Esther 4
(v.3) It may seem that the people were crying, "Woe is me" but they were doing this in sackcloth and fasting...they were crying out to God! They were showing repentance to God! This is exactly what all of us need to do the moment we feel overwhelmed and persecuted...let the King of Kings take our burden on for us!
(v.4) Esther wanted Mordecai to approach the king, but later, she realized that she must do it...for fear of losing her life! I explain to my kids, that the custom then was that no one was allowed to just go talk to the king...they had to be asked for. Esther knew she was about to take a great risk, but it also was her only choice.
(v.13) Mordecai reminds Esther, that if she does nothing, then a great many of Jews would be slaughtered. Also, eventually the king or Haman would find out that she was a Jew herself, and she would have the same fate.
(v.14) ...for such a time as this...All of us are here right now for His purposes. We all have a calling and a duty to worship God and share His love with others. Mordecai knew God, and he knew that God works all things for good, for those who love Him. Rom 8:28
Esther knew what she had to do, but she didn't do it right away...why not? Again, God is not mentioned in this book, but if we remember the culture and the ways of the people of Israel in all these books, we can deduce that she fasted and prayed for three days. All the people did, and I like to make note of the fact that she did this for three days, then redemption came upon her people...just like Jesus after three days in the grave, redeemed us all by His resurrection!
(v.15) ...if I perish, I perish...I can relate to this being at peace with God. If He wants me home with Him in heaven, then I'm overjoyed! But if He wants me to work more on this earth, then He will protect me and guide me...to my joy! No matter what, I am at peace with my life and am not afraid of death...neither was Esther!
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