29 December 2010
27 Dec (Revelation 18)
Revelation 18
In the previous chapter, God dealt with the Satanic religion of man...the church of works, paganism and humanism. All these things deny the work of God on the cross, and have devised a way to earn a way into heaven by their own works or for being "a good person."
In this chapter, God deals with the power of the anti-Christ...the world money system. Remember, Babylon has been the symbol of Satan and humanism from the beginning. From the Tower of Babel to the anti-Christ using that area now known as Iraq to influence the world, Satan has been at work.
Those that have denied God, and have been enticed by the worldly things, have fallen for the anti-Christ's sales pitch. They will wail and gnash teeth, for they have believed the lie.
Babylon has been ravished time and again over the centuries, but there has always been inhabitants...a remnant. After the LORD deals with Satan's Throne for the last time, no one will live or work there again!
The good news is that one glorious day, as it's written in Isaiah 55:1, that there will no longer be a need for commerce...there will be such an abundance of food and water, that mankind will no longer want for anything! That will be, of course, for His believers.
In the previous chapter, God dealt with the Satanic religion of man...the church of works, paganism and humanism. All these things deny the work of God on the cross, and have devised a way to earn a way into heaven by their own works or for being "a good person."
In this chapter, God deals with the power of the anti-Christ...the world money system. Remember, Babylon has been the symbol of Satan and humanism from the beginning. From the Tower of Babel to the anti-Christ using that area now known as Iraq to influence the world, Satan has been at work.
Those that have denied God, and have been enticed by the worldly things, have fallen for the anti-Christ's sales pitch. They will wail and gnash teeth, for they have believed the lie.
Babylon has been ravished time and again over the centuries, but there has always been inhabitants...a remnant. After the LORD deals with Satan's Throne for the last time, no one will live or work there again!
The good news is that one glorious day, as it's written in Isaiah 55:1, that there will no longer be a need for commerce...there will be such an abundance of food and water, that mankind will no longer want for anything! That will be, of course, for His believers.
Bread of God,
False Prophet,
26 Dec (Revelation 17)
Revelation 17
This chapter can take a long time to understand, and in addition to that, there are different opinions as to the imagery according to good scholars. I have no doubt that after we are in heaven, the imagery will make perfect sense to us, and we will marvel at how easy it should be to label and identify the images!
With that said, I will try to give the crux of the chapter, with possible identities of the images described.
v.2 As we all know, a harlot is not good, and doesn't care for purity or goodness. In fact, a harlot hates goodness, and will try to corrupt it as much as possible! Do those motives and attributes sound familiar to some fallen angel who rebelled against God? Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:12-19
Notice how the harlot sits on many waters...when God uses the earth or oceans in Scripture, it points us to the world, not the heavens. So we see where this harlot is coming from. She is able to seduce the kings of the earth, and they follow her in wanton drunkenness and rebellion. Typically, when drunkenness is mentioned in Scripture, or in other literature, we think of bad drunks. Sure, we all know someone in our family who was a funny drunk. But most of the time, a drunk gets rude, sloppy and even violent. This is the case here...the harlot will entice the kings of the world to fight against God and His beloved.
v.5 There isn't much to add to the writing on the forehead of the woman! She is the world religion. As we know, religion is man trying to reach God, or even be like God. True Christianity is a relationship with God...there is a big difference!
v.6 It's pretty easy to see this image...the world church that is far removed from the true Church, using government and coercion to slay the faithful of Christ. But here is a question: Why did John marvel at this? After all, a pagan Rome wouldn't have baffled him if it was persecuting the Church. In fact, at the time of John's life, Rome had taken over from the Jewish leadership of persecuting Christians worldwide.
This is where some scholars will debate, but I will offer my belief, and encourage you to study and decide what is true. To recap some history, during the Roman Empire, they were swallowing up countries and nations wholesale. With the people they enslaved, they also adopted or accepted parts of their pagan practices and beliefs. As we saw in the Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic Church had combined government with the church, leading to atrocities.
What I think John marveled at was how unrecognizable the church had become! In the last days, most "Christian" churches will be preaching different gospels, humanism, self-help and financial windfall lessons, etc. Does that sound familiar with what we see now?
v.9 So the angel tells John that this harlot is from Satan. That makes sense, but the following is where scholars again debate the meaning of the seven mountains. In a Western mind, it is common knowledge that the Vatican sits on seven hills. Many Western scholars believe that the last world religion, and thus, the Anti-Christ, will come from Rome.
Another view is slightly different. Other scholars don't argue about the Roman Empire being the home of the Anti-Christ, but they argue that he will come from the Eastern part of the Empire...that would be the Middle East! Remember Daniel 2
A third view is what I've heard Walid Shoebat teach. He teaches that when mountains are used in imagery, it represents kingdoms. He believes that seven kingdoms...Muslim kingdoms...will be the ones to wage war against God and His beloved. I can't argue with any of them, and perhaps all three views will play out in different ways or stages.
Looking at our world today, the Roman Catholic Church has repeatedly attempted to unite all world religions, while we see almost daily, the Jihadists waging war on Israel and Christianity!
We are so fortunate to live during these times! No other time in history has bible prophecy been revealed in human events as now!
This chapter can take a long time to understand, and in addition to that, there are different opinions as to the imagery according to good scholars. I have no doubt that after we are in heaven, the imagery will make perfect sense to us, and we will marvel at how easy it should be to label and identify the images!
