25 July 2010

21 Jul (Job 38-42)

Job 38

God lists some of the things that He has done and continues to do...and obviously, Job has no response to this...none of us would. God's power makes us speechless, and all we can do is bow down to Him.

(v.7) The sons of God are angels...the Hebrew wording is Bene HaElohim. Again, Elohim is a plural noun listed in the singular...this is the Holy Trinity!

We don't know for sure when the angels were created, since there is not a verse or combination of verses that says so. However, in Gen 1:1, it says that God created the heavens and the earth. And in Exo 20:11 it says that He created the heavens and the earth in six literal days.

So the angels saw the creation of the universe and shouted for joy...so they were either the first thing that God created, or they were created early in the creation, perhaps before God created the whole univers and earth...the third day.

(v.17) God refutes Job's claim that he wished he were dead, so he wouldn't sense or know anything anymore. This is a common belief, that once dead, we will be without feelings. But God explains to Job that we will be conscious and know where we are. Jesus confirms this in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. Luke 16:20-31

(v.32) Acturus is known as the Runaway Star, which wasn't discovered until the 20th century. How did Job know this? It's important to stress to our kids, that this is one of many proofs that the Bible was written by God, for it's outside our time domain.

Job 39

God lists a bunch of questions about His creation, that just by our own minds, to consider them and think of creating and maintaining them, is mind-boggling! God created all and keeps it in order daily!

Job 40

(v.15) Lazy scholars believe that the behemoth is an elephant. Most scientists today don't want to admit that God created the universe, that it happened by chance. This is another example of trying to fit the Bible into evolution.

Evolution is from Satan. Evolution comes in two parts...micro and macro. Micro Evolution is the subtle changes of a species as it adapts to their environment. For example, the shorter haired dogs survived in the hotter climates, and the longer haired dogs survived in the colder ones. They are all still dogs, but the DNA genes that they got were from their dog ancestors. All the information was there, but depending upon the environment, only the ones suited for that environment survived.

Micro Evolution is valid and we see it happen in science. For instance, a mouse that changes colors, or adapts to it's environment is an example of micro evolution. The key is the fact that the mouse is still a mouse...it hasn't changed species or kinds like the Bible says. However, we have NEVER seen a mouse turn into a cat, or anything like that in science.

Macro Evolution is the theory that one species adapts and grows into another species. This theory is full of holes, and there have never been legitimate examples of links of species. There are missing links, and there always will be, since God created all the animals with all the information and DNA at the beginning.

(v.17) We have never seen an elephant move it's tail like a giant cedar tree! The behemoth is a dinosaur, and they existed with man. After the flood of Noah, the environment changed dramatically, and all the bigger dinosaurs died off, since the oxygen in the air decreased considerably. Most of the bigger dinosaurs had nostrils the size of a modern day horse. The oxygen rich air before the flood was ample for these big animals to suck in enough oxygen to fuel their giant lungs. But after the flood, they couldn't breathe and died off.

Job 41

(v.1) This is another example of dinosaurs in the Bible! This creature was either a giant sea serpent, or a dragon of old legend.

(v.19) Here we see that Leviathan breathes fire...just like all the recorded drawings and lore of early man who describes dragons on the earth. It's likely that the dragons suffered the same fate as the dinosaurs, since their nostrils probably weren't sufficient to get enough oxygen after the air was altered by the flood of Noah.

Job 42

(v.5) Job says that he had heard of God by mouth, probably by his parents, but in the whirlwind and clouds, he saw God's majesty first hand!

Also, after God explained His work in all the creation, I believe that Job could rightly say, as we can today, that God's handiwork is evident to us in all His creation. The incredible skies, the seasons of the year, the human body and many other examples show us daily that there is a Creator who designed all of what we see! Psalm 19:1

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