Esther 6
(v.3) God is not mentioned in this whole book, but I don't believe it was a coincidence that the king couldn't sleep the night before the banquet, and discovered that Mordecai the Jew helped him! God was at work here, and set the stage for things to come!
(v.10) This could be a scene from a movie! Haman thinks the king is about to honor him, and he speaks of lavish clothing, a parade and cheers to honor the king's anointed. Wouldn't we all love to have see Haman's face when the king said Mordecai the Jew...all of Haman's pride was deflated in one moment.
Here is a key point for our kids...it's at moments like these that define us. If Haman had repented and realized that he was filled with unjust hate, his life would have been blessed. After all, Mordecai helped the king with no intentions of notoriety or fame...just to do the right thing. But Haman's heart was hard, and he was being moved by Satan. His shock turned to rage, and ultimately, his destruction.
(v.13) Again, God is not mentioned here, but even Haman's servants and wife know that God has placed Mordecai in this position, and there is no fighting God! Unfortunately, Haman doesn't heed their advice, and brings on his own doom.
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