The Gospels: The Educated Will Not Believe
John 7
(v.5) Most would read this verse to say that Jesus' followers didn't completely believe in who He was. That is amazing in itself, since they had witnessed many miracles already, that only God could do!
However, in my Chuck Smith NKJV Bible, this verse has a reference to Psalm 69:8
I have become a stranger to my brothers. And an alien to my mother's children.
Scholars believe that Jesus suffered mental hardship as a child growing up...for one, He was conceived before Joseph and Mary consummated the marriage. Also, perhaps Jesus showed signs of His godliness, and was resented by His brothers and sister after Him.
The Roman Catholic Church claims that Mary stayed a virgin all her life, but in Matt 13:55-56 it lists His brothers and sisters from Mary and Joseph.
So, perhaps this verse is speaking about Jesus' actual brothers...Jude and James...who after His resurrection, came to be believers and active in the early church.
(v.7) When we witness and share the LORD with the lost, often we are criticized and accused of hate. Actually, their venom is directed towards Jesus, because His life and death confronts their evil in the face! Like cockroaches, evil hates to be exposed to light...they run for darkness. All of us have sins that we don't want others to know about. But with Christ in our lives, we don't care anymore about our past, and we look forward to a life living for Jesus!
(v.15) Jesus spoke as if He went to university, yet He didn't. What they didn't know, is that the Word of God is Jesus, and He gave the words to the different authors of the books that the Pharisees study!
(v.24) We are told by Christ to discern things and people, but judgment comes from Him. We can choose our friends and associates by their fruit, but only God will judge their lives and destiny to heaven or hell.
(v.29) As the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity, Jesus tells the Pharisees that He is from the Father. This is another instance where Jesus proclaimed Himself to be God.
(v.38) When we are saved and justified in Christ, our joy overflows, and we can't help sharing with the world! This is what was spoken of by Moses and Isaiah, which shows again how all through the Old Testament, it speaks of Jesus! Deut 18:15 & Isaiah 44:3
(v.39) Jesus' Living Water was a reference to the Holy Spirit, which fills us with everlasting peace and joy because we are God's children!
(v.46) I love the answer the guards give the authorities...No man ever spoke like this Man!
Even those charged with arresting Jesus were in awe of His authority and wisdom...He had to be who He said He was!
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