With that said, I will try to give the crux of the chapter, with possible identities of the images described.
v.2 As we all know, a harlot is not good, and doesn't care for purity or goodness. In fact, a harlot hates goodness, and will try to corrupt it as much as possible! Do those motives and attributes sound familiar to some fallen angel who rebelled against God? Isaiah 14:12-15, Ezekiel 28:12-19
Notice how the harlot sits on many waters...when God uses the earth or oceans in Scripture, it points us to the world, not the heavens. So we see where this harlot is coming from. She is able to seduce the kings of the earth, and they follow her in wanton drunkenness and rebellion. Typically, when drunkenness is mentioned in Scripture, or in other literature, we think of bad drunks. Sure, we all know someone in our family who was a funny drunk. But most of the time, a drunk gets rude, sloppy and even violent. This is the case here...the harlot will entice the kings of the world to fight against God and His beloved.
v.5 There isn't much to add to the writing on the forehead of the woman! She is the world religion. As we know, religion is man trying to reach God, or even be like God. True Christianity is a relationship with God...there is a big difference!
v.6 It's pretty easy to see this image...the world church that is far removed from the true Church, using government and coercion to slay the faithful of Christ. But here is a question: Why did John marvel at this? After all, a pagan Rome wouldn't have baffled him if it was persecuting the Church. In fact, at the time of John's life, Rome had taken over from the Jewish leadership of persecuting Christians worldwide.
This is where some scholars will debate, but I will offer my belief, and encourage you to study and decide what is true. To recap some history, during the Roman Empire, they were swallowing up countries and nations wholesale. With the people they enslaved, they also adopted or accepted parts of their pagan practices and beliefs. As we saw in the Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic Church had combined government with the church, leading to atrocities.
What I think John marveled at was how unrecognizable the church had become! In the last days, most "Christian" churches will be preaching different gospels, humanism, self-help and financial windfall lessons, etc. Does that sound familiar with what we see now?
v.9 So the angel tells John that this harlot is from Satan. That makes sense, but the following is where scholars again debate the meaning of the seven mountains. In a Western mind, it is common knowledge that the Vatican sits on seven hills. Many Western scholars believe that the last world religion, and thus, the Anti-Christ, will come from Rome.
Another view is slightly different. Other scholars don't argue about the Roman Empire being the home of the Anti-Christ, but they argue that he will come from the Eastern part of the Empire...that would be the Middle East! Remember Daniel 2
A third view is what I've heard Walid Shoebat teach. He teaches that when mountains are used in imagery, it represents kingdoms. He believes that seven kingdoms...Muslim kingdoms...will be the ones to wage war against God and His beloved. I can't argue with any of them, and perhaps all three views will play out in different ways or stages.
Looking at our world today, the Roman Catholic Church has repeatedly attempted to unite all world religions, while we see almost daily, the Jihadists waging war on Israel and Christianity!
We are so fortunate to live during these times! No other time in history has bible prophecy been revealed in human events as now!
False Prophet,
Great Tribulation,
Queen of Heaven,
25 Dec (Revelation 15 & 16)
Revelation 15 & 16
Revelation 15
v.1 I remind my kids that God is loving, and He doesn't like to bring His wrath upon His creation. However, He gave us free will, to choose to love Him or not. He made everything, and all He asks of us is to accept Him.
"Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways," says the Lord GOD. "Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin. Ezekiel 18:30
The Lord is not slack concerning [His] promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
v.7 I like to remind my kids that in the Bible, numbers have meaning. The number seven means completion. This book completes everything before it!
Revelation 16
The Bowls of Wrath:
1. Sores ~ When we have sores on our bodies, it is a sign of something wrong internally. The people who experience this, may look OK on the outside, but these sores display that they are wrong inside...they don't know Jesus!
2. Seas turn to Blood ~ God had Moses do this in Exodus 4:9, 7:19-21.
3. Waters turn to Blood ~ water is essential to life...Jesus' blood is essential to our eternal life!
4. Men are scorched ~ Even when God is bringing His wrath, there are those who won't come to repentance...very sad.
5. Darkness ~ This is a prelude to hell...the absence of God's light.
6. Euphrates Dried Up ~ The Euphrates is mentioned in the Bible 25 times! In fact, the Euphrates is the boundry of the land that God promised Israel.
On the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying: "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates. Genesis 15:18
Isn't it odd that the world won't even let Israel border the Jordan River, when they were promised all the way to the Euphrates River?
7. Earth Shaken ~ The bowl was thrust into the air...the last place of dominion of Satan. The earth will experience an earthquake of immense power...we fear an 8.0 earthquake, but this will be like a 15.0!
Wrath of God
24 Dec (Revelation 14)
Revelation 14
v.1 We see the Lamb again...this is Jesus! He is seen as He had been slain in Rev 5:6 by His Church, and was referenced as such by John the Baptist in John 1:29, 36 and here as the Savior of Israel and Mankind.
