31 May 2010

31 May (Isaiah 11-14)

Isaiah 11

(v.1) This is one of many Messianic verses in the book of Isaiah. Messianic refers to the Messiah, which means Savior in Hebrew, and Christ means the same in Greek.

(v.2) We see seven characteristics to the Holy Spirit here, and if we look forward to Rev 1:4 we can make the connection. The number seven in Hebrew culture means completion, and the Holy Spirit is complete!

Rest ~ Jesus said He would give us rest in heaven Matt 11:28

Wisdom ~ Jesus said that the Spirit would give us God's wisdom John 14:26

Understanding ~ The Spirit sanctifies us, and has us grow closer to God 1 Cor 14:15

Counsel ~ The Spirit guides us with His counsel Psalm 16:7

Might ~ The Spirit gives us God's power and might John 14:16

Knowledge ~ Reading His Word gives us knowledge of God Prov 2:5

Fear ~ This means awe and respect, and if we have that of God, we are His Prov 9:10

(v.10) King David's father was Jesse, and Jesus was a direct descendant of David. God wrote this from the beginning, to provide a Kingly line to eventually rule the earth.

Isaiah 12

(v.3) Jesus said He was the Living Water that gives us salvation, and removes thirst. John 7:37-38

In John 4 Jesus shows the Samaritan woman at the well who He really is...like her, we need to recognize that and praise Him in public. Time is running out!

Isaiah 13

(v.9) Isaiah is given wisdom as the the Day of the LORD, where Jesus will return and bring judgement and wrath upon evil and unbelievers. Make sure you're His, and let the Spirit work in you, so you can witness to others.

(v.19) In the last days, the place where outright rejection of God started, the Tower of Babel, will be the symbol of rejection again. God will strike down Babylon once and for all, and no one shall dwell there again. This hasn't happened yet, and many scholars believe that Iraq is preparing for the world to focus on them in the near future. In fact, there are rumors that the United Nations may be moved from New York to Iraq...right where Babylon is!

Here are some links that go into this in more detail:

Isaiah 14

This chapter is key to understanding Lucifer, the devil or Satan, and how his pride made him rebel against God:

(v.12) Lucifer was a cherub, one of the elite angels. We know of only two others that are named...Michael and Gabriel. Lucifer seems to have been in charge of all the heavenly host...the angels, and he may have also been in charge of worship in heaven. Eze 28:14

This is why Lucifer was called the son of the morning for he was beautiful and perfect in all his ways. When we read Eze 28:13 we know that this is referring to Lucifer, since he is the only one mentioned with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden except for God.

In Eze 28:15 we see the great tragedy...he was beautiful and perfect, but his pride and desire to be like God led him to sin. I believe that Lucifer became jealous of Adam and God's fellowship, and he wanted to be worshipped like God was with Adam.

If your kids are old enough, it's important to teach them early who Satan is, and why he acts the way he does. Satan and hell are real, and in order for us to understand spiritual things, we need to know the spiritual war that is going on for our souls. Eph 6

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