Peter wrote this letter and 2 Peter to the Jewish believers in Asia, which is modern-day Turkey. Most scholars believe Peter wrote this from Rome, and it's addressing the persecution of the Church by Rome itself.
1 Peter 1
(v.12) Angels were created to serve God, and thus, to serve us, since we are made in His image. Angels are not, and that is one of the reasons for the fall of Lucifer, for he was jealous of the relationship between God and mankind.
(v.19) Peter ties in the importance of the Passover lamb, which Jesus is for all believers. The lamb sheds it's blood in order to save us!
(v.23) What is born again? Our bodies? No, our spirit is reborn, for at birth, we were destined to hell in our sinful nature. It takes a conscious decision to accept Christ in our accountable years, to be reborn. Otherwise, our spirit is still dead.
1 Peter 2
(v.4) Jesus compares His Church, His Bride, to the Pearl of Great Price...we are precious to Him! He gave all of Himself so we could be redeemed! Matt 13:46
(v.9) All believers are not from the tribe of Levi, but all believers are from the seed of Abraham, since we are faithful. God will make us kings and priests in heaven. Rev 1:6, 5:10
(v.10) Jew, Gentile, rich, poor, free or slave...we are all one family in Christ!
(v.11) As followers of Christ, we are not tied to this world. The followers of Satan are called earth dwellers many times in the Bible. Our citizenship is in heaven, not on earth! As such, we are to support one another, not fight each other!
(v.15) We are to obey the laws of the land, in order that we can be a light to the lost. No one will listen to us if we break the law all the time!
(v.25) Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and now that He has brought us into the fold, we should obey His commands and follow Him. John 10:11, 14
1 Peter 3
(v.1) Once again, if we step back and see the template that God had placed for the family, and the relationship between Him and His Church, no one will have problems with these verses that tell us to obey and give ourselves over to another. One of the key things that Jesus showed us, was to stop thinking about ourselves, and to put others' needs before our own.
(v.7) I make sure to point out to my daughters the words, being heirs together, for we are all the same in the eyes of God. He just made a design for the family to function best, and when following God, it works best.
(v.15) This is why we need to read and STUDY the Bible...not just casually read it. We will learn more about God's character, and the amazing plan of redemption He created. Also, we will be able to witness better, and to lovingly debate skeptics.
(v.21) Peter shows us that baptism is a good thing to do, but it's not needed for salvation.
1 Peter 4
(v.1) What a wonderful way to think of this! If we follow Christ by enduring in the flesh, then we will one day be glorified in heaven as He was. To be clear, we will not be equated with Christ, but we will be fellow heirs of the kingdom with Him. Eph 3:6
(v.14) If we are persecuted for our faith in Christ, then we are doing His will. That is why James said it's a time to rejoice for our trials, for they are the work of God, and they help to further the kingdom of God. James 1:2
1 Peter 5
(v.2) Pastors and elders of the Church have a great responsibility...give them respect and support them with service and prayer...most of all prayer!
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