This is one of the most difficult books of the Bible to explain to our kids, but if we keep in mind that all the imagery is Jewish, and from the Old Testament, the types and images make much more sense. If we refer to Daniel 3 where Daniel's three friends were saved and "sealed" by Christ (a theophany), we see the typology coming to fruition. Daniel's friends (a type for Israel) were thrown into the great fire (Great Tribulation) while Daniel was away (the Church raptured). Jesus saved them as He does again in the last days!
v.3 Your kids may wonder why certain people or groups of people have their own special songs for the LORD, and no one else can learn them or sing them...they may think that God shows favoritism. First of all, all the saved in heaven have their own song...so there is no one left out. Secondly, we all have different experiences and means of salvation: The Jews in the Tribulation have a different experience than the Church before the Rapture. We sing to God about how He saved us from what we were experiencing.
v.4 The Tribulation saints, the sealed Jews during the Tribulation, are walking with God...the Lamb. Like the Church before them, they are seen as righteous because they are walking with the Son, and are washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. John 1:29, 36
v.7 God gives mankind a "Last Call" before everyone's eternal fate is sealed...God is patient and kind, wishing for no one to go to hell. However, throughout all our lives, we have multiple instances to accept His love for us on the cross, so some choose salvation, and others choose damnation.
This reminds me of the famous C.S. Lewis quote:
In the end, there will be some who say to God, "Thy will be done" and others to whom God says in the end, "Thy will be done."
Each of us, individually, must choose to follow God or reject Him...our eternal destiny is not God's choosing, but ours! Choose wisely! This is important for our kids to understand, for during times of crisis, where natural disasters happen, and many people die, kids may wonder why God did that. He didn't create this world with sin and death...that was a result of Mankind's rejection of Him. However, God provided a way out of death for our souls...His Son, if we choose Him!
v.8 Babylon is where the beginning of mankind's open rebellion of God occurred...the Tower of Babel. Gen 11 All cults and false religions have roots in Babylon...God will rid the earth of this actual place (modern day Iraq) and also the spiritual Babylon.
v.11 It is important to teach our kids that hell is a real place...and it's forever. Hell is the absence of God, and eternal torment, knowing that pride brought them there.
v.14 Scholars debate who this person is...is it Jesus or an angel?
First of all, the wording is like the Son of Man...not THE Son of Man.
Secondly, if we look at what Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 13, He says that He instructs the angels to reap. Matt 13:39
If this is confusing to your kids, what matters most is that God will separate His followers from the unbelievers...make sure you're in the right harvest pile!
Great Tribulation,
Lamb of God,
23 Dec (Revelation 13)
Revelation 13
v.1 I know when I first read this book, the imagery was confusing and seemed like a science-fiction novel! However, this is God's Word, and He did say we would be blessed if we understand this book! Rev 1:3
We need to understand the Old Testament in order to understand this book. All throughout the Bible, the sea is a type of the peoples...most often referring to Gentiles. So this "beast" is a man who comes from the Gentiles and is what we call the Anti-Christ.
Remember to tell your kids that Anti-Christ not only means against Christ, but it also means in place of Christ. In other words, the Anti-Christ will try to emulate Christ, and deceive many.
Why does John call this man a beast? Because he is more than just a man...he is the devil incarnate...like Jesus is God incarnate.
10 Horns = 10 Kings Rev 17:12
7 Heads = 7 Kingdoms Rev 17:9-10
There have been 7 great empires that have been Israel's enemy over history:
Sameria (Nimrod/Tower of Babel/Nineveh)
Babylon (modern day Iraq)
Medo-Persian (modern day Iran)
Rome (Two parts to Roman Empire = East and West)
v.2 This description is the same as in Dan 7:3-8 but in reverse. I had a teacher remind me that John is writing this from the point of view of eternity, so the events are reversed since he is looking back on history, where Daniel was looking forward.
v.4 Many times, Satan tries to copy God, in order to fool people. Satan has his own unholy trinity:
God the Father vs. Satan (Satan wishes to be like the Most High) Isaiah 14:14
Christ Jesus vs. Anti-Christ (emulate Christ and deceive many who don't know Christ)
Holy Spirit vs. False Prophet (The HS tells us to worship Jesus; the FP will do the same with AC)
v.5 The Anti-Christ will be a great orator, but since the believers will be already raptured, the unsuspecting unbelievers will think that he is speaking wisdom. To our ears, he will be speaking blasphemy and gibberish, but to the world, he will have the answers to heaven on earth.
v.8 Is your name written in the Book of Life? If you have allowed Jesus to be your Savior AND Lord, then it is! Satan will make war with God, His chosen people (Israel), the Church (already in heaven).
v.11 This is the False Prophet...who "looks" like a lamb, but speaks like Satan. He comes from the earth, so we see the typology of people who worship Satan here...he will be a religious leader who tells everyone to listen to the Anti-Christ who is a political leader.
v.12 The AC will be wounded...but not die. We see some more detail of this in Zech 11:17
v.14 The earth dwellers are unbelievers in Christ...they will be fooled because they don't know the Bible and don't have a personal relationship with Christ. Also, because they chose wickedness, the blasphemies that the AC speaks, will be music to their ears!
v.15 The people must decide...follow God and be killed, or follow Satan and be doomed to hell.
v.16 The right hand and the forehead jumped out at me...this is Satan emulating God again. In Exodus 13:9 God commanded Israel to have His Word on their foreheads and right hands. They would have Scripture in leather pockets that they tied around their wrists and foreheads when they worshiped.
v.17 With computers, online banking, and eventually a world economy and leader, all money transactions will have to have the number of the Beast in them to purchase and sell goods. If one refuses to have that number, they will starve.
False Prophet,
22 Dec (Revelation 12)
Revelation 12
v.1 The Church often misunderstands who this woman is...she is Israel. How do we know that? Let's look further.
