31 July 2010

31 Jul (Esther 3)

Esther 3

(v.1) Here we have the villain of the story...Haman. If we look back, we see that other people's actions help create this situation about to unfold:

In 2 Samuel 16 we learn of a descendant of King Saul, that was angry at David, and threw stones at David, as David fled Jerusalem. David's nerves and feelings were undoubtedly at a high point, and it would've been understandable if David had this man, Shimei. Mordecai is a descendant of Shimei! Here, God was working, for if David had killed Shimei, then Mordecai would never have been born!

Also, Saul disobeyed God, and didn't kill Agag...Haman is a descendant of Agag! 1 Samuel 15

So, by David's obedience, Mordecai was able to be used to encourage Esther and save God's people. And by Saul's disobedience, Haman was born to torment and try to kill all the Jews.

God wants obedience...sacrifices and rituals don't impress Him. Our obedience to Him makes a difference in the lives of others. 1 Sam 15:22

(v.2) Like Daniel and his friends before him, Mordecai would not bow to a man. Only God deserves this type of homage. Rom 14:11

(v.6) This is a good time to remind you kids that ever since Satan knew that God was going to redeem mankind through a Messiah, he persecuted and tried to kill off the possible chain of descendants. He tried with Moses, with the time of Esther, and we will see him try again with Herod during the time of Jesus' youth.

(v.13) This is a type of what will happen in the Day of the LORD...the world will try to wipe out Israel and Jerusalem in one day. But God Himself will come down and save Israel, like Mordecai and Esther do here.

30 Jul (Esther 2)

Esther 2

(v.5) Mordecai is Ether's cousin, and believed to be older than her by some years. Not only is he her cousin, but she probably thinks of Mordecai as a father figure whom she looks to for advice and guidance. Esther 2:7

Mordecai was a descendant of King Saul. 1 Sam 14:51 As we will see, Mordecai gave advice and encouragement to Esther...we all need a Mordecai in our lives. We don't need people who always say we're right, for how do we grow? We need friends and family who will remind us if we are sinning, or not acting godly. Also, we need someone whom we can turn to when we need wisdom and comfort.

(v.10) Mordecai is a counselor to Esther, and he gives her good advice the whole time. The whole Persian kingdom has many Jews amongst them, so they weren't being dishonest by not telling the court that she was a Jew...they never asked!

(v.11) Mordecai was more than a cousin to Esther...he was like a father, and like a father, he worried and was extremely interested in the state of Esther.

(v.15) This verse suggests that the other women brought extravagant things to try to impress the king, but Esther was humble, and her beauty did all the talking! As a father of girls, I remind them that beauty is more than skin deep...a godly man loves beauty, but beauty inside and out. If a woman is confident and humble, then an aura of beauty surrounds that woman!

(v.18) I remind my kids that this process took over a year...God is not mentioned here, but He is working the whole time! It is like that in our own lives...things happen now, and we may not see the meaning of it until many years later.

(v.22) Mordecai informed the king, via Esther, that there was a plot to kill the king...this will be critical a little bit later!

(v.23) The whole matter was recorded in the book of chronicles...Mordecai's service to the king will play a big role in this whole matter later.

29 July 2010

29 Jul (Esther 1)

The book of Esther is believed to have been written by Esther's cousin, Mordecai. After King Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, not all of them went...many stayed in Persia. Esther and Mordecai were among them, and God used them to save His people.

In Hebrew, the name Esther means "Something Hidden." What we don't notice right away, is that God is hidden all throughout this book! In fact, the name of God is not mentioned once!

But just as in our lives today, God is always there, and He's working in our lives. Esther is only one of two books named after a woman...Ruth being the other. Both women were brave, but they were also submissive to God's commands, and they let God use them for His purposes.

Esther 1

(v.10) The king was drunk with wine, and he ordered his wife, the queen, to dance provocatively for all the guests. She refused, and he denounced her title to the throne.

The "wise men" feared that if the other women of town heard that the queen stood up to the king, then they would do the same. The queen had to be made an example to all the women, that they were to be subservient.

One thing I teach my daughters, is that God does have men and women serve roles in society, and in the family. The man is to be the head of the household. But as we know, a man needs to have a good woman in order to be a good man! The wife is to allow the husband to make the major decisions, but I believe that he should always do that with fervent prayer and discussion with his wife.

The most controversial verses in the Bible are the ones where it says that wives should submit to their husbands.

Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the LORD
~Eph 5:22

The best way to describe this to our young girls, is to picture the model of Christ as the Bridegroom, and the Church as His Bride. Christ is our authority, and He provides and loves His Bride...the Church. As His Bride, we Christians are to submit to Him, and let Him make the big decisions in our lives.

But one thing men seem to forget, is that even though we are given the authority of the house, we are to submit to our wives as well. If we read on in the book of Ephesians, it says this:

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church and gave Himself for her. ~Eph 5:25

As a general rule, the man should lead the home, but the woman helps and has a huge influence with the children and management of the house. This is like the Bride, when united with the Groom in heaven, we will rule and reign with Him as kings and priests Rev 5:10...and we shall see Him as He is for we will be like Him. 1 John 3:2

In the end, we all have our roles, but in the eyes of the Father, we are equally loved, honored and respected.

28 July 2010

28 Jul (Zechariah 13-14)

Zechariah 13

(v.2) After the Day of the LORD, Jesus will put an end to idol worship once and for all. He will reign for 1,000 years with His people, and they will worship Him!

(v.6) What are these wounds? They are the holes in His wrists that show of His crucifixion! His brothers, and His people betrayed Him, and it all started in the Temple where He was falsely arrested and accused!

(v.7) When Jesus was arrested and crucified, all His disciples (except John) scattered and fled for fear of their lives! It's so neat to see things click with our kids, when they see that Zechariah was writing about the crucifixion of God...hundreds of years before crucifixion was even invented!

Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and His wounds and death saved us from death to sin. John 10:11

(v.9) God will judge with fire...for the unbeliever, it will be eternal torment. For the believer, it will refine us and make us beautiful in the Father's eyes! All because of our faith in His Son!

Zechariah 14

(v.3) Jesus will make all the unbelievers fight against Israel, and He will personally fight the battle for them! Take time to stress to your kids that Jesus fights our battles for us every day...if we let Him!

(v.5) ...and the saints with Him...

