Genesis 1
(v.1) This verse is crucial for the whole rest of the Bible...if one understands and believes this verse, then the rest of the Bible will go more smoothly. If not, then the parent has to tell their child that only parts of the Bible are accurate...that is dangerous! I recommend all parents make sure that their kids know that the Bible is proven to be written by God.
Also reference the Gospel of John 1:1, where it shows us that Jesus is God, and that He created all the universe.
Note: the Hebrew word for "God" in this verse is Elohim...this is a plural noun used in the singular tense...the Trinity is pointed out in the first verse of the Bible!
El............means "God" in the singular (one)
Ela..........means "God" in the dual (two)
Elohim...means "God" in the plural (three or more)
(v.26) This is another hint at the Holy Trinity...God (Elohim) says "Let Us make man in Our image..."
(v.3) This might be fun to stress to our kids, that God wasn't "tired" but that He was finished with His work. Just as when we go to Heaven, we receive His "rest" our work on earth is finished.
(v.18) This is important to note that the "helper" for man is not a servant or slave...she is an equal with important responibilities and tasks in a marriage. Young girls need to know this, but they also need to know that God set up the marriage to have the husband be the head of the household, with the wife being a valuable partner and caretaker of the home and children.
(v.21) I need to find the link to this, but a preacher told me that he found a medical report that says the ONLY bone that grows back in the human body is the lower rib.
(v.24) God created and sanctified marriage as early as Genesis 2. The best way to procreate and raise children is with one man and one woman. Obviously, this is trickier with younger children, but we can point out that only a Mommy and Daddy become "one flesh" together...we are in accord and of one mind with God.
(v.25) Many Bible scholars believe that the original earth was much different than what we see today. It is quite possible and likely, that Adam and Eve enjoyed more dimensions than the four we have today (heighth, width, length and time). I believe that God's presence and the fact that Adam and Eve were sinless at this point, that their nakedness wasn't even noticed.
Note: the Hebrew word for "God" in this verse is Elohim...this is a plural noun used in the singular tense...the Trinity is pointed out in the first verse of the Bible!
El............means "God" in the singular (one)
Ela..........means "God" in the dual (two)
Elohim...means "God" in the plural (three or more)
(v.26) This is another hint at the Holy Trinity...God (Elohim) says "Let Us make man in Our image..."
Genesis 2
(v.3) This might be fun to stress to our kids, that God wasn't "tired" but that He was finished with His work. Just as when we go to Heaven, we receive His "rest" our work on earth is finished.
(v.18) This is important to note that the "helper" for man is not a servant or slave...she is an equal with important responibilities and tasks in a marriage. Young girls need to know this, but they also need to know that God set up the marriage to have the husband be the head of the household, with the wife being a valuable partner and caretaker of the home and children.
(v.21) I need to find the link to this, but a preacher told me that he found a medical report that says the ONLY bone that grows back in the human body is the lower rib.
(v.24) God created and sanctified marriage as early as Genesis 2. The best way to procreate and raise children is with one man and one woman. Obviously, this is trickier with younger children, but we can point out that only a Mommy and Daddy become "one flesh" together...we are in accord and of one mind with God.
(v.25) Many Bible scholars believe that the original earth was much different than what we see today. It is quite possible and likely, that Adam and Eve enjoyed more dimensions than the four we have today (heighth, width, length and time). I believe that God's presence and the fact that Adam and Eve were sinless at this point, that their nakedness wasn't even noticed.
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