~ She has a garland of 12 stars...this is typology of the 12 Tribes of Jacob
~ She is with child...this would be the Messiah...Jesus was a Jew
v.4 Satan's goal from his fall has been to thwart God's plan of redemption for Israel and the world. The dragon (Satan) tries all throughout the Bible to kill the Messiah or the ancestors of the Messiah.
Scholars believe this is a reference to one-third of the angels following Satan, and falling from heaven. In Genesis 6, we see how that ended up!
v.5 Jesus was raptured to the Father after His resurrection Acts 1:10
v.8 God can't abide with sin in heaven, so the fallen angels and Lucifer had to be driven out of heaven.
v.10 Satan means "the Accuser"...he constantly tries to make us feel unworthy of God's love and grace. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, and keep our faith in His Word!
v.11 How do we fight off Satan? We are saved by the blood of Christ, and our witness to others combat the devil's temptations!
v.16 Satan has always tortured and persecuted Israel. With the Holocaust and anti-semitism rampant throughout history and the world, he has cause great pain to Israel. However, God always is watching over His beloved, and will always have a remnant to fulfill his plans!
Tribes of Israel
21 Dec (Revelation 11)
v.2 We must remember that God's plan ALWAYS had Israel as the focus...the Gentiles and the Church were results of Israel's disobedience and unfaithfulness...we benefit from Israel. The Gentile Court is to be separate from the Temple.
v.6 Who are these two witnesses for God? Let's see what they can do:
Shut Heaven ~ We know that Elijah did this in 1 Kings 17:1
Water to Blood ~ Moses did this in Egypt in Exodus 7:19
Plagues ~ Moses did this to Egypt in Exodus 7-12
There are two schools of thought as to the identity of these witnesses, either Moses and Elijah, or Enoch and Elijah.
The reason why Enoch is considered, is that he was raptured, like Elijah was. As it is written:
And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment ~ Hebrews 9:27
So the thinking is that since these two men didn't die, they are the ones to come back and die after giving a great witness first.
Those who believe that it's Moses and Elijah, have a couple of reasons:
~ Only Moses and Elijah performed the miracles listed
~ Moses represents the Law, and Elijah represents the Prophets
One other thing to consider...when Moses died, we read that God buried him. Deut 34:6
Perhaps Moses was raptured as well, for we see that in Jude 1:9 Michael the Archangel, fought over the body of Moses with Satan. This could have been as the body was being raised up.
I personally believe the Two Witnesses are Moses and Elijah, but it's not something the Church needs to argue and fight over...it's fun to discuss and research, but not proper to divide the Brethren.
v.9 How could John write this? How could all the peoples of the world see these Two Witnesses dead? Here we have another proof that God wrote this book through John, for not until today can we understand the ability of technology to make this happen! With satellite TV and 24-hour news, the whole world will see this live!
v.11 My kids laugh when we picture the looks on the peoples' faces when the Two Witnesses come back alive!
v.15 Jesus paid the price for us and the earth...with His blood! When Adam and Eve sinned, they gave the dominion of the earth over to Satan, but now, it will be under new management....God!
v.19 What a scene it will be when heaven will open up, and the Temple and the Ark of the Covenant will be revealed!
28 December 2010
20 Dec (Revelation 10)
(v.1) The word, angel, means messenger. Often angels give us messages from God, and minister to us for God. Many scholars believe that this mighty angel is Jesus Himself. The main reason is the description of this angel is similar to the description of Jesus in Dan 7:9 and Rev 1:15
In Mark 13:26 it says that Jesus would return in the clouds, and that this book is most likely the scroll that Jesus took from the Father in Rev 5.
(v.10) This is the duality of Christ...He is Wonderful and our Good Shepherd, but to those who refuse to believe in Him, He will be terrible. John is experiencing the glory of God, and the wrath of God at the same time!
Angel of the Lord,
Deity of Jesus,
24 December 2010
19 Dec (Revelation 9)
(v.1) Is this star Satan? It sure seems like it, since he unleashes the demons who make war with mankind. Demons or Satan can't kill us, but they can tempt and lead us to desire sin and evil so much, that one day, we will seek death than endure the torment we are under.
(v.5) Your kids might find it interesting, that five months is the time that the rain and flooding lasted in the Flood of Noah. Again, the end times will mirror events in the Old Testament! God has already called His Church, so He is speaking to the Jews...they missed the signs the first time, but they will finally get it the second time!
(v.9) Scholars believe that John was seeing modern-day war helicopters, that have fangs painted on them, and inflict much damage. If we think about it, John had no concept of airplanes or helicopters, so these things were metal, but looked like locusts and birds to him.
(v.15) One third of the earth's population (approximately 1 billion people) were killed in the opening of the seals Rev 6:8, and now another billion will die from this! Like Jesus said many times, the end days will be like no other in history! Aren't you grateful that we have His Word to know Him, and to give our lives to Him now?!?
(v.20) This is one of the saddest parts in the Bible to me...even after all this death and destruction, people's hearts are so hard that they won't accept God's offer of forgiveness.
18 Dec (Revelation 8)
(v.1) If you read the book of Joshua, specifically Joshua 5 & 6, you will see a lot of the same details unfold. The reason I mention it here, is that after six times the Jews circled around Jericho in the book of Joshua, they were silent...then God brought down the walls. This is a template for what is now described in Revelation.