This is another proof that the Rapture will happen BEFORE the Great Tribulation. We who are His will come with Jesus, but Jesus will do all the work...just like He did all the work for our salvation! 1 Cor 15:23

(v.7) When Jesus returns, the whole universe will be affected...night will seem like day. Many scholars believe this is what Adam and Eve enjoyed while basking in the glow of the LORD in the Garden of Eden.

(v.9) Again, the word for LORD is Elohim...which means one, in the plural...this is the Trinity!

(v.16) During the Millennium, Jesus will oversee the Feasts and the people will observe them with their whole hearts...like it should have been the first time He came. But, God knew that sin had to be vanquished first, so He sent His Son to die for us before He came to take us home! Rom 5:8

27 Jul (Zechariah 11-12)

Zechariah 11

(v.12) This is an amazing chapter! I make sure to spend quite some time on this chapter, because it gives me goosebumps when I see how prophecy was fulfilled in every detail!

We need to compare this chapter with Matthew 26 and 27...

The price of a slave was 30 pieces of silver. If we remember the significance of silver, it is associated with blood. This is critical because Jesus was betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver in Matt 26:15

(v.13) I now go through methodically the events here in Zechariah:

~ 30 pieces of silver is the cost for the slave

~ The silver is to be cast down to the ground of the Temple

~ The potter who owns the field gets the money in the end

So if we go forward to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, we see the prophecy fulfilled perfectly!

~ Judas receives 30 pieces of silver for telling the Pharisees where Jesus can be captured Matt 26:15

~ Judas later regrets his betrayal, and throws the money on the floor of the Temple Matt 27:5

~ As Judas says in Matt 27:4 it is is blood money, and the Pharisees can't put the money back into the treasury according to the Law.

~ But they can use the blood money for future expenses, and they buy a field nearby to bury strangers who die in town. The owner of the field is a potter!

This is another of many examples that the Bible MUST have been written outside of our time constraints, for God knows the beginning and the end at the same time!

(v.15) The Antichrist is the Foolish Shepherd...he will lead people away from Christ. If we don't know God's Word, then we will be easily fooled to follow counterfeits.

(v.17) In Rev 13 the Coming World Leader (the Antichrist) will do signs and wonders and fool many people. We also see that he will be wounded in the head and right arm. Is this why the people who worship him will have his mark on their foreheads and right arms?

Zechariah 12

(v.2) Any time we see nations and people who go against Israel, we know that Satan is behind it. Conversely, God makes Israel to be such a sore spot with the ungodly, that they hate Israel and the Jews. This hatred will eventually lead up to the final battle, and God's judgment upon the world.

(v.4) In the Day of the LORD, God will bring great confusion upon the enemies of Israel, and they will kill each other and run around aimlessly.

(v.8) God is in control, and He will defend Jerusalem...not because they are holier than others, but because He promised Abraham and David that He would. There is at least one thing that God cannot do...LIE!

(v.10) ...and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced...

Again...crucifixion was not invented when this book was written...how did Zechariah know this? He did because God's Spirit told him to write this!

Jesus will return to His people when they recognize that their unbelief pierced their Messiah!

27 July 2010

26 Jul (Zechariah 9-10)

Zechariah 9

(v.3) For our kids, the historical aspects of this chapter aren't as relevant as the moral lessons. Tyre was a fortified and proud city. The Assyrians tried for five years, and the Babylonians for 13 years to conquer it, but never could.

We may know people who seem strong on their own power for a while, but sometime later, they will fall harder since they tried so hard to withstand life and reality. God will destroy Tyre (which is modern day Lebanon) in their pride...just like Satan.

Alexander the Great eventually conquered Tyre, and in only seven months!

(v.9) This verse should sound familiar to most Christians, since this is the prophecy of Jesus riding into Jerusalem as their King. In Dan 9:25 is the prediction of 173,880 days from the decree of the building of the temple to the Messiah entering Jerusalem...that happened to the VERY DAY as Jesus finally allowed the people to worship Him as their King in what we call the Triumphal entry...Palm Sunday!

(v.17) Jesus will return and save Israel from the Great Tribulation, and peace and joy will fill the earth!

Zechariah 10

(v.2) Parents...make sure you're in a church that teaches ALL of God's Word...verse by verse, book by book. Too many churches cherry pick what they want to teach, and leave out much of God's Word...the people are not being fed properly. It's like the four basic food groups...if we only get one or two, we are malnourished and ineffective...it's the same with God's Word!

(v.3) Lambs and sheep are good symbols in the Bible, but goats are not. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and He will separate the sheep from the goats in the end. The goats are the ones who refused to accept God's gift of grace on the cross. Matt 25:32

(v.4) Jesus is our Cornerstone...the piece of the Church that holds it all together. Without Him, it will eventually crumble. Matt 21:42 & 1 Peter 2:6

(v.12) We who are His walk in His strength...not our own. If we ever think we are mighty warriors FOR God, then we're being proud...we need to be mighty warriors OF God, in His strength.

25 Jul (Zechariah 7-8)

Zechariah 7

(v.5) Once again, when one fasts and denies their flesh to get closer to God, He responds and speaks to us. I recommend fasting at least once a month to get a recharge, and get closer to God. Of course, if the LORD leads you to fast more often, then hallelujah!

(v.6) God reminds us that fasting is for Him...not for ourselves. Fasting allows us to be vulnerable and dependent upon Him, and that's when He works in us!

(v.11) This verse describes unbelievers completely...they shut their ears and close their eyes to all the signs of God around them. They don't want to answer to anyone other than themselves, yet, as they find out later, they can never please themselves...there is always a need for more in our flesh. Only God fills that void...He is our Living Water and Bread of Life! John 4:10, 6:35

Zechariah 8

(v.3) Even though God dwelt amongst us in the person of Jesus during the Gospels, He is speaking here of the Millennium...where peace shall reign!

(v.5) The sound of kids playing is heartwarming to parents, just as it is to our Heavenly Father!

(v.12) God's promise to Abraham will be fulfilled in the Millennium.

(v.17) Do not be deceived says God, and treat each other with love...so many times Jesus said this when He was teaching His disciples. Luke 21:8 & John 15:12

26 July 2010

24 Jul (Zechariah 5-6)

Zechariah 5

(v.8) This is Wickedness! This should be familiar, since in Revelation 17:3 this same woman is described as the Mother of Harlots. In short, this woman represents the evil corruption in the world, where the abandonment of God's principles have become. God will one day make an end to greed and corruption, since it all goes back to pride...and we know who started that?...Satan!

