Exodus 12
(v.1) Up until this time, the Jews and every other nation, went by the calendar year. But now God is announcing a spiritual year...one that will be determined by feasts and celebrations! This was a new beginning for the Jews, and consequently for the whole world. As we go along, I love to point out the prophetic significance of each feast and how they point to Jesus!
(v.5) The lamb shall be without blemish...no broken bones...remember how Jesus didn't have his legs broken on the cross like the other two criminals? God made sure that this didn't happen (John 19:33, 1 Peter 1:19) so Jesus could be the Passover Lamb for us!
(v.13) Beginning in Genesis when God sacrificed a lamb to cover Adam and Eve, and here with the blood on the doorposts, we see God has ordained and required innocent blood to cover our sins. This will come to completion when the blood of our Passover Lamb, Jesus, shed His blood to wash away our sins and defeat death forever!!!
(v.18) The days here are critical...many years later, on the 10th, the Passover lamb was to be set aside from the rest of the flock. On the 14th day, the lamb was to be killed. This is prophetic of Jesus, where He was imprisoned on the night of Passover and the Last Supper, and crucified on the 14th day...the Lamb of God! Three days later we see that Jesus was alive...and like I noted in Genesis, Noah's ark rested upon the earth on that day...a day of new beginnings!
NOTE: This is why Friday the 13th is considered bad luck by the world...the world that doesn't love God. On the night of the 13th, death came upon the unbelieving world and they consider it a bad day. But to us who love God, Friday the 13th is a great day of His provision!!!
My kids love it when I show them how all this fits together, and it strengthens my faith as well.
(v.36) I love how God worked in the Egyptians...they were convinced to bless and give to the Jews of their belongings...God was providing for His people much like He did for Abraham in order that they have all they need for their journey. The Jews had been slaves for 430 years, and God was giving them their wages for their work...He never forgets to provide for us!
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