God ultimately fights the battle for us, but He uses us for His purposes to train us and empower us.
If we compare Joshua to Revelation, we see a pattern:
After Joshua and the Jews conquer Jericho (by God's wrath), they reclaim the land, all debts are forgiven, and the slaves are freed. Think about the Millennium, where after Jesus brings justice upon the earth, and we are all freed from sin and death! This would be a good study for those of you that have older children.
(v.7) God's first creation in the beginning, trees and vegetation, will be the first to receive His wrath. We will see this repeat itself by mirroring the Genesis creation order.
Again, if we understand the Old Testament, we will understand this complicated but very insightful book!
(v.12) Scholars believe this is a reference to the fallen angels who left God's service for serving Lucifer.
One thing I remind my kids, is that when the Bible mentions earth dwellers, He is talking about non-believers. We who are His are not of this earth...we are sojourners, working and serving until He calls us to our real home...heaven!
21 December 2010
17 Dec (Revelation 6-7)

Revelation 6
(v.2) At first glance we think that this is Jesus coming on the white horse, but if we look at what he does, and the company that he keeps, the identity is much clearer. Remember, the word, Antichrist, doesn't just mean "against Christ" it also means "like Christ." In other words, the Antichrist will use characteristics of Christ, and fool many who don't really know Christ.
The reference to a bow should also remind us of Nimrod, who was the first world ruler who competed with Christ for men's souls. Gen 10:8
(v.4) This is the beginning of the Great Tribulation spoken of by Christ Himself in Matt 24:6
(v.6) In the last days, it will take more than a days wages to buy one loaf of bread! The food supply will be hard to get, and many people will perish from hunger and violence over getting food for their families.
(v.8) Disease and pestilence will abound...aren't we so grateful that we won't endure this since we will have been raptured before this happens?
(v.11) We see again another sign that the Church will be in heaven when this happens, for they are clothed in white. Do a word search in a good Bible concordance for white robes or white clothing, and you will see this means the saints...the Church.
(v.16) We don't usually see a lamb as having wrath...unless it's the Lamb of God...Jesus!
Revelation 7
(v.4) God is going to seal 12,000 Jews who believe in Christ from each tribe...that's 144,000! They will preach the Gospel like no one has ever done before, and gather the last believers before God closes the door on salvation!
(v.9) This is the Church...from all over the world, speaking different languages, and from different times in history!
Wrath of God
17 December 2010
16 Dec (Revelation 4-5)

Revelation 4
(v.1) ...after these things...here we go into another phase of the book. In chapter one, John wrote about what He saw concerning Christ and visions. In chapters two and three, he wrote about the state of the Church in his day. Now, Jesus is showing John what will happen in the future.
Come up here...this is another reference to the Rapture, and it seems that John was spirited to heaven to see the last days! Remember, God had done this in Scripture quite a few times with Phillip, Paul and others.
(v.4) Another reason I believe that the Church is raptured before the Tribulation, is that the 24 elders represent the Church...and they are in heaven before the Tribulation starts. Elders in the church are the leadership, and David initiated the meaning of the number 24 in 1 Chron 24:1-19
If you look at the appearance of the elders, they fit with the Church and the faithful saints who believe in Christ...that's us!
(v.7) Here we need to remember the Jews in the Wilderness, and the camps of Israel as they traveled. Each face of the angels in heaven represent the four faces of the camps of Israel. Also, they represent the four gospels. Look at the Gospels part of this blog to study up on that.
(v.8) Holy, holy, holy...this is another reference to the Trinity! God is called Elohim in Hebrew, which is a singular noun in the plural tense...three in one!
Revelation 5
(v.1) The Father has the scroll in His hand.
(v.3) No man...not Peter, nor Paul, nor any pope, nor Martin Luther, nor Billy Graham, or anyone...can fulfill the Law and take the scroll. It took God Himself to do it...Jesus!
(v.5) Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is worthy to take the scroll!
(v.6) The Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lamb are the same...Jesus! When we get into heaven, we will see the scars and cuts on Jesus for His love for us on the cross! I believe this will be the cause of our tears, and He will wipe them away and we will forget all our sins for eternity!
(v.10) We must be clear with this verse to our kids...we will not be gods like Christ, but we will be kings and priests like Him. Because like Him, we were redeemed to the Father, we are kings and priests forever...He is our Kinsman Redeemer!
Deity of Jesus,
Kinsman Redeemer,
15 Dec (Revelation 3)

Sardis ~ The Dead Church
The church of Sardis represents the Reformation movement, away from the Nicolaitan doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. The Reformation deservedly has been praised for moving back to the Word of God, instead of the practices of men, but they fell short as well. Remember, it's never good to put your faith in a particular church, pastor or denomination...all are lead by men and prone to sin and pride.
I hope you see my point here, since I'm tough on the RCC, but I also want you to see that the Protestant Churches erred just as much.
(v.1) This describes the Protestant church then, and even today...it has the name of Christ, but is not following Christ. So many churches focus on traditions and works, that they fail to focus on fellowship with each other and especially God.
I was raised in the Lutheran Church, where Martin Luther is given the credit for starting the Reformation movement. He was a big player, but many other Catholic priests were involved in going back to the Word of God, and not the word of a pope.
Unfortunately, one of the results of the Reformation was the failure to acknowledge the Jews as God's people. Martin Luther and many other Reformists were anti-Semites, and believed that the Church replaced Israel for God's promises and blessings. This is called Replacement Theology, and not only is it completely against Scripture, but it makes God out to be a liar!