(v.11) Shinar is what we would call Iraq today...but more specifically, it's where the tower of Babel was built...Babylon! Babylon is always the symbol of Satan and the world, where Jerusalem is the symbol of God and His people.

Zechariah 6

(v.1) These two mountains are believed by scholars to be Mt. Zion and Mt. Olivet, so the valley in between them is the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Many of us know this valley as the valley of Meggido...can you say Armegeddon?

(v.3) If we compare the chariots with the horses in Rev 6:1-8 we see an incredible likeness. This is because both Zechariah and John were given the ability to see the Day of the LORD!

(v.12) The Branch is Jesus, and He will build the Temple that will never be destroyed by human hands again!

(v.13) We clearly see that this Joshua is Jesus, since He is the only One who is a King and the High Priest...Levitical priests were never allowed to sit on the throne, and likewise, kings were never allowed to act as priests. King Saul found that out the hard way! 1 Sam 13:9

One thing to stress with your kids, is that the whole Bible is one message...the love of Christ! As we see here, and many other places, that the Old Testament points us to the fulfillments in the New Testament. They aren't separate books...they are one!

23 Jul (Zechariah 3-4)

Zechariah 3

(v.1) I make sure my kids know who is who here...

Joshua (High Priest) = Ye-ho-shua = Jesus = YHWH Saves

The angel of the LORD here is not a theophany, since Jesus is the High Priest. Heb 2:17, 6:20

This angel is the one who was talking with Zechariah...not The Angel of the LORD, which is Jesus. We know this, because the Hebrew language is very precise, and the definite article is not used here.

(v.2) Even though Jesus is sinless, He defends Jerusalem because He loves them...it's the same with us!

(v.3) Joshua (Jesus) is clothed in filth...symbolic of the filth of our sins.

(v.4) Jesus is in our place here, and He can't be before the Father in sin. That is why He died for us, so that we are washed in the righteousness of His blood. The Father only sees His Son when He sees us who believe!

(v.7) Even though we are washed clean by the blood of the Lamb, we are called to obedience...to spread the Word of the Gospel, and to love and serve mankind.

(v.8) The Branch is Jesus. He is the tender plant described in Isaiah 53:1 that brings forth life.

(v.10) In that day = the Day of the LORD! Matt 12:42

Zechariah 4

(v.2) The Lampstand with seven branches points to the seven churches described in Rev 1-3

Oil is a key element in the Bible:

~ It is used for anointing

~ It is used for illumination

~ It soothes and heals

~ It warms and invigorates

~ It polishes

...it's the Holy Spirit, and He does all this to us when we accept Christ and live for Him!

(v.14) The two Olive Trees represent the Two Witnesses, who are described again in Rev 11:3-12

Most scholars believe that the Two Witnesses are Mose and Elijah, since Moses represents the Law, and Elijah the Prophets.

25 July 2010

22 Jul (Zechariah 1-2)

The book of Zechariah is the most Messianic book of the Old Testament. In case your kids don't know what the word Messianic means, it means it describes the coming Messiah, or Savior...Jesus. Isaiah was the most quoted Messianic book of the OT, but Zechariah is the equivalent of Revelation in the Old Testament.

Zechariah 1

(v.1) Zechariah speaks of a time of repentance...the Day of the LORD. The names in Hebrew here are very telling:

Zechariah = Whom YHWH Remembers

Berechiah = YHWH Blesses

Iddo = The Appointed Time

So if we start from Zechariah's grandfather, and go through his father to himself, we get:

At the appointed time, YHWH blesses whom YHWH remembers.

God will remember His own...those who have faith and trust in Him. However, we must stress to our kids, that God loves all His creation, and He wishes for none to perish. 2 Peter 3:9

God is now dealing with Israel again in the last days...the Great Tribulation, for His Church, His Bride, is in heaven with Him!

(v.3) God pleads with us daily to Return to Me...this is the definition of repentance...to turn back to God and abandon our earthly, sinful ways.

(v.8) As with the book of Revelation, there are deep meanings of this vision that God gave Zechariah. Here are some key points to stress to our kids:

~ At nighttime, when darkness reigns, a Man was standing beside a red horse.

~ Red is symbolic of war and death...the judgment is upon the world. This Man is Jesus Himself, for He is getting reports from the other riders as to the status of the world. Also, Jesus is described in Isaiah 63:1-6 where His robe was red with the blood of the unbelievers.

(v.9) Don't confuse the angel who talked with me, with the Man standing next to the red horse. The angel who talked with Zechariah was an interpreter for him, as he saw the vision.

(v.11) Here again, in the OT, we see the definite article of angel...not an ordinary angel, but THE Angel of the LORD...Jesus in the OT. This is another theophany or Christophany.

(v.12) Zechariah hears Jesus speak to the Father!

(v.13) We don't know what the Father said to the Son, but we see that Jesus tells the angel speaking to Zechariah, that it's a good report...the time for redemption is at hand!

(v.15) We have a bad view of the word, jealous, since we associate it with pride and selfishness. But the Hebrew meaning for this word means devoted...that paints an entirely different picture! Jesus is our Intercessor to the Father, and He is looking out for us! Rom 8:34

(v.17) Jesus confirms His plan for Jerusalem...He has been angry, but He will return and establish peace and righteousness again in the Millennium. Once the Church is raptured, He will again focus on Israel.

Zechariah 2

(v.1) This angels is measuring Jerusalem...this is an angel, not Jesus, for He was giving orders. This angels is acting on orders. Angels were created to worship God, and serve Him by ministering to us! Heb 1:13-14

(v.8) God chose Israel to be the people He would reveal Himself through to the whole world! Therefore, He has a special place in His heart for Israel...they are the Apple of His Eye...they are special to Him.

(v.11) During the Millennium, Israel, and all the peoples from the Gentiles, who believe in God, will be His people. The Church will be in heaven at this time, but we are His as well. As God called Abraham the Father of the Faithful, so are all of us His people if we believe as Abraham did!

(v.12) Judah and Jerusalem is God's land...not the Palestinians' nor the Muslims' land...He gave it to Israel to inhabit, but Jesus purchased that land by His blood!

21 Jul (Job 38-42)

Job 38

God lists some of the things that He has done and continues to do...and obviously, Job has no response to this...none of us would. God's power makes us speechless, and all we can do is bow down to Him.

