Exodus 16
My kids and I discuss how God shows His love for the Jewish people, by providing food EVERY DAY for them. Not only did they get meat from the birds, but God provided a special thing for them to eat, called "manna." My kids like to laugh that Manna in Hebrew means, "What is it?"
Can't you just see them asking this as they pick it up off the ground?
Also, I discuss with my kids that God has already ordained the honoring of the Sabbath. He hasn't given the the Law yet, but they already know that the seventh day (Saturday) they are to praise and worship the Lord.
Exodus 17
Here we see another type for Jesus...the Rock. The Jews are thirsty and fear they will perish, but once again, God has a way to provide...the Rock.
I point out to my girls that Jesus called Himself the "living water" in (John 4:10 and 7:38) as well as it being prophesied in (Jer 2:13).
This all came to life to me when I saw the video by Bob Cornuke, where they believe they discovered the real Mt. Sinai, and there is this huge rock that is split down the middle. The ground around it has an alluvial fan...indicating that a great rush of water came from there and filled up the whole valley below. Check it out here:
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