Exodus 6
Much of this chapter is God assuring Moses that He will be with him and guide him. We as believers need to remember this as well. We experience trials and tragedies all the time, whether they are our own, or someone we love is going through them. God never promised us bliss in this life...He only offered us peace. This peace is an inner peace of knowing how the story ends and where we'll be for eternity! This is our testing ground...to have the Holy Spirit sanctify us and allow us to serve and love others in the name of Jesus.
Here are some parallels that God promised Israel that goes along with what He promised all believers:
~ He will rescue us from bondage and slavery (to sin)
~ He will redeem us (through Jesus)
~ He will call us His own people (saints)
~ He will be our God (our Lord and Savior)
~ As a heritage, He will bring us to His peace (Heaven)
Exodus 7
(v.1) In a direct contrast to what Satan will do with his Anti-Christ and False Prophet in the book of Revelation, God is making Moses to be the direct representative of God and Aaron his prophet. I like to point out to my kids that Satan tries to mirror and imiatate what God does. In the last days, he will trick many people because they don't know their Scripture. If we only know some of the Bible, and can be led astray by things that are "like" what God said, then Satan has us where he wants us.
(v.11) We see an example of Satan copying God, but having the magicians make their sticks turn into snakes. To Pharaoh, this proved that Moses and Aaron were not who they said they were, but Pharaoh failed to take notice that Aaron's snake swallowed up all the magician's snakes! Satan can copy God, but not entirely!
It's important to know the Torah and the whole Old Testament, in order to see how Jesus fulfilled the Law and sayings of the Prophets. Also, in order to understand the last book, Revelation, we need to see all the things that were established in the OT come to completion in the Day of the Lord!
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