I suggest you look up Martin Luther's quotes in his books about the Jews, and how the Church has replaced Israel for God's blessings.
(v.3) Of course, as with the Catholics, the Protestants are filled with believers...it's the leadership that Jesus is rebuking.
(v.4) It all comes down to a personal relationship with Jesus, not any affiliation with any particular church that saves us.
Philadelphia ~ The Faithful Church
(v.8) The church of Philadelphia faced all the same temptations and persecution of the earlier churches, but God is commending them for keeping the faith, and for persevering.
(v.10) This is another verse that shows us that the faithful believers will be Raptured before the Tribulation comes upon the earth.
Laodicea ~ The Lukewarm Church
(v.14) Cults use this verse to say that Jesus was created, and not God Himself. What they fail to see is that the Greek word used to say "beginning" here, is Arche, where we get the word "architect" from. This word also means authority, and since Jesus created the universe, He is the authority of it as well. John 1:1
(v.16) There are many ways to approach this, for the neighboring towns had hot and cold springs that Laodicea tried to pull from, but the main focus for us is our faith. It's one thing to be an atheist or to deny Christ as our Creator...that is bad. But it's also bad to know who Jesus is, and not do anything about it...lukewarm faith.
This church is prophetic to the state of the church in the last days...apathetic and ineffective.
(v.17) We can see this being so relevant to today, for in most of the Western world, we are rich and forget to praise God for the blessings and wealth He has given us. This is why Solomon didn't want to be overly rich and think that he created his wealth, and not God. Prov 30:9
(v.19) Like a loving parent, God rebukes us to open our eyes and see the right path!
(v.20) Remember, at the beginning of these churches, Jesus was in the midst of them. Now, because the apathy has been so severe, Jesus is outside the church, knocking on the door to come in!
If we let Jesus into our lives to be the LORD of our lives, then we will one glorious day dine with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Rev 19:9
15 December 2010
14 Dec (Revelation 2)

Revelation 2
These seven churches encapsulate the seven stages of Church history. These were real churches in the day of John's writing, but they also are types of the churches to come.
Ephesus ~ The Loveless Church
(v.2) We can look at each of these churches in a personal way, as a church, and as prophecy to Church history. It seems that the people of Ephesus were great about spotting counterfeit Christians, and were holding true to the doctrines taught them by Paul and others.
(v.4) Ouch! Like Martha in Luke 10, they were obsessed with deeds and actions, where they forgot to sit and worship Him! We all have to watch out for this, for it's easy to get caught up in serving and doing the Church things, when we forget to have quiet time listening to God!
(v.5) If they can lose their lampstand, it means they aren't saved. This is how I interpret this, and it makes sense. So many people do the "Church Thing" every Sunday, but they don't have a personal relationship with Jesus. They don't have a prayer life of conversing and listening to Him, and they just keep doing what they think pleases God.
(v.6) Nicolaitans are the ruling class over the people. It seems that in the early Church, there were some who thought they should be listened to more than Jesus. Their pride got in the way of true worship.
(v.7) Here is another reason I believe these people aren't truly saved at this point, for Jesus promises to let them eat from the Tree of Life if they overcome their sins.
Smyrna ~ The Persecuted Church
Smyrna has the same base word as Myrrh, which means death. This church faced rampant persecution by the hands of the Romans, and were martyred and killed for their faith.
(v.8) Again, when did the Father (YHWH or Jehovah) die? It was the Son, and He is God!
(v.10) This must have been hard to take, knowing you were about to be put in jail and killed for your faith! However, many Christians have suffered this same fate over the centuries...even today. We are lucky in America, and we should use that fortune to be more vigilant about spreading the Good News of Christ!
Pergamos ~ The Compromising Church
This church speaks of the time in history where the Roman Catholic Church made Christianity blend with pagan practices to create unity in the Empire. So many practices by the RCC can go back to Babylon, and their acceptance of pagan practices into the church.
The word, Pergamos, in Greek, means mixed or perverted. This is what the church did...they mixed the pagan practices with Biblical Christianity, and created a mixed marriage that wasn't devoted to Christ. Remember what Paul said to those that allowed sin and pagan practices into their lives? 1 Cor 5:6
(v.13) Scholars believe that the Tower of Babel was erected in the same area as Pergamos. The start of Satanic practices was where the RCC decided to make Christianity the only religion, and worse, that the State would run it!
(v.14) The docrine of Baalam Num 31:16 was the act of tempting God's people into sin...this is what this church did with its believers.
(v.15) Notice that Ephesus was doing the deeds of the Nicolaitans, where now it is doctrine. The Church had incorporated the pagan practices and moved away from Scripture.
Remember, once Satan lost at the cross, he tried to kill the church through persecution at the hands of the Jews and Romans. This only made the Church grow stronger! So what did Satan do? He made up the phrase, "If you can't beat them, join them!" He infiltrated the Church, and little by little, had people focus on traditions and doctrines not from Scripture, and thus, the beginning of cults were born!
Thyatira ~ The Corrupt Church
(v.18) This is the same description of Jesus as noted in Daniel 7:9, 10:6
(v.20) There is so much to research here, and I suggest you do, but in short, He is talking about the popes of the Roman Catholic Church. They used their power to seduce and enslave.
