Genesis 27
What a difference between the two sons of Isaac! Esau was the older brother, who was manly and very good at hunting. And then there was Jacob, who seemed to be a "Momma's boy" and cooked. It's worth mentioning the trickery that Rebekah and Jacob played on Isaac, but I also like to point out that it wouldn't have been necessary, if Isaac had obeyed God and blessed Jacob in the first place...Jacob was the son to whom God's covenant was to go through...not Esau.
Isaac was not obeying God, and in fact, showing favoritism by trying to give the firstborn blessing to Esau. I like to point out that if we try to move away from God's plans for us, He will often get us back in line, and it's more than likely going to be painful. If we just stay in tune with God and obey when He leads us to something, we won't have as many trials in this life.
In verse 40, we see a repeat of what God told Abraham about Ishmael's descendants serving Isaac's descendants...Esau's will serve Jacob's.
Jacob had to flee, and this was the price that he and Rebekah had to pay for their deceit...they would never see each other again.
Genesis 28
Jacob travels to his uncle Laban's house, and has a vision of heaven. He also sees and talks with Jesus...another theophany!
Jacob names this place, Bethel, which in Hebrew means "House of God." Jacob vows the Christian vow...to follow the Lord and trust that He will provide for him and never forsake him!
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