James is the half-brother of Jesus...they share the same mother, but their fathers are different. James and Jude were the offspring of Joseph and Mary after Jesus was born of Mary by the Holy Spirit. Matt 12:46, 13:55
James and Jude did not believe that their half-brother was God, and were not believers until after the resurrection of Jesus. James became the pastor and leader of the Church in Jerusalem. This fact is one of many that negate the claim by the Roman Catholic Church, that Peter was the first pope...Peter took orders from James! Acts 15:13
James 1
(v.2-3) This is a different way to think...it is contrary to our nature! But if we are set apart by God, to live for Him, then we should think differently.
It's important to teach our kids, that trials will always be with us in our lives. What James is saying here, is that these trials are opportunities to become stronger in the LORD! The key is to rely upon Him, and to let Him work out the problem for us!
(v.5) God wants us to know Him better, so if we ask for His wisdom, and seek it in His Word, He will provide abundantly.
(v.6) When we pray in His will, we need to do so in faith...knowing that He will respond on His timing.
(v.12) We are tempted every day...what James is speaking of, are the temptations that continually keep us from God. The list of these are many, but search your hearts, and find out what sins consistently trip us up, and seek His help in overcoming them.
(v.13) Critics often say that God tempts us, and He made us sinners...this is false. God made everything good Gen 1:31 but when sin entered the world, death and destruction became a part of life.
(v.15) This verse displays what James is talking about. When we allow ourselves to keep sinning by a certain temptation, then it becomes a lifestyle that prevents us from walking with God. This will lead to death.
(v.19) Wise words...remind your kids of this verse!
(v.22) This is key...we need to show the love of Christ in us by our actions AND our words, not just by words, and act like the world does.
James 2
(v.4) God warns us of showing favoritism to the rich...why? This is pride at its core, since if we are nice to the rich, it's only because we want something in return. What can being nice to a poor person gain us? That is what God is saying here...be loving to all, and let God reward us, not man.
(v.10) Many people try to follow the Law today, and even Paul thought of himself as a strict observer of the Law. But we see here, and by common sense, that NO ONE can keep the Law perfectly...we are fallen sinners, and even the best of us will slip up now and then. It took God Himself to die for us, for no man could keep the Law perfectly.
(v.17) James is speaking to believers here, for if we believe, we should be doers of what Jesus commands us...to love others. John 13:35
(v.26) This is clear...if we are followers of Christ, then people should be able to see a difference in our lives, not just by our words.
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