07 December 2010

7 Dec (Hebrews 1-2)

The book of Hebrews is believed to be written by Paul, and the intent is to encourage Jewish Christians. No matter who wrote this, it is written by the Holy Spirit, who wants to give us a clearer picture of who Jesus is, and what He did for us!

Hebrews 1

(v.3) In order to get a grasp of the Holy Trinity, but not to say we fully comprehend it, I like to teach my kids that the Father is the mind of God, the Son is the body of God, and the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. John 14:9

(v.4) Think about it...Jesus, the Creator of the universe, the angels and mankind...gives up all of His power to become man and die for mankind. But now, He is back to where He belongs, working in all things, being the Savior for all. Thank you Jesus!

(v.14) Angels are direct creations of God...that is why they are called the sons of God in the Old Testament. Adam was called a son of God, for he alone is the only man who was directly created by God. All the rest of us, including Eve, were descendants of Adam, and born to a sinful nature.

The angels were created by God to minister to us...this is one of the main reasons that Lucifer rebelled, for he wanted to be worshiped like God.

Because God gave angels the gift of free will and choice, some of them followed Lucifer to sin, and they will be eternally punished. 2 Peter 2:4

The rest of the angels are God's servants, serving us and helping us!

Hebrews 2

(v.3) This is why it doesn't work just to be a "good person" for God made the ONLY way for salvation...the blood of His Son. No matter how nice and good our friends and family are, if they aren't in a personal relationship with Him, and reading His Word and praying with Him daily, they aren't saved from hell. This is harsh to some, but it's the truth.

God created all, and He is the One that provided the way to be with Him...who are we to think we can find another way?

(v.9) Remind your kids, that the Creator of the universe, came into His own creation, suffered and died for us...all because He loves us so much!

(v.11) Even though Jesus is our God and Savior, He says we are His brothers and sisters, for if we are His followers. Beyond that, when we are in fellowship with Him, He calls us His friends! How cool is that? John 15:14

(v.16) God exalts us for we are made in His image, not the angels. Gen 1:26 He made us to be like Him, with mind, body and spirit. That is why He wants to be with us forever!

(v.17) This is the reason Jesus became flesh...to be our propitiation, or payment, for sin.

(v.18) Remind your kids that Jesus experienced every temptation, and every pain that mankind suffers from. He knows how we feel, so when we pray, He is listening!

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