29 December 2010

21 Dec (Revelation 11)

Revelation 11

v.2 We must remember that God's plan ALWAYS had Israel as the focus...the Gentiles and the Church were results of Israel's disobedience and unfaithfulness...we benefit from Israel. The Gentile Court is to be separate from the Temple.

v.6 Who are these two witnesses for God? Let's see what they can do:

Shut Heaven ~ We know that Elijah did this in 1 Kings 17:1
Water to Blood ~ Moses did this in Egypt in Exodus 7:19
Plagues ~ Moses did this to Egypt in Exodus 7-12

There are two schools of thought as to the identity of these witnesses, either Moses and Elijah, or Enoch and Elijah.

The reason why Enoch is considered, is that he was raptured, like Elijah was. As it is written:

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment ~ Hebrews 9:27

So the thinking is that since these two men didn't die, they are the ones to come back and die after giving a great witness first.

Those who believe that it's Moses and Elijah, have a couple of reasons:

~ Only Moses and Elijah performed the miracles listed
~ Moses represents the Law, and Elijah represents the Prophets

One other thing to consider...when Moses died, we read that God buried him. Deut 34:6

Perhaps Moses was raptured as well, for we see that in Jude 1:9 Michael the Archangel, fought over the body of Moses with Satan. This could have been as the body was being raised up.

I personally believe the Two Witnesses are Moses and Elijah, but it's not something the Church needs to argue and fight over...it's fun to discuss and research, but not proper to divide the Brethren.

v.9 How could John write this? How could all the peoples of the world see these Two Witnesses dead? Here we have another proof that God wrote this book through John, for not until today can we understand the ability of technology to make this happen! With satellite TV and 24-hour news, the whole world will see this live!

v.11 My kids laugh when we picture the looks on the peoples' faces when the Two Witnesses come back alive!

v.15 Jesus paid the price for us and the earth...with His blood! When Adam and Eve sinned, they gave the dominion of the earth over to Satan, but now, it will be under new management....God!

v.19 What a scene it will be when heaven will open up, and the Temple and the Ark of the Covenant will be revealed!

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