This letter was written by Peter from Rome, shortly before his death. The first letter he wrote, was directed to the Jews in Asia Minor (Turkey). This letter, is directed to Christians everywhere, and in every time.
2 Peter 1
(v.2) Grace and peace come to those who seek God's wisdom, and appreciate what He did for us on the cross!
(v.14) Peter is using a Jewish term, tent, to speak to the Christians. A tent refers to our earthly bodies, where we will shed this tent, and God will make us a new, and incorruptible one in heaven!
It is a fun Bible study to look up the references to tents, and especially the Tabernacle...such great typology!
(v.16) Peter reminds us that he spent time with Jesus, God in the flesh, and saw His miracles first-hand. There were many others that did as well, and if these accounts were fabricated or embellished, then history would have denounced them. The truth is, historians are finding more and more, that every event and person in the Bible were true, in spite of their goals to disprove them!
(v.21) Peter write so well what I've been trying to point out all along on this blog...godly men were told what to write by the Holy Spirit! There is no way that so many different men, who never met, and lived hundreds of years apart, could write the same things with intricate detail without God guiding them!
2 Peter 2
(v.6) As I mentioned in Romans 1 and Genesis 19, God made Sodom and Gomorrah as examples for us to see His anger at sexual sin. The tolerance and acceptance of the lifestyle of homosexuality was their sin. We need to love the sinner like God does, but also pray and encourage the sinner to stop their sinful lifestyles.
(v.14) Whenever I read this section, I can't help but picture all those televangelists who use God's Word to trick people into making them rich. They are not doing God's will, and their thoughts are only about money and lust. One by one, they have been exposed, and to the unlearned eye, they have stained the name of the LORD.
Read the Third Commandment of the Law in Exodus 20:7...we need to represent our King with love and righteousness, not earthly lusts and desires.
2 Peter 3
(v.4) When we witness to our friends and family, we often hear this argument..."I can't see God, and He hasn't come back for over 2,000 years! Why do you believe in such a God that would lead us on for so long?"
Know your Bible, and pray...your witness and your experience with God is the best counter to the skeptic. They can't argue with how God has enriched your life with joy and peace!
(v.8) This is one verse that can answer the question above...God is outside of time, and He works on our salvation tirelessly.
(v.10) Peter was given a vision, and it is the same as John received in Rev 21:1
(v.13) God will recreate what He started in Eden, and this time, sin will not be a factor!
(v.16) If one doesn't know God's wisdom, then they can't see what He's saying in the Scriptures. I pray that this blog is one of many tools to help you know God more, and to inspire you to study the Bible for your own eye-opening epiphanies!
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