Genesis 3
Genesis 5
(v.1) Satan uses doubt to make us trip in our walks with God. If we doubt what we've read or heard from God, then we are more open to fall to temptation. If we know the Word of God, then we know what God says about any temptation or trial that comes our way.
Note: It might be fun to ask your kids where they think Adam was when this conversation between Satan and Eve was going on. Either he was there the whole time, and didn't say anything, or he came at the end, and ate the fruit like Eve did. This also may be a good time to discuss peer pressure, since Adam didn't have to eat the fruit, but he did. Gen 3:6
(v.2) Notice that Eve added to what God told Adam...God never said not to touch the fruit, only not to eat it. When we veer off the Word of God, and make it "fit" into our lives, we are destined for hardships. The Word is timeless, and we need to fit our lives into accord with Him and His Word!
(v.3) Satan then adds pride into the mix...touching on the temptation of being like a god.
(v.7) After the both ate of the fruit, they realized they were naked. As I mentioned in the previous post, this might be the moment that Adam and Eve lost dimensions that they enjoyed when they were walking with God. Scholars and scientists believe that there are 10 dimensions, but we only experience four on this earth.
Note: It might be useful to mention that after Jesus was resurrected, Mary and the disciples didn't recognize Him at first...why is that? When the disciples were in the upper room, scared and wondering what to do, Jesus suddenly appeared...I believe the Bible leads us to believe that the Lord was no longer restricted by only four dimensions, and could appear and disappear at His discretion.
(v.8) Was God the Father walking in the Garden? I believe this is the first account of Jesus on earth in the Old Testament. There are other allusions to this in Joshua Joshua 5:15, and Melchizedek Gen 14, the discussion with Samson's parents Judges 13 and others.
(vv.9-11) Did God really not know where Adam and Eve were hiding from Him? Was the Creator of the universe unable to see Adam and Eve peeking through some bushes at Him? I have been able to get my kids to laugh at this picture, by demonstrating how ridiculous they must have looked! Also, I think it's important to stress the probable tone of the Lord's voice when He said "Where are you?" I believe He said it in a soft, and solemn way...in a way that one asks a question if your heart is broken.
(vv.12-13) Here is another chance to get the kids laughing, by showing them the both Adam and Eve refused to own up to their mistakes...they pointed the blame at others. This is funny, but it's extremely useful to show our kids that they need to take responsibility for their mistakes, and learn from them.
(vv.14-15) The struggle for all of time starts here...Satan against God. Please note that God mentions the "seed" of the woman...this is a direct prophecy to the Immaculate Birth of the world's Messiah...Jesus!!!
(v.22) Here is another reference to the Holy Trinity..."Us"
(v.24) God made sure that Adam and Eve would not be forever in their sinful state...He had a way to redeem them (and us) in His Son!
Genesis 4Note: It might be fun to ask your kids where they think Adam was when this conversation between Satan and Eve was going on. Either he was there the whole time, and didn't say anything, or he came at the end, and ate the fruit like Eve did. This also may be a good time to discuss peer pressure, since Adam didn't have to eat the fruit, but he did. Gen 3:6
(v.2) Notice that Eve added to what God told Adam...God never said not to touch the fruit, only not to eat it. When we veer off the Word of God, and make it "fit" into our lives, we are destined for hardships. The Word is timeless, and we need to fit our lives into accord with Him and His Word!
(v.3) Satan then adds pride into the mix...touching on the temptation of being like a god.
(v.7) After the both ate of the fruit, they realized they were naked. As I mentioned in the previous post, this might be the moment that Adam and Eve lost dimensions that they enjoyed when they were walking with God. Scholars and scientists believe that there are 10 dimensions, but we only experience four on this earth.
Note: It might be useful to mention that after Jesus was resurrected, Mary and the disciples didn't recognize Him at first...why is that? When the disciples were in the upper room, scared and wondering what to do, Jesus suddenly appeared...I believe the Bible leads us to believe that the Lord was no longer restricted by only four dimensions, and could appear and disappear at His discretion.
(v.8) Was God the Father walking in the Garden? I believe this is the first account of Jesus on earth in the Old Testament. There are other allusions to this in Joshua Joshua 5:15, and Melchizedek Gen 14, the discussion with Samson's parents Judges 13 and others.
(vv.9-11) Did God really not know where Adam and Eve were hiding from Him? Was the Creator of the universe unable to see Adam and Eve peeking through some bushes at Him? I have been able to get my kids to laugh at this picture, by demonstrating how ridiculous they must have looked! Also, I think it's important to stress the probable tone of the Lord's voice when He said "Where are you?" I believe He said it in a soft, and solemn way...in a way that one asks a question if your heart is broken.
(vv.12-13) Here is another chance to get the kids laughing, by showing them the both Adam and Eve refused to own up to their mistakes...they pointed the blame at others. This is funny, but it's extremely useful to show our kids that they need to take responsibility for their mistakes, and learn from them.
(vv.14-15) The struggle for all of time starts here...Satan against God. Please note that God mentions the "seed" of the woman...this is a direct prophecy to the Immaculate Birth of the world's Messiah...Jesus!!!
(v.22) Here is another reference to the Holy Trinity..."Us"
(v.24) God made sure that Adam and Eve would not be forever in their sinful state...He had a way to redeem them (and us) in His Son!
The account of Cain and Abel is important when we look at things from God's perspective. Cain may have been sincere in his offering, but God saw pride in his offering...we can picture Cain saying to God, "Look what I made for you" when Abel brought the firstborn calf that God created. Of course, we see further evidence of pride by Cain's reaction to God, and by his murder of his brother.
Genesis 5
This chapter is excluded from the Kid's Bible we read, mainly because it has the listing of sons from Adam to Noah. There are a lot of "begats" and numbering of years, but God has this there for a reason. A great Bible teacher that I have learned a lot from, Chuck Missler, has shown me the significance of this chapter...hidden in this chapter is something special.
In Hebrew, the names of people usually mean something...much like the way American Indians name their kids. If we look at the ten names of Adam to Noah, we see that God is foretelling something. I have put in parenthesis the Hebrew meaning of each of the names:
Adam (Man)
Seth (Appointed)
Enosh (Mortal)
Kenan (Sorrow)
Mahalalel (The Blessed God)
Jared (Shall Come Down)
Enoch (Teaching)
Methuselah (His Death Shall Bring)
Lamech (Despairing)
Noah (Comfor/Rest)
If we put these names together in a sentence (in order, without mixing them up), it says the following:
"Man is appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching, (and) His death shall bring the despairing, comfort and rest."
Do you think all ten of these Jewish families planned on describing the Messiah by naming their sons? I don't think so either...God had them do this to show us that He had planned for a Messiah since before He created the universe! What a wonderful God we serve!!!
In Hebrew, the names of people usually mean something...much like the way American Indians name their kids. If we look at the ten names of Adam to Noah, we see that God is foretelling something. I have put in parenthesis the Hebrew meaning of each of the names:
Adam (Man)
Seth (Appointed)
Enosh (Mortal)
Kenan (Sorrow)
Mahalalel (The Blessed God)
Jared (Shall Come Down)
Enoch (Teaching)
Methuselah (His Death Shall Bring)
Lamech (Despairing)
Noah (Comfor/Rest)
If we put these names together in a sentence (in order, without mixing them up), it says the following:
"Man is appointed mortal sorrow, (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching, (and) His death shall bring the despairing, comfort and rest."
Do you think all ten of these Jewish families planned on describing the Messiah by naming their sons? I don't think so either...God had them do this to show us that He had planned for a Messiah since before He created the universe! What a wonderful God we serve!!!
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