(v.7) The sons of God are angels...the Hebrew wording is Bene HaElohim. Again, Elohim is a plural noun listed in the singular...this is the Holy Trinity!

We don't know for sure when the angels were created, since there is not a verse or combination of verses that says so. However, in Gen 1:1, it says that God created the heavens and the earth. And in Exo 20:11 it says that He created the heavens and the earth in six literal days.

So the angels saw the creation of the universe and shouted for joy...so they were either the first thing that God created, or they were created early in the creation, perhaps before God created the whole univers and earth...the third day.

(v.17) God refutes Job's claim that he wished he were dead, so he wouldn't sense or know anything anymore. This is a common belief, that once dead, we will be without feelings. But God explains to Job that we will be conscious and know where we are. Jesus confirms this in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Luke 16:20-31

(v.32) Acturus is known as the Runaway Star, which wasn't discovered until the 20th century. How did Job know this? It's important to stress to our kids, that this is one of many proofs that the Bible was written by God, for it's outside our time domain.

Job 39

God lists a bunch of questions about His creation, that just by our own minds, to consider them and think of creating and maintaining them, is mind-boggling! God created all and keeps it in order daily!

Job 40

(v.15) Lazy scholars believe that the behemoth is an elephant. Most scientists today don't want to admit that God created the universe, that it happened by chance. This is another example of trying to fit the Bible into evolution.

Evolution is from Satan. Evolution comes in two parts...micro and macro. Micro Evolution is the subtle changes of a species as it adapts to their environment. For example, the shorter haired dogs survived in the hotter climates, and the longer haired dogs survived in the colder ones. They are all still dogs, but the DNA genes that they got were from their dog ancestors. All the information was there, but depending upon the environment, only the ones suited for that environment survived.

Micro Evolution is valid and we see it happen in science. For instance, a mouse that changes colors, or adapts to it's environment is an example of micro evolution. The key is the fact that the mouse is still a mouse...it hasn't changed species or kinds like the Bible says. However, we have NEVER seen a mouse turn into a cat, or anything like that in science.

Macro Evolution is the theory that one species adapts and grows into another species. This theory is full of holes, and there have never been legitimate examples of links of species. There are missing links, and there always will be, since God created all the animals with all the information and DNA at the beginning.

(v.17) We have never seen an elephant move it's tail like a giant cedar tree! The behemoth is a dinosaur, and they existed with man. After the flood of Noah, the environment changed dramatically, and all the bigger dinosaurs died off, since the oxygen in the air decreased considerably. Most of the bigger dinosaurs had nostrils the size of a modern day horse. The oxygen rich air before the flood was ample for these big animals to suck in enough oxygen to fuel their giant lungs. But after the flood, they couldn't breathe and died off.

Job 41

(v.1) This is another example of dinosaurs in the Bible! This creature was either a giant sea serpent, or a dragon of old legend.

(v.19) Here we see that Leviathan breathes fire...just like all the recorded drawings and lore of early man who describes dragons on the earth. It's likely that the dragons suffered the same fate as the dinosaurs, since their nostrils probably weren't sufficient to get enough oxygen after the air was altered by the flood of Noah.

Job 42

(v.5) Job says that he had heard of God by mouth, probably by his parents, but in the whirlwind and clouds, he saw God's majesty first hand!

Also, after God explained His work in all the creation, I believe that Job could rightly say, as we can today, that God's handiwork is evident to us in all His creation. The incredible skies, the seasons of the year, the human body and many other examples show us daily that there is a Creator who designed all of what we see! Psalm 19:1

23 July 2010

20 Jul (Job 3-37)

Job 3-37

Our Day by Day Bible skims over the middle of this book, mostly because the theme is the same...Job's "friends" keep trying to convince him that he brought on the trouble he had.

I think it's important to take time here and discuss with our kids the role that God plays in our lives and the highs and lows that we experience.

If we read Rom 8:28 we see that God uses the trials and hardships in our lives, to mold us into more like His Son. God doesn't tempt us, but He allows us to be tempted, so we CHOOSE to follow Him...even when we're not sure He's listening to us.

Our kids will ask this question, as we have ourselves during times when it seems that God has allowed tragedy to come into our lives...Why Do Christians Have Trials?

To Glorify God ~ There is no better witness, than when we're suffering, to show our faith and dependence upon God to others. Dan 3:16-18, 24-25

Discipline for Sinning ~ Our sins are forgiven, but there are consequences for our decisions in life. God uses discipline, like a shepherd who breaks the leg of a rebellious lamb, to keep it closer to Him and dependent upon Him. Heb 12:5-11, James 4:17, Rom 14:23

To Prevent Us From Falling Away ~ God uses trials to bring us to repentance, and to bring us back to Him. 1 Peter 4:1-2

To Keep Us From Pride ~ If life were easy after being born-again, then everyone would do it just for that reason! God doesn't want us to choose Him for the benefits only, He wants us to choose to follow Him because we love Him and are grateful for what He did for us! If we live life thinking we earned all that we have, we will not be grateful to God for what He gave us. 2 Cor 12:7-10

To Build Faith ~ We learn from our mistakes more than we do from our victories. By going through hard times, we learn more about ourselves, our family and friends, and mostly, we grow closer to God. James 1:2-4

To Cause Growth ~ We are justified in Christ by our asking God to be our Savior...but He is truly our LORD when we let Him guide our paths. Our lives after being born again is called Sanctification, and that is the process of becoming more like Christ. Prov 3:5-6, Rom 5:3-5

To Teach Obedience ~ This is one of the hardest to learn. God doesn't want our lip-service...He wants obedience. Actions speak louder than words. Acts 9:15-16

To Equip Us To Comfort Others ~ When a parent loses a child, or goes through divorce, only one who has walked in their shoes can relate and understand their pain. God uses us to grieve, listen and share our experiences with those who are going through what we already have. 2 Cor 1:3-4

To Bear Fruit of Our Faith ~ It's easy to praise God when times are good, but when they're tough, only the truly faithful keep their trust in Him. Sometimes, our actions will bring someone to Christ, just by our inner peace, knowing God will see us through. 2 Cor 4:7-11

For Testimony to the Angels ~ God created Mankind in His image, and the angels marvel as we struggle and fight evil to follow God. They rejoiced to see God make the universe, and they rejoice when another person is saved! Eph 3:8-11, 1 Tim 3:16

SOURCE: Hal Lindsey, Combat Faith

19 Jul (Job 1-2)

Job 1

The book of Job is believed to be the oldest book of the Bible, and scholars think that Job lived at the time of Abraham. One reason for this, is that this book doesn't mention the Law given to Moses, or any mention of the Levitical priesthood. This is significant, since Job was a priest, but before the tribe of Levi.

