Exodus 23
It's fun to go through the feasts with our kids...they all point to Christ! I stress with my kids that in order to fully understand the New Testament and who Jesus is, we need to know and understand the typology and standards established in the Old Testament first!
Exodus 24
The magnificence of God can't be fully described on paper or by word of mouth. The Jews were able to see a glimpse of His power and glory, but not nearly the whole picture. I look forward to seeing that in heaven, and spending eternity in such joy to be in fellowship with such a powerful and loving Father!!!
Exodus 25
God is setting up the items to be placed in the Tabernacle and ultimately the Temple. Each one of these items point to Christ, and they remind us of God's character.
The Ark ~ points us to God's Word...Jesus
The Showbread ~ Jesus is our Bread of Life
The Lampstands ~ Jesus is the Light of the World
Exodus 26
If your kids find the Tabernacle interesting, I suggest you check out the teachings of Chuck Missler on this...the articles and makings of the Tabernacle all have great significance. Here is the Missler link:
Exodus 27
This chapter shows us more of the tabernacle and the coming temple. One thing I point out with my kids, is that the choice of metals again point us to Christ:
Gold ~ this represents Christ's kingship and royalty
Silver ~ this metal is always linked to blood and the cleansing of sin
Brass/Bronze ~ this is the only metal that can withstand fire or wrath
Exodus 28
From the tribe of Levi come the priests. God ordains and trains the priests to minister to the people and to represent Him.
One thing I mention to my kids are the bells that hang from the hem of the High Priest's robe. On Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, the High Priest goes into the Holy of Holies once a year. Tradition states that the people outside would listen for the bells to sound as the High Priest enters and administers the blood on the Ark. Sometimes, the awe and power of God is too much, and the High Priest perishes. So if they stop hearing the bells, they know that something is wrong. They have a rope tied to his ankle, so if he is dead, they drag him out!
Exodus 29
God sanctifies the sons of Aaron to be the priests. I point out to the kids, that all the Levites are consecrated to work at the Tabernacle and the Temple, but only the sons of Aaron, who are Levites, are to be priests. All the other Levites work and tend to the Temple, but they aren't able to perform the priestly duties.
Exodus 30
I like to focus on how God sees us all the same, no matter our wealth or lineage. All Jews were to give the same amount to the priests as an offering. There weren't any progressive scales for the rich...it was fair...everyone paid the same amount. We are all equal under the LORD.
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