23 July 2010

19 Jul (Job 1-2)

Job 1

The book of Job is believed to be the oldest book of the Bible, and scholars think that Job lived at the time of Abraham. One reason for this, is that this book doesn't mention the Law given to Moses, or any mention of the Levitical priesthood. This is significant, since Job was a priest, but before the tribe of Levi.

(v.6) I make certain that my kids know what sons of God means in the Hebrew Scriptures...it means angels. Angels were directly created by God...they weren't procreated like all of us after Adam and Eve. For that matter, Adam and Eve were direct creations of God...they were not birthed.

(v.7) It's important to discuss this with our kids...Satan seems to have access to God in heaven, but debate is still ongoing as to whether this is before the Fall of Adam, or after. It seems likely that this is after the Fall, since Satan is already accusing Job, and working to make him profane God's name.

One other thing to stress to our kids, is that Satan can't act unless God allows it. Does this mean that God causes trials in our lives? No, He doesn't...but He allows them to build our character. James 1:2 & Rom 5:3-4

(v.11) I firmly believe that when we are at our most vulnerable, is when we are victorious. When we're on top, we get a sense of power and invincibility. Satan made this point with Job...he was walking with God because he was so blessed. Satan believed that even the most faithful man would reject God if his life turned to hell.

Sadly, this has happened to so many people...they take God for granted while things are going well, but when disaster comes, they feel that God abandoned them. Whether we're doing well, or when we're having hard times, God is always with us. Heb 13:5

(v.21) Just as when David worshipped God after his son died, Job has the right perspective on things. God is in control, and this life is short. What matters is what we do with it while we have it. Both David and Job knew that they would see their family members again in heaven.

Job 2

(v.4) When our flesh is ailing, we are not in a good mood! It's so easy for us to act unrighteous when we hurt. Satan knew this, and he was betting that Job would profane God when he was in pain. Again, Job shows us that all is vanity, except for our relationship with God. Ecc 1:2

(v.9) Job's wife is typical of many people we know...fair-weather believers. When things are good, God is praised, but when things go bad, God is cursed. I make a point to my kids, that they should always be thankful for what they have, instead of focusing on what they don't have. Phil 4:6

(v.11) Job's three friends start out so well, but as we will see, they seek to find out why these things happened, and use man's wisdom to find the answers. They come to support their friend, which is good, but even if they had good intentions, their blaming of Job was both unbiblical and counter-productive.

(v.13) When someone you know has just experienced a great tragedy, there are no words to comfort them. What's important, is to be there for them. To grieve with them. Ecc 3:4

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