(v.6) I make certain that my kids know what sons of God means in the Hebrew Scriptures...it means angels. Angels were directly created by God...they weren't procreated like all of us after Adam and Eve. For that matter, Adam and Eve were direct creations of God...they were not birthed.

(v.7) It's important to discuss this with our kids...Satan seems to have access to God in heaven, but debate is still ongoing as to whether this is before the Fall of Adam, or after. It seems likely that this is after the Fall, since Satan is already accusing Job, and working to make him profane God's name.

One other thing to stress to our kids, is that Satan can't act unless God allows it. Does this mean that God causes trials in our lives? No, He doesn't...but He allows them to build our character. James 1:2 & Rom 5:3-4

(v.11) I firmly believe that when we are at our most vulnerable, is when we are victorious. When we're on top, we get a sense of power and invincibility. Satan made this point with Job...he was walking with God because he was so blessed. Satan believed that even the most faithful man would reject God if his life turned to hell.

Sadly, this has happened to so many people...they take God for granted while things are going well, but when disaster comes, they feel that God abandoned them. Whether we're doing well, or when we're having hard times, God is always with us. Heb 13:5

(v.21) Just as when David worshipped God after his son died, Job has the right perspective on things. God is in control, and this life is short. What matters is what we do with it while we have it. Both David and Job knew that they would see their family members again in heaven.

Job 2

(v.4) When our flesh is ailing, we are not in a good mood! It's so easy for us to act unrighteous when we hurt. Satan knew this, and he was betting that Job would profane God when he was in pain. Again, Job shows us that all is vanity, except for our relationship with God. Ecc 1:2

(v.9) Job's wife is typical of many people we know...fair-weather believers. When things are good, God is praised, but when things go bad, God is cursed. I make a point to my kids, that they should always be thankful for what they have, instead of focusing on what they don't have. Phil 4:6

(v.11) Job's three friends start out so well, but as we will see, they seek to find out why these things happened, and use man's wisdom to find the answers. They come to support their friend, which is good, but even if they had good intentions, their blaming of Job was both unbiblical and counter-productive.

(v.13) When someone you know has just experienced a great tragedy, there are no words to comfort them. What's important, is to be there for them. To grieve with them. Ecc 3:4

21 July 2010

18 Jul (Daniel 12)

Daniel 12

(v.1) There are three mighty angels, called cherubs, that we know their names:

Michael ~ God's fighting angel

Gabriel ~ God's messenger

Lucifer ~ Considered the head cherub, but fell away by pride

God describes the last days here...Michael will fight Lucifer and his demons, while the Jews will endure the Great Tribulation.

The key to this verse is the Book of Life...those who love and worship God by faith will be in it. Those that don't will face eternal torment for their foolish pride.

(v.2) Everyone who has lived will be resurrected...the faithful and the unbelieving. All will stand before God and give account for their lives. The good news is that those in Christ will be judged in order to receive rewards in heaven, while the unbelievers will face judgment based upon the Law.

I think it's important to hammer home the concept of resurrection. We would not be saved unless Jesus was resurrected...we would be eternally in this sinful state. I remind my kids that after Adam and Eve sinned, God sent them out of the Garden of Eden, in order that they don't eat from the Tree of Life...if they had then, they would have spent eternity in their sinful state. It took the blood of God to wash that away, and to be resurrected into His heavenly body. We will do the same. 1 Cor 15:35-44

It makes more sense to my kids when I remind them that after Jesus was resurrected, His disciples didn't recognize Him at first. There was something different about Him. But after they spent some time with Him, they knew it was Him. This is what will happen with us...we will have our earthly bodies resurrected, and God will give us an immortal body. We will recognize family and friends, but we'll all be slightly different, and able to enjoy more than the four dimensions we experience now!

(v.4) Daniel didn't completely understand all this that God told him, but as history has unfolded, and the current events that line up with prophecy, we have the privilege to see God's Word come to life!

(v.10) We are wise because we have God's wisdom...the more we read and study the Word, the more we'll understand it. When we understand it, we can see God's plan of redemption clearly, and we see His will acting out in our lives.

(v.13) God tells Daniel to not worry about the prophecies, since he will be in the grave by then. But again, God tells Daniel that he will be resurrected in the last days, and then he will understand.

17 Jul (Daniel11)

Daniel 11

This chapter has incredible prophecy in it. For most kids, at least not yet in high school, the details of the kings won't make much sense. However, God documents the order of succession for Persia, Greece, and the fall of Greece...hundreds of years before they happened!

(v.32) The term, Abomination of Desolations, refers to the blasphemy of the Holy of Holies in the Temple. This is believed to ignite the Maccabees revolt, which took Rome years to put down.

A few hundred years later, Jesus told His disciples that the same thing will happen in the last days.

For families that love history, use a secular history text, and compare it to this chapter...you will see that it matches exactly! God is outside of time, so He can see the ending and the beginning of things at the same moment. I describe it as like being in a helicopter over a parade. The people in the streets only see what's happening in front of them, but the helicopter can see the beginning of the parade and the end of the parade at the same time!

16 Jul (Daniel 10)

Daniel 10

(v.5) Daniel shows us that fasting and seeking the LORD is when He will speak more clearly to us. The appearance of this "man" is the same as what the Apostle John documents in Rev 1:15

This "man" is Jesus Himself! This is another theophany or Christophany! Jesus in the Old Testament.

(v.8) I think of the great song by Mercy Me, called "I Can Only Imagine" where the words wonder if we will stand before our King, or if we'll even have the power to. Perhaps we will fall on our faces, and like here, Jesus will lift us up with His power.

(v.11) As I shared before, only two men in the Bible were called beloved by God...Daniel and John. Both of them were given exclusive and detailed visions of the end times.

(v.13) The Prince of Persia is a reference to Satan, so many people think that this person with Daniel can't be Jesus. But the description of Him is exactly the same as in Rev 1:15 and I believe other scholars who feel that Jesus didn't deal with Satan right then, because it wasn't the right time. So instead, God sent Michael, another cherub, to deal with Lucifer the cherub. This was a confrontation of mighty angels!

