The Gospels: The Parables of Faith
Matthew 13
Why did Jesus speak in parables?
First of all, Jesus spoke in terms that the Jews would understand, since they were farmers and gatherers. Also, Jesus explained the reason why He spoke in parables in Matt 13:11
God didn't make His Word in sections for Salvation, another section for Living Godly, another section for Creation, etc. He put all topics and doctrines in EVERY BOOK of the Word, so not only will we better remember it by reading it many times, but also, if one book is not read, the whole counsel of God is in the next book!
The Parable of the Four Soils
1. No Soil ~ Birds (typify evil) prevent faith to start. Not in a state to hear the Word and let it convict them. Evil and worldly things prevent them to listen with an open mind.
2. Shallow Soil ~ no place for faith to take root. Quickly fall away and die. Short time of joy and praise for God, but when the first trouble comes along, they fall away and don't trust in God.
3. Soil with Thorny Bushes ~ Cares of the world choke out true ambassadorship. Not fruitful because God is not feared or respected. They care too much about what other people think, or about material things to devote themselves to Christ.
4. Good Soil ~ Faith flourishes and bears fruit. A person who is willing to be used by God for His purposes.
Which one are you? I would suspect, if you're reading this blog, you're at least in soils 3 or 4. If you're in soil 3, then think about your priorities, and make sure that God is most important in your life, and NOTHING takes precedence over Him.
Parable of the Wheat and Tares
Sower ~ Jesus and His Spirit sows seeds that are to bear fruit.
Fields ~ The world...the seeds and weeds live together in the world.
Reapers ~ The angels gather the seeds, and the weeds are burned with the sower of the weeds, the devil. This is like what is described in Matt 25:32
Parable of the Leaven
Leaven is in Hebrew culture, equated with sin. Leaven is like yeast, which puffs up the bread. Pride is puffing oneself up, and God hates pride! This is a prophecy that the Church will become corrupt and sin will be prevalent in the last days.
Parable of the Hidden Treasure
Once someone discovers who God is, and what He did for us, we will give our lives to Him. The treasure (us believers) are hidden in the world (evil). God is searching for us who believe!
Parable of the Pearl of Great Price
Oysters and any shellfish are not kosher, so this parable is describing the Gentile Church. An oyster produces a pearl by great irritation (persecution) and the pearl is removed from it's home (the world) to be adorned and admired (the Bride by her Groom). This is talking about the Church as the Bride of Christ, and the love that the Groom, Jesus, has for her.
Parable of the Dragnet
Much like when the angels reap the wheat and tares, they will separate the good fish from the bad fish. Make sure you and your family are in the right pile of fish!
(v.55) It is so hard for someone to witness to family, since they know all our wrongs we committed. Of course, Jesus was sinless, but He was just a son of a carpenter growing up! They had a hard time thinking that a carpenter's son would be God! Of course, if they knew their Scripture, they would've known who Jesus was!
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