07 May 2010

7 May (2 Chron 19-20)

2nd Chronicles 19

(v.3) God is angry at Jehoshaphat, but He also sees the good things he did. This is like us, where we mess up a lot, but God sees our hearts, and He knows we are trying to obey Him.

(v.6) If only our government in the USA would heed king Jehoshaphat's command, and work for the LORD, not for man. Of course, this also applies to us as ambassadors for Christ...even if we have evil or mean coworkers and bosses, we need to work for the LORD, and let Him direct our paths.

2nd Chronicles 20

(v.3) Fasting is crucial for growth in the LORD. There are different ways to do it, so think of something that you rely upon every day, and abstain from it. While doing that, pray at least five times that day, and see what God tells you. I have abstained from food for 24 hours, and only had liquids, and really felt God see me through the tummy grumbles, and a great peace comes over me. I try to do this the first Tuesday of every month, and depending upon my faith, I do it even more. I should do it more, and that is something I need to pray and seek the LORD with.

(v.11) I love how Jehoshaphat says that the land of Israel is God's land...not theirs! This king is showing us how to pray to God: acknowledge that He is Almighty, and that He is also Love. Then ask for Him to save you and guide you...then you are showing faith in Him.

(v.15) If we let God fight ALL our battles, we would be victorious every time! But we let our pride and flesh let us think that we can handle the "little" battles. If we hand our problems to Him, and walk in faith, we will see even more of His glory and blessings!

(v.18) We just had our National Day of Prayer, and oh how I wish our President would lead us in prayer and worship like king Jehoshaphat did here! Our Founding Fathers set up this country this way, and we have abandoned God in our public events. I pray all the time that God helps us go back to that kind of nation, where we seek His blessings and guidance in all our affairs.

(v.28) This is the way to take on our battles...let God fight them for us! I remind my kids that the people worshipped and sang to the LORD before the battle, and after the battle. This is key...they trusted in God that day, and they were blessed. We can learn a lot from this.

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