(v.16) Daniel wouldn't have called an angel, My lord. Also, when angels had people bow down to them, they would quickly rebuke them, and tell them that only God is to be bowed down to...this had to be God Himself...Jesus...the Son.

(v.20) If we remember, Babylon was conquered by Persia, and Persia by Greece. So Jesus is telling Daniel that He has been working and fighting with the power behind these empires...Satan.

20 July 2010

15 Jul (Daniel 9)

Daniel 9

This is one of the most important chapters in the whole Bible! If we understand what God is saying through Daniel, we will understand Revelation and the Gospels so much better!

(v.4) Daniel knows that the 70 years of servitude Jer 29:10 is about to be up, and what does Daniel do knowing that God's Word will happen like always? He prays! Even when we know that God is doing something in our lives we must praise Him and converse with Him in prayer.

(v.6) I point out to my kids that Daniel includes himself in the sinful state of the people, yet, the two men who were given great insight and power were Joseph and Daniel.

(v.21) As we read Daniel's emotional prayer, Gabriel arrives to give Daniel some prophecy from God. As we shall see in the Gospels, it is Gabriel who seems to be the messenger of the Cherubim, while Michael is the fighter.

This should also remind us that God will reveal things to us, if we are in steady and heartfelt prayer.

(v.23) Daniel is called beloved...there are only two individuals called this in the Bible, and they were both given vividly detailed last-days prophecies...Daniel and John. Daniel pens this book and especially this chapter with huge insight, and likewise by John with the book of Revelation.

(v.24) I remind my kids that in Jewish culture, and in the Bible, numbers represent things. The number seven typifies completion, so the seventy years of servitude by the Jews was a result of 70 years of ignoring the sabbath of the land. Lev 25:4

In Jewish culture, a week is not just seven days...they think of things in weeks...weeks of days, weeks of months, weeks of years. So, seventy weeks in this case is meaning seventy times seven years, which is 490 years. We need to look at this in years, not the typical week we in the Western world are used to.

This verse summarizes the total time of redemption for Israel...seventy weeks of years. In the end, Jesus will return and be anointed the Most Holy.

(v.25) The decree or command (depends upon what Bible you have) was by Artaxerxes Longimanus to rebuild the city and Temple on March 14, 445 BC. This started the six and sixty-two weeks of this verse...69 weeks.

Sir Robert Anderson, in 1894, calculated the days until Messiah the Prince comes, was exactly 177,880 days...April 6, 32AD the VERY DAY that Jesus proclaimed Himself King of the Jews and rode into Jerusalem on a donkey! Zech 9:9 and Luke 19:35

I take a moment to let that sink in with my kids...and myself! God had it documented, hundreds of years in advance, that the Persian king would proclaim the city to be rebuilt, and exactly to the day, the day the Messiah would come to save the world! This is exact mathematics, and it is one of many proofs that the Bible was written and inspired by God, since He is outside our time constraints.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem, since they didn't know the VERY DAY that God would provide for them their King. Luke 19:41-44

(v.26) Messiah shall be cut off...the Jewish Scriptures predict that the Messiah will be executed...just as Jesus was!

...but not for Himself...Jesus had to die, and for all of us! The Gospel is written in the Old Testament!

In 70AD, the Romans destroyed the sanctuary (the Temple), but the last part of this verse is considered an interval, since it hasn't happened yet. Much like in Revelation, where there is a pause before the judgement of God. Rev 12:6

This week before the 70th week is known as the Times of the Gentiles, where the Church is on the scene. After the Rapture, God will focus again on Israel, and the 70th week will be fulfilled. The reason for the delay, is that God has a number that He wants to have with Him forever from His Church...when that number is attained, the Rapture will happen, and He will send His Son down to earth again to bring His wrath and judgment!

(v.27) This last week (the 70th week) will be the time of the Tribulation. The Antichrist will make a covenant with Israel, let them build their Temple again, and rule the world by a world government.

Halfway through the seven years, the Antichrist will not let the Jews do their Temple sacrifices and practice their Mosaic laws, and then do blasphemy in the Temple itself. This will bring on the Great Tribulation for the last 3.5 years, and then Jesus will come back.

The more we understand this chapter, the more we will see the book of Revelation, the Gospels, and the whole Bible become clearer! If these things are still fuzzy, I suggest you read more on this, and make sure your kids see that God predicted all this a long time before they happened!

14 July 2010

14 Jul (Daniel 8)

Daniel 8

(v.3) For our kids, these animal images can be confusing, and they can miss the point of the prophecy. The ram is symbolic of Persia, since they venerated the ram, and the king of Persia rode out to battle wearing a ram's horns on his head.

The goat represents Greece, which quickly conquered the whole civilized world...that is why he is described as not touching the ground...he flew over the whole area quickly! Also, the goat is the symbol of Greek mythology and astrology...it is Capricorn. God knew that most the world would associate the ram with Persian and the sign Aries, and the goat with Greece for Capricorn.

(v.21) If we study history, we see how accurate this prophecy was! After Alexander conquered the whole known civilized world, he was bored and depressed...he had no one to conquer anymore. He wanted the thrill of conquest, and when that was gone, he died.

The empire was given to Alexander's four generals, who ruled over the four corners of the empire...so the four horns from the one describes them coming from Alexander!

(v.19) We see that the little horn will come at the end of days...it is a symbol of the Antichrist, who will do the Abomination of Desolation...he will do blasphemy in the Holy of Holies of the Temple. This will trigger the return of Christ.

(v.25) The Antichrist will trick the foolish masses to believe that he is god, and lead them to their doom. He will say he is the christ, and those who don't know God, will be fooled.

With what is going on in the world today, where people trust the United Nations to secure peace for the world, they will be disappointed. Those who don't know the Prince of Peace, will seek someone who will tell them what they want to hear...they want to hear that they have peace and safety, when destruction is really around the corner. 1 Thes 5:3

The Prince of princes is Jesus, and He will destroy the Antichrist and satan by Himself. Rev 19:20

(v.27) Daniel was feeling terrible, since he was shown the destruction and misery of the last days...all because so many people refused to obey and worship God. Also, notice that he didn't understand the vision...not until today, can we see prophecy come alive in the evening news!

