26 July 2010

24 Jul (Zechariah 5-6)

Zechariah 5

(v.8) This is Wickedness! This should be familiar, since in Revelation 17:3 this same woman is described as the Mother of Harlots. In short, this woman represents the evil corruption in the world, where the abandonment of God's principles have become. God will one day make an end to greed and corruption, since it all goes back to pride...and we know who started that?...Satan!

(v.11) Shinar is what we would call Iraq today...but more specifically, it's where the tower of Babel was built...Babylon! Babylon is always the symbol of Satan and the world, where Jerusalem is the symbol of God and His people.

Zechariah 6

(v.1) These two mountains are believed by scholars to be Mt. Zion and Mt. Olivet, so the valley in between them is the Valley of Jehoshaphat. Many of us know this valley as the valley of Meggido...can you say Armegeddon?

(v.3) If we compare the chariots with the horses in Rev 6:1-8 we see an incredible likeness. This is because both Zechariah and John were given the ability to see the Day of the LORD!

(v.12) The Branch is Jesus, and He will build the Temple that will never be destroyed by human hands again!

(v.13) We clearly see that this Joshua is Jesus, since He is the only One who is a King and the High Priest...Levitical priests were never allowed to sit on the throne, and likewise, kings were never allowed to act as priests. King Saul found that out the hard way! 1 Sam 13:9

One thing to stress with your kids, is that the whole Bible is one message...the love of Christ! As we see here, and many other places, that the Old Testament points us to the fulfillments in the New Testament. They aren't separate books...they are one!

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