Exodus 3
Moses will have been in exile from Egypt for 40 years, and I'm sure he felt alone and maybe betrayed. He was a shepherd, and as we know, God uses shepherds for His purposes (Jacob's sons, Moses, David). God was molding and shaping Moses for things that Moses didn't know yet. I like to point this out to my kids...we don't know God's ways, but they are always for our good.
What Moses didn't know then, was that he was learning the land that would be crucial for the survival of the whole Jewish nation. He knew where all the wells, caves and hideouts were. He knew the shortcuts through ravines and valleys. This would prove crucial when God had him lead the Jewish people out of Egypt.
(vv.2-8) This bush was on fire, but wouldn't be consumed like normal fires do...Moses knew this was from God. I like to reference to my kids when at another place, God told Joshua to take off his shoes, for Jesus was standing in front of him (Joshua 5:15).
My kids and I discuss that Moses is no longer "gung ho" about leading his people out of slavery...he is in fact, hesitant. Moses is right where God wants him...dependant upon God for strength!
"I AM WHO I AM" = YHWH = YAWEH = Jehovah = the name of God!!!
Mount Horeb is the "Mountain of God" and is where God will give Moses the 10 Commandments. Man's traditions place this mountain in Egypt, but it's really in Saudi Arabia. I refer to a great video and study on this by Bob Cornuke:
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