Try to imagine if we were Daniel, where we were seeing future kingdoms and empires, with the Antichrist and God Himself...it must have seemed a little cloudy, but I'm sure Daniel knew that God was speaking to him for our sake...so we can know the season of His return! 1 Thes 5:4

One thing I stress with my kids, is that the whole Bible speaks of one thing...Jesus performing the work of redemption for His own, and His wrath and judgment upon those who reject Him.

I take time to show my kids that prophecies in the Old Testament are mirrored and fulfilled in the New Testament...they work together as one book!

13 July 2010

13 Jul (Daniel 7)

Daniel 7

As with Daniel 2 and in Revelation, there is imagery of beasts that can confuse adults, so it's easy for kids to miss the point of these beasts.

As I listed in chapter 2, these four beasts represent the four world empires that would rule over Israel until the Messiah came.

LION = Babylon (man's heart hints at Nebuchadnezzar's new heart of belief after being like a beast of the field)

BEAR = Persia (Persia powerful like a bear, and fought three campaigns which is mentioned as the three ribs in its mouth)

LEOPARD = Greece (Alexander the Great conquered the world in amazingly quick order. The wings typify this quick movement. Also, the four heads references the four generals who will take over after Alexander dies)

TERRIBLE BEAST = Rome (When Rome conquered a country, it demolished it. Also, the ten horns represent the ten toes of the statue in Dan 2 and also the ten nations in the confederacy described in Rev 12:3 & 13:1

(v.9) These thrones are the thrones of the 24 elders of the Church, described in Rev 20:4

The Ancient of Days is the Father, and His appearance matches that of Rev 1:14

(v.10) We see the Book of Life being opened here with Jesus before His Church, as described in Rev 5:11 & 20:11-15

(v.13) The Son of Man is Jesus, and He was given dominion of all the earth by the Father, to take over and rid the world of Satan and evil. Rev 20

I like to tell my kids this...Adam was given dominion over the earth but lost it when he sinned. Satan has dominion now, but Jesus purchased it on the cross...He will claim the title when He returns!

(v.14) Starting with the Millennium, Jesus will reign forever!!!

(v.18) We who follow Jesus are saints in the eyes of the Father...we will rule and reign with Christ! Rev 5:10

(v.25) The Antichrist will speak blasphemous things, and exalt himself...but Jesus will set him straight!

(v.28) Daniel didn't understand this vision, and it troubled him. Not until the New Testament and the book of Revelation was penned by John, can we connect the dots and fully understand what Daniel saw.

This is what brought me back to Christ...to see so many different people, over thousands of years, from different nations and cultures, writing the same thing...Jesus is God and our Savior!

12 July 2010

12 Jul (Daniel 6)

Daniel 6

(v.2) Daniel and his friends are in charge of all the satraps (princes) assigned to govern the small things and keep order.

(v.3) Since Daniel was elevated to be second in command, the princes were not happy. Daniel rose to power by his honor, much like Joseph did with Potiphar and Pharaoh. Gen 41

(v.4) That is a goal all of us should have, that even our enemies can't say anything bad about us! What a witness!

(v.9) Since they couldn't find fault in Daniel, they used his faithfulness against him. This reminds me of the Islamic terrorists who use our freedom against us, and attack us because we allow freedom and free will.

(v.10) Notice that Daniel knew of this decree, yet he went and prayed anyways. As Jesus said in Matt 22:21 that we should obey man's laws. But there is a point where man's laws force us to disobey God, and we should always stick with God's Word when faced with that dilemma.

We also see that Daniel was a man of prayer...I try to pray many times a day, and I feel that the more I pray (sometimes just a few words or sentences) I am more conscious of God's presence.

(v.14) The king realized he was tricked, and worried about the fate of Daniel.

(v.16) This reminds me of Nebby, where this king Darius admired and liked Daniel as well. Like Nebby, Darius had come to know God, and he knew that God would protect Daniel.

(v.18) Just as we trust in God, we need to fast and pray for His protection...Darius is a good example to us.

(v.21) If we are His, we are in His care and protection. Of course, many faithful servants have died martyrs, but that's because God wanted to use that martyr to influence others. We need to remember what Daniel's friends said in chapter 3, and know that God can protect us, and if He doesn't, it's because He has bigger plans for us.

(v.26) Darius makes a decree much like Nebby did, proclaiming Daniel's faith, and praising the living God who's dominion shall endure to the end.

11 Jul (Daniel 5)

Daniel 5

Nabonidus was the son of Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar was the grandson of Nebby. Nabonidus took an army to Arabia and remained there for many years, leaving his son, Beshazzar, to govern in his place.

(v.2) Belshazzar sealed his fate by using the cups and things from the Temple, that was taken by his grandfather, Nebby. Notice that the word here is father, but that just means an ancestor, much like how in the NT, David is described as the father of Jesus, when they were generations apart. Matt 1:1

(v.4) How foolish we can be, when we not only ignore the Holy God of the universe, but we use things that are supposed to be His for our own sinful purposes. This is like a pastor using his place in the eyes of the church to further his own wealth.

(v.6) In English, it just seems that Belshazzar was scared...he was, but in Hebrew, his hips being loosened means he soiled himself...that is scared!

(v.8) This worldly king sought man's wisdom to interpret this mysterious writing, but we shall see that Nebby's wife, Belshazzar's grandmother, points to Daniel as the only source to interpret the writing.

(v.11) This grandmother gave Belshazzar a good dressing down as they say...she called him out, and reminded him that his grandfather, Nebby, was a real king.

Notice here, that she reiterates the fact that Daniel was in charge of the astrologers, which when the Persians take over, are called the Magi.

(v.14) How foolish! Belshazzar heard of the wisdom of Daniel from the Spirit of God, yet Belshazzar had never called upon him until now! Don't we all know people like this, who know OF God, but they don't really KNOW Him?

(v.17) Daniel rightly refuses these "gifts" and tells Belshazzar his fate.

(v.21) Daniel reminds Belshazzar of the greatness of his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar. He recounts how he was proud like Belshazzar, but he came to believe in the Most High God.

(v.23) I like to remind my kids that God holds every breath we take in His hands...things we don't even think about and take for granted, are not trivial to the Creator of the universe!

(v.25) Here is what the writing means:

MENE = This kingdom of yours is over

TEKEL = You have been judged and you have been found guilty

PERES = Your kingdom will be divided and you will die

(v.30) God's prophecy came true in one night!!!

