12 July 2010

11 Jul (Daniel 5)

Daniel 5

Nabonidus was the son of Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar was the grandson of Nebby. Nabonidus took an army to Arabia and remained there for many years, leaving his son, Beshazzar, to govern in his place.

(v.2) Belshazzar sealed his fate by using the cups and things from the Temple, that was taken by his grandfather, Nebby. Notice that the word here is father, but that just means an ancestor, much like how in the NT, David is described as the father of Jesus, when they were generations apart. Matt 1:1

(v.4) How foolish we can be, when we not only ignore the Holy God of the universe, but we use things that are supposed to be His for our own sinful purposes. This is like a pastor using his place in the eyes of the church to further his own wealth.

(v.6) In English, it just seems that Belshazzar was scared...he was, but in Hebrew, his hips being loosened means he soiled himself...that is scared!

(v.8) This worldly king sought man's wisdom to interpret this mysterious writing, but we shall see that Nebby's wife, Belshazzar's grandmother, points to Daniel as the only source to interpret the writing.

(v.11) This grandmother gave Belshazzar a good dressing down as they say...she called him out, and reminded him that his grandfather, Nebby, was a real king.

Notice here, that she reiterates the fact that Daniel was in charge of the astrologers, which when the Persians take over, are called the Magi.

(v.14) How foolish! Belshazzar heard of the wisdom of Daniel from the Spirit of God, yet Belshazzar had never called upon him until now! Don't we all know people like this, who know OF God, but they don't really KNOW Him?

(v.17) Daniel rightly refuses these "gifts" and tells Belshazzar his fate.

(v.21) Daniel reminds Belshazzar of the greatness of his grandfather, Nebuchadnezzar. He recounts how he was proud like Belshazzar, but he came to believe in the Most High God.

(v.23) I like to remind my kids that God holds every breath we take in His hands...things we don't even think about and take for granted, are not trivial to the Creator of the universe!

(v.25) Here is what the writing means:

MENE = This kingdom of yours is over

TEKEL = You have been judged and you have been found guilty

PERES = Your kingdom will be divided and you will die

(v.30) God's prophecy came true in one night!!!

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