Hebrews 8
(v.6) The explanation of why Jesus came to save us can't be put any better than this verse!
(v.7) The Law is good, but it's purpose is to reveal our sin...we can't be saved by this alone. We need to realize our sinful nature, and seek the One who can wash our sins away...God Himself...Jesus!
(v.13) It is good for Christians to know and respect the Law and the Mosiac laws, but we are not under the Law, and should not be going away from the New Covenant to the Old Covenant.
Hebrews 9
(v.7) Blood was required for the covering or washing away of sins...the Levites did the covering in the Tabernacle and the Temple, but Jesus did the washing by His own blood at Calvary!
(v.12) After Jesus released the faithful in Hades or Sheol, He sprinkled His blood on the Throne in Heaven, and created the New Covenant.
Hebrews 10
(v.1) The Law points us to Christ, but only Christ can save us...not the Law.
(v.4) Only the blood from God could wash away our sins...thank you Jesus!
(v.12) Jesus accomplished the salvation of mankind on Calvary over 2,000 years ago...nothing we can do afterward can change or alter that. This is why Jesus said, "It is finished" on the cross. John 19:30
(v.29) This is the pivot point in all of our lives...do we realize what God did for us, or do we push it aside, or walk on the blood of Jesus in order to be our own gods? That is the decision of life!
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