10 Jul (Daniel 4)

Daniel 4

A little trivia...this is the only chapter written by a Gentile in the whole Old Testament! Nebby is writing this after the events took place, and we can see that he has come to believe in God!

(v.2) Whether Nebby still believed in all the little gods or not, we can see that he knows there is One Almighty God!

(v.8) Nebby uses the name Daniel, instead of the Aramaic name he gave him...perhaps the Holy Spirit moved him to do this to speak to the Jewish people?

(v.9) Two important things here...first, Nebby calls the God of Israel holy...how did he know this? I think most people would reason that since Daniel lived such a good and righteous way, that Nebby connected that to the source...God!

Also, Nebby shows us that Daniel is in charge of the magicians. These magicians have another name in the future...the Magi. The three Magi who came at Jesus' arrival on earth were told, generation to generation, to look for a supernatural star that would be the sign of the Messiah of the world.

(v.19) I point out to my kids that at this time, Daniel and Nebby like and respect each other. Nebby seeks Daniel's wisdom, and Daniel wants Nebby to avoid his discipline by acting right.

(v.28) Imagine yourself writing for all the known world, describing your own foolish pride, and the humiliation that followed! It takes a lot to do that, but I believe that the Holy Spirit inspired Nebby to be truthful, and perhaps because Nebby was a believer now, he can look back on his foolishness and want others to learn from it.

(v.36) This is common in the Bible...when people God wants to use are lowly or proud, He will break them down so they can be humble servants. Often, He will then give them blessings that they never would have enjoyed in their sinful state. God rewards obedience!

(v.37) Nebby is a believer, and he praise the LORD...this is the life of a Christian who is walking with God!

10 July 2010

9 Jul (Daniel 3)

Daniel 3

(v.1) The root of Nebby's pride may have been from a revolt in 596 B.C. so he made this image to require the people to decide who's side they're on. About 20 years have passed since Nebby had Daniel interpret his dream...time allows us to forget God and what we should hold onto.

(v.13) Jews were forbidden to bow before any image in Exo 20:4, Lev 26:1 and Deu 16:22

(v.15) I point out to my kids that Nebby liked Daniel and his three friends, so he gave them a second chance...they were favored in his eyes. Also, notice what Nebby says here:

And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?

Remember this for later in the chapter, for Nebby himself will answer his own question!

(v.18) This is key to the Christian faith...God can get us out of any situation...it just depends upon His purposes and His will, to determine whether we are spared or not. It's hard for all of us to understand sometimes, especially kids, when someone who is faithful is hurt or killed. We as parents need to focus on the goodness of God, and that He sees the big picture...someone may be touched eternally towards salvation by the misfortune of a faithful saint.

(v.25) I suggest you take time to explain a few key elements to this verse:

~ The fire only burned the ropes that bound them...God's eternal fire frees those who are His

~ Take a quick look at Rev 7 where God seals or protects the 144,000 Jews...remember that Daniel is a type of the Church, and he is absent (like the Rapture of the Church after Rev 3) and God will protect His elect during the Tribulation (like Daniel's three friends who are a type of Israel).

~ There was a fourth person there...Jesus Himself! Even Nebby sees that this "man" was like the Son of God...that's because He is!!!

(v.27) As in Rev 7 there are the faithful Jews who are sealed and protected from harm in order to fulfill God's purposes. Daniel's friends are symbolic of Israel in the last days...those that are sealed by God will be free to preach the Gospel and fear nothing.

One thing you can ask your kids, is where is Daniel at this time? He is never mentioned in this chapter.

If we understand the last days, then the model fits...Daniel represents the Church that has been raptured, while God seals the faithful Jews during the time of the Great Tribulation. God has removed His Church from the scene, and goes back to focus on the redemption of Israel.

09 July 2010

8 Jul (Daniel 2)

Daniel 2

(v.4) In order to let your kids understand what is happening here, we need to go back a bit in history. Nebuchadnezzar inherited the throne, and the so called "wise men" worked for his predecessor. I think old Nebby wanted to see how wise they were, and to see how loyal to him they were.

The Chaldeans were considered wise, and it's reported that they had the gift to interpret dreams. But here, Nebby doesn't tell them the dream for them to interpret...they have to know what the dream was, and then interpret it!

This is where God is at work...only He could know what Nebby dreamed, and only God knows what's in our hearts and thoughts.

My kids like to list the times God spoke to people through dreams:

~ Joseph, Jacob, Daniel, Joseph (earthly father of Jesus) to list a few

(v.14) I love Daniel...he calmly goes to the guard who's job it is to kill him, and reasons with the guard. This tells us that Daniel was mature beyond his years, and also, that he commanded respect that the guard would listen to him in spite of the possibility of Nebby's wrath.

(v.28) Daniel didn't take credit for the knowledge of the dream...he gave all the glory to God!

(v.38) Daniel describes this image of a man with different parts to him, representing future empires...it's prophecy of the future! Not only is this amazingly accurate with the subsequent empires after Babylon, but we also get an understanding of the final one in the last days:

Head (Gold) ~ Babylon

Chest (Silver) ~ Persia

Thighs (Bronze) ~ Greece

Legs (Iron) ~ Rome

Feet (Iron and Clay) ~ Rome 2

This is exactly what happened in history...Babylon was defeated by the Persians, who was succeeded by the Greeks, and then Rome dominated the world. But after Rome dissolved and broke into pieces, there will be a last empire during the times described in Revelation.

We will also see in Daniel 7, that these empires had animals that represented them:

Babylon ~ Winged Lion

Persia ~ Bear

Greece ~ Leopard

Rome ~ Terrible Beast

(v.43) This is an interesting verse if you notice that empire in the last days mingles with the seed of men. We have an allusion to the Nephilim again as we saw in Genesis 6. After all, it said there that as in the days of Noah, and also after that...which tells us that once again Satan's demons will be the cause of the earth's final showdown and destruction.

This last empire that is sometimes called Rome 2, will be a confederacy of nations that conspire to eliminate Israel once and for all. Some scholars think it's the Vatican and the European Union, and others think it's the nations listed in Ezekiel 38-39.
(v.47) Nebby sees that only the Almighty God could have shown Daniel these things. After reading the rest of this book, you might join me in believing that Nebby became a believer in the God of Israel.
(v.48) Like Joseph before him, Daniel went from prison to second in command. This is also a type of Christ, since He sits at the right hand of the Father.