The book of Revelation has to be the most misunderstood books of the Bible. There is so much imagery and typology, that unless we understand the Old Testament, it doesn't make sense! Way too many churches skip this book, and that is a travesty. This book promises a blessing to those who read it and study it...so here we go!
You may want to notice that the book is called Revelation...not Revelations. This is the "unveiling" or "revealing" of the future from Jesus to John.
You may also notice that the number seven is prominent in this book. In Hebrew, the number seven means completion, and this book completes God's plan of redemption for mankind.
Revelation 1
(v.1) The Father gave the Son these things to reveal to us...in this case, John. We who read it, get the revealing of who Jesus is, and what He will do on the Day of the Lord.
(v.3) Some scholars say, and I agree, that if we understand this book, we understand the whole Bible. In that sense, if we study and understand this book, we are blessed to know God better.
(v.4) Any doubt about the deity of Jesus? He has always been, and always will be...He is God, and the physical part of the Trinity.
(v.5) ...the firstborn of the dead...this has multiple meanings. First, Jesus was given the firstborn status, which in Hebrew, means authority. Second, He died and was resurrected, showing us the way to eternal life.
He washed us form our sins in His own blood...this is the power of faith in Him!
(v.7) This is fun to ask your kids...how will all the earth see Jesus come to the earth from the clouds? This is amazing, for only until a few decades ago, there wasn't satellite TV, where events can be seen live all around the world!
(v.8) Alpha and Omega are the "A" and "Z" of the Greek alphabet. He is the beginning and the end...God in the flesh!
Take note that Jesus calls Himself the Almighty...He is God, and to say otherwise is blasphemy. Isaiah 9:6
(v.10) Many scholars debate what this means, but I believe that if you take the whole book's focus, it's the wrath of God coming during the Tribulation. Therefore, the Lord's Day really means the Day of the LORD...the coming of the King to rid the world of evil and unfaithfulness.
(v.13) Take note that Jesus is in the midst of the churches here, and when we reach the church of Laodicea, He is on the outside. In other words, if a church is following Him, He is amongst them. Matt 18:20
(v.14) Notice the description of Jesus...it is just like the one Daniel saw! Dan 7:9, 10:6
(v.18) There are cults and false religions out there that say that Jesus was created, and even the Archangel Michael. When you hear this, ask them what this verse means...when did the Father (Jehovah) die? He didn't...it was His Son, Jesus who is God and YHWH!
(v.19) Here is the outline of the book of Revelation:
Chapter 1 = John's description of Jesus and the unveiling of His majesty
Chapters 2 & 3 = The current time in which John was living, where these seven churches exist and are types of the history of the church.
Chapters 4-22 = The church is raptured and in heaven, and John is witnessing the Day of the LORD!
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