(v.22) Very scary...they aren't saved and will endure the Tribulation on earth. This doesn't mean that Catholics aren't saved...most are, but the doctrines and leaders of the RCC have a lot of explaining to do with Jesus!
(v.24) So many people follow the traditions of men, and don't know why. They think it's just what God wants. But if they read their Bible, they will see that God doesn't want us to chant or say repetitive prayers, or worse yet, pray to mortal people!
God knows who hearts are pure and seek Him, and He will lead them to Him.
Deity of Jesus,
Great Tribulation,
14 December 2010
13 Dec (Revelation 1)

The book of Revelation has to be the most misunderstood books of the Bible. There is so much imagery and typology, that unless we understand the Old Testament, it doesn't make sense! Way too many churches skip this book, and that is a travesty. This book promises a blessing to those who read it and study it...so here we go!
You may want to notice that the book is called Revelation...not Revelations. This is the "unveiling" or "revealing" of the future from Jesus to John.
You may also notice that the number seven is prominent in this book. In Hebrew, the number seven means completion, and this book completes God's plan of redemption for mankind.
Revelation 1
(v.1) The Father gave the Son these things to reveal to us...in this case, John. We who read it, get the revealing of who Jesus is, and what He will do on the Day of the Lord.
(v.3) Some scholars say, and I agree, that if we understand this book, we understand the whole Bible. In that sense, if we study and understand this book, we are blessed to know God better.
(v.4) Any doubt about the deity of Jesus? He has always been, and always will be...He is God, and the physical part of the Trinity.
(v.5) ...the firstborn of the dead...this has multiple meanings. First, Jesus was given the firstborn status, which in Hebrew, means authority. Second, He died and was resurrected, showing us the way to eternal life.
He washed us form our sins in His own blood...this is the power of faith in Him!
(v.7) This is fun to ask your kids...how will all the earth see Jesus come to the earth from the clouds? This is amazing, for only until a few decades ago, there wasn't satellite TV, where events can be seen live all around the world!
(v.8) Alpha and Omega are the "A" and "Z" of the Greek alphabet. He is the beginning and the end...God in the flesh!
Take note that Jesus calls Himself the Almighty...He is God, and to say otherwise is blasphemy. Isaiah 9:6
(v.10) Many scholars debate what this means, but I believe that if you take the whole book's focus, it's the wrath of God coming during the Tribulation. Therefore, the Lord's Day really means the Day of the LORD...the coming of the King to rid the world of evil and unfaithfulness.
(v.13) Take note that Jesus is in the midst of the churches here, and when we reach the church of Laodicea, He is on the outside. In other words, if a church is following Him, He is amongst them. Matt 18:20
(v.14) Notice the description of Jesus...it is just like the one Daniel saw! Dan 7:9, 10:6
(v.18) There are cults and false religions out there that say that Jesus was created, and even the Archangel Michael. When you hear this, ask them what this verse means...when did the Father (Jehovah) die? He didn't...it was His Son, Jesus who is God and YHWH!
(v.19) Here is the outline of the book of Revelation:
Chapter 1 = John's description of Jesus and the unveiling of His majesty
Chapters 2 & 3 = The current time in which John was living, where these seven churches exist and are types of the history of the church.
Chapters 4-22 = The church is raptured and in heaven, and John is witnessing the Day of the LORD!
Day of the LORD,
Deity of Jesus,
12 December 2010
12 Dec (1, 2 & 3 John)

The Apostle John wrote three letters to the Church to encourage them in their faith. Gnosticism was abundant, and God had John exhort and encourage the Church to stick to the Word of God.
1 John 1
(v.9) The blood of Christ washes away our sins...the Levites could only cover up our sins. It took the blood of God Himself to wash them away so they would be remembered no more.
1 John 2
(v.1) This is the only case of nepotism that we should embrace! Satan is accusing us daily of sins and disobeying God. But we have the Son, going to His Father, and saying, "Daddy, that one is mine for he/she knows Me." The Father will then judge us innocent, for the blood of the Most Innocent washes us clean in the eyes of the Father!
(v.15) Think about what you love in this world...material things, fame, people liking you. All those things will burn in judgment. But the love of heaven and Jesus will endure forever!
(v.22) The spirit of the antichrist has been alive since God declared He would save mankind. Satan has tried to thwart God's plan of redemption for man, and he has used evil men to do his evil work. Look at any religion or cult, and they all have one thing in common...they deny the deity of Jesus! This goes back to the work of Satan.
1 John 3
(v.1) If you spend time around other believers, we can talk about the things of God, and know what the other is talking about. If we talk about those things with unbelievers, they will be lost and not understand us. It take the work of the Holy Spirit to open up their eyes.
(v.2) I love this verse! When we are in heaven, we will see the glory and power of Christ! Unlike the disciples after Jesus was resurrected, we will understand His appearance, and even see the scars from His love on the cross for us! Rev 5:6
(v.13) The world hates us because they don't understand us, and most of all, they don't understand God!
1 John 4
(v.1) Whenever you are taught from Scripture, or experience something that feels like God is speaking to you, immediately check it with Scripture. If it doesn't contradict God's Word, then you can know that God is speaking to you.
(v.4) We all need to remember this verse when faced with seemingly insurmountable trials...if we are on God's side, what do we really have to fear?
(v.9) The more we think about what God did for us, the more we should worship Him! John 3:16
(v.15) We are not to keep silent about the love of God...we are to witness and share what God is doing in our lives!
