27 May 2010

26 May (Micah 1-4)

Micah was a prophet in the time of Isaiah, Hosea and Amos, during the eighth century B.C. Since Micah was born near Jerusalem, we would think he would have prophesied to Judah, but he was speaking the LORD's words to Israel...the Northern Kingdom.

In Hebrew, Micah means "Who is Like Yahweh?" and that seems to be the theme of his message to the people. Micah implored the people to repent, for Yahweh is merciful, but they wouldn't listen.

Micah 1

(v.4) This is a prelude to the Second Coming of Christ, for when we read of the mountains melting and being scorched, we think of Moses on the Mountain of God Deut 4:11, where God came down and made the whole mountain afire. We read of this in Psalm 97:5 as well.

Micah 2

(v.2) Here we have another verse proclaiming private property as a God-given right, and it's sinful to take or abuse another's property.

(v.10) I take note of the word rest here...Jesus refers to it in Matt 11:28. God wants to give us peace and rest in His salvation, but we need to accept what He did for us, and live for Him.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

(v.12) We have seen this happen in the last century...Israel became a nation again in 1948!

Micah 3

(v.2) This is probably directed to the mean things that the evil kings of Israel was doing to the people, but I can't help of think of abortion when I read this verse.

The very same people who vehemently struggle to keep convicted murderers from being executed, will fight just as vehemently to support a woman to kill her unborn child. This is loving evil and hating good. And when I think of the partial birth abortion atrocities, this verse applies.

(v.5) Micah is rebuking the leaders who lead the people astray...this is true for today. We have leaders who want us to forget God, and worship the Earth. They want us to forget private property and capitalism, and embrace socialism. We need to pray for our leaders, and pray that the LORD either changes them, or He works in us to elect godly people to represent us.

(v.7) From the time of the last book of the OT, until the Gospels, there is 400 years of silence from God. This is alluded to in this verse, and God will be silent if we are not walking with Him.

Micah 4

(v.2) Oh how great this will be when Jesus is reigning in Jerusalem in the Millennium! People will come to Him, and He will teach them His ways! This is the way it should have been when He came the first time, but He had to die for our sins first, then reign and take the title deed of the earth from Satan.

(v.3) The Prince of Peace is the only one who can have the world at peace!

(v.9) God is reminding the people that they rejected their true King, and their suffering is from their own proud ways.

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