29 December 2010

22 Dec (Revelation 12)

Revelation 12

v.1 The Church often misunderstands who this woman is...she is Israel. How do we know that? Let's look further.

~ She has a garland of 12 stars...this is typology of the 12 Tribes of Jacob
~ She is with child...this would be the Messiah...Jesus was a Jew

v.4 Satan's goal from his fall has been to thwart God's plan of redemption for Israel and the world. The dragon (Satan) tries all throughout the Bible to kill the Messiah or the ancestors of the Messiah.

Scholars believe this is a reference to one-third of the angels following Satan, and falling from heaven. In Genesis 6, we see how that ended up!

v.5 Jesus was raptured to the Father after His resurrection Acts 1:10

v.8 God can't abide with sin in heaven, so the fallen angels and Lucifer had to be driven out of heaven.

v.10 Satan means "the Accuser"...he constantly tries to make us feel unworthy of God's love and grace. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, and keep our faith in His Word!

v.11 How do we fight off Satan? We are saved by the blood of Christ, and our witness to others combat the devil's temptations!

v.16 Satan has always tortured and persecuted Israel. With the Holocaust and anti-semitism rampant throughout history and the world, he has cause great pain to Israel. However, God always is watching over His beloved, and will always have a remnant to fulfill his plans!

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