28 July 2010

27 Jul (Zechariah 11-12)

Zechariah 11

(v.12) This is an amazing chapter! I make sure to spend quite some time on this chapter, because it gives me goosebumps when I see how prophecy was fulfilled in every detail!

We need to compare this chapter with Matthew 26 and 27...

The price of a slave was 30 pieces of silver. If we remember the significance of silver, it is associated with blood. This is critical because Jesus was betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver in Matt 26:15

(v.13) I now go through methodically the events here in Zechariah:

~ 30 pieces of silver is the cost for the slave

~ The silver is to be cast down to the ground of the Temple

~ The potter who owns the field gets the money in the end

So if we go forward to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, we see the prophecy fulfilled perfectly!

~ Judas receives 30 pieces of silver for telling the Pharisees where Jesus can be captured Matt 26:15

~ Judas later regrets his betrayal, and throws the money on the floor of the Temple Matt 27:5

~ As Judas says in Matt 27:4 it is is blood money, and the Pharisees can't put the money back into the treasury according to the Law.

~ But they can use the blood money for future expenses, and they buy a field nearby to bury strangers who die in town. The owner of the field is a potter!

This is another of many examples that the Bible MUST have been written outside of our time constraints, for God knows the beginning and the end at the same time!

(v.15) The Antichrist is the Foolish Shepherd...he will lead people away from Christ. If we don't know God's Word, then we will be easily fooled to follow counterfeits.

(v.17) In Rev 13 the Coming World Leader (the Antichrist) will do signs and wonders and fool many people. We also see that he will be wounded in the head and right arm. Is this why the people who worship him will have his mark on their foreheads and right arms?

Zechariah 12

(v.2) Any time we see nations and people who go against Israel, we know that Satan is behind it. Conversely, God makes Israel to be such a sore spot with the ungodly, that they hate Israel and the Jews. This hatred will eventually lead up to the final battle, and God's judgment upon the world.

(v.4) In the Day of the LORD, God will bring great confusion upon the enemies of Israel, and they will kill each other and run around aimlessly.

(v.8) God is in control, and He will defend Jerusalem...not because they are holier than others, but because He promised Abraham and David that He would. There is at least one thing that God cannot do...LIE!

(v.10) ...and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced...

Again...crucifixion was not invented when this book was written...how did Zechariah know this? He did because God's Spirit told him to write this!

Jesus will return to His people when they recognize that their unbelief pierced their Messiah!

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