24 May 2010

24 May (Amos 1-4)

Amos was from the Southern Kingdom, Judah, but was called by God to prophesy in the Northern Kingdom at the same time as Micah and Isaiah.

Amos was a farm boy, who had no formal ministry training...he had good farm boy common sense, and a love for God. This is encouraging to us, since most of us feel quite ordinary, yet, God uses the ordinary for big purposes!
Like all other prophets, Amos is speaking harshly to those who are doing evil things. We don't like to hear that we're not acting godly, and especially those who are in power, don't like to hear others criticize or rebuke them...it goes back to pride.

Amos 1

(v.1) Amos was a shepherd, and as we know, God loves to use shepherds in His Word. The type is useful, since like sheep, we are lost, and the shepherd devotes himself to caring and protecting his sheep. This is like our Good Shepherd, who dies for His sheep. John 10:11

(v.11) Edom is the place where Esau resided after he and Jacob split. The descendants of Esau have always been at war against the sons of Jacob. I believe this constant is because Satan has used these people to torment and persecute the Jews. Not until the Prince of Peace returns, will the descendants of these two warring brothers be stopped.

Amos 2

This chapter seems like God is keeping score...and He is! God is righteous and just, He is the arbiter of our lives. If we want to live without Christ, then we are subject to this measure of our deeds compared to the Law. However, if we are in Christ, then we are free from the penalty of breaking the Law...we are saved by grace through our faith! Eph 2:8

Amos 3

(v.3) The imagery here is important...if we walk with Christ, we are walking side-by-side with Him. We are not to be trailing behind or out in front...we are to be in agreement with His will for us, and walking right with Him. I remind my kids that we don't walk out ahead or fall behind when we're walking with our friends...we walk with them...it's the same with God.

(v.7) To most people, God doesn't exist to them since they don't know Him. They figure that if He doesn't part the Red Sea for them, then He must not be real. This is so sad, since if they actually sought out God, they would see His presence all around them! He keeps revealing Himself in His Word, and in our daily lives if we have our eyes open!

Amos 4

(v.1) This verse strikes me, since I love Psalm 22, and the Bulls of Bashan are mentioned there. Bashan is always linked to Satan in the Bible, and it's interesting to do a study on this. Many scholars believe that the ancient monuments in that area are satanic and still inhabit demonic entities today.

(v.6) Yet you have not returned to Me.

We see this five times in this chapter...do you think God is trying to tell us something? God demands repentance from our sins. He wants us to rely upon Him, and show gratitude for His provision of salvation for us. I remind my kids that God came into His own creation, and willingly suffered torture, humiliation, extreme pain and shame, in order to provide the way to redeem us to Him. One is not saved unless he or she realizes this, and has a grateful heart. If we have gratitude, we are energized and wish to worship Him and share Him with others!

(v.12) Prepare to meet your God.

Our lives should be centered on this...we are only here for a short while on earth, so our minds should be focused on serving Him, and returning to Him in heaven!

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