pharisees, from the oldest to the youngest...once they saw that He knew their sins, they dropped their rocks!
(v.11) One thing to keep in mind...no one can go sinless the rest of their lives, but Jesus was talking about the lifestyle Mary Magdalene was in...prostitution. Like other lifestyles of sin (homosexuality, thievery, lying, etc) we must stop letting that be a habit, and let God deliver us from the slavery to sin.
(v.12) Jesus is the light of the world! Psalm 119:105
(v.18) Here again, Jesus declares Himself God!
(v.21) Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, who were not saved. Jesus was referring to the part of Hades or Sheol, called Abraham's Bosom. Luke 16
(v.28) Jesus is prophesying of His crucifixion and their eventual realization of who He is! You just know they remembered these words when Jesus was on the cross!
(v.32) Becoming a follower of Christ is great, but we do have added pressures and hardships because of it. However, we do have an inner peace that the lost can't understand...the Truth has set us free from the bondage of sin!!!
(v.51) Jesus is speaking of spiritual death here. There is a great saying about being born again:
Born twice, die once...Born once, die twice.
(v.56) Jesus is telling the people that He is God, for Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus conquer sin and death!
(v.58) There is no sugar-coating this one...Jesus says that He was God, for He preceded Abraham!
Also, Jesus uses the words, I AM...that is the name of God...I AM WHO I AM...YHWH. Exo 3:14
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