1 John 5
(v.7) Remember this verse about the Trinity, and the deity of Jesus!
(v.14) We need to pray with our thoughts on God, not asking Him to think like us. We should spend some time of prayer just listening, and He will put thoughts and ideas in our heads that we can act upon.
2 John
We don't know for sure who the "elect lady" is whom John is addressing, but we do know that she had a big influence on many people's lives. My personal opinion, is that this may be addressed to Mary, the earthly mother of Jesus.
First of all, when Jesus was on the cross, He told John to take care of her, and for him to treat her as his own mother. John 19:27
Secondly, John warns this lady to be watchful for false prophets and people who wish to affect her. What greater thing could an unbeliever do, than have the mother of the Christ deny Him or accept doctrines that aren't Scriptural?
No matter who John is speaking to, he really is speaking to us as well...we need to hold onto the Truth, and be watchful for people sent by Satan to discourage us.
3 John
(v.11) People will know that Christ is in us if we stop doing the worldly things we did before we were saved. Try to spend time with other believers, who will be far less likely to try to get you to sin than your old "friends."
11 Dec (Hebrews 11-13)

Hebrews 11
(v.1) Here is a great definition of faith...we don't see God physically, but we see His handiwork in His creation, and by how He works in our lives!
(v.6) This is such a great verse! Without faith, we don't enter heaven. Without faith, we don't learn to know God. With faith, we are blessed abundantly!
(v.7) Remember, Noah was building this huge ark when the people had not experienced rain before! He looked like a fool, and was no doubt being ridiculed for his faith. But what did his faith give him? It saved him from the wrath of God! This is the same typology of the last days...those of us who have faith will be removed from experiencing God's Wrath.
(v.12) If we have faith, we are the Seed of Abraham...he was the first Hebrew (which means crossing over) and we are Hebrews in the sense that we have left our love for this life and this world for a new love of Christ and heaven!
(v.13) Before Jesus paid for our sins on Calvary, the faithful were holding in Paradise, or Abraham's Bosom, until that debt for sin was paid. Once Jesus did that, He went to free the faithful and take them to heaven. Every day after that, we who die in faith go immediately to heaven with Jesus!
(v.27) We are all faced with that same dilemma in our lives...obeying God, or obeying man. It's easy when man's laws and God's laws are the same, but when man's laws contradict God's laws (abortion), then we must stick with God and endure the worldly consequences. The reward is far too great to give it up for a moment in eternity for peace.
Hebrews 12
(v.9) God set up the family unit to train us to obey Him. We are to obey and respect our parents, so we can learn to obey and respect God.
(v.11) We never ask for trials to come into our lives, but they always make us better, and we will reap the rewards for overcoming, in heaven.
Hebrews 13
(v.2) This is a heavy verse! God puts angels into our paths to see where our hearts are. Just think of that the next time we see a bum asking for money. Or when we have a person who rankles us, and instead of responding with anger, we show love...that is what God is looking for!
(v.17) We have no idea the work our pastors do for us...they pray for us, they look out for us, and they motivate us. Give them respect, and most of all, pray for them. Satan likes to make pastors sin, so the whole flock will become discouraged. John 18:14
11 December 2010
10 Dec (Hebrews 8-10)

Hebrews 8
(v.6) The explanation of why Jesus came to save us can't be put any better than this verse!
(v.7) The Law is good, but it's purpose is to reveal our sin...we can't be saved by this alone. We need to realize our sinful nature, and seek the One who can wash our sins away...God Himself...Jesus!
(v.13) It is good for Christians to know and respect the Law and the Mosiac laws, but we are not under the Law, and should not be going away from the New Covenant to the Old Covenant.
Hebrews 9
(v.7) Blood was required for the covering or washing away of sins...the Levites did the covering in the Tabernacle and the Temple, but Jesus did the washing by His own blood at Calvary!
(v.12) After Jesus released the faithful in Hades or Sheol, He sprinkled His blood on the Throne in Heaven, and created the New Covenant.
Hebrews 10
(v.1) The Law points us to Christ, but only Christ can save us...not the Law.
(v.4) Only the blood from God could wash away our sins...thank you Jesus!
(v.12) Jesus accomplished the salvation of mankind on Calvary over 2,000 years ago...nothing we can do afterward can change or alter that. This is why Jesus said, "It is finished" on the cross. John 19:30
(v.29) This is the pivot point in all of our lives...do we realize what God did for us, or do we push it aside, or walk on the blood of Jesus in order to be our own gods? That is the decision of life!
9 Dec (Hebrews 5-7)

Hebrews 5
(v.1) Depending on the age of your kids, use discretion on describing the practice of killing and sacrificing animals for sin. With that said, God ordained and commanded this...why? To show the Jews (and all believers) that there is a cost for our sins.
This started in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve tried to clothe themselves from their shame, and God killed a lamb and gave them it's hide to wear to cover their sin. Gen 3:21
God later put it in writing by the pen of Moses, to offer animals as sacrifices for sin. These practices only "covered up" sin, but it took the blood of God Himself to wash away the sin! John 1:29
(v.8) It's hard for us to fathom that Jesus learned obedience, since He is God, a part of the Holy Trinity. But when He became man, He lived as we are to strive to live...in obedience to the Father, loving and serving others.
(v.14) When we are new to Christ, we only understand the basics. God is showing us that like a baby, we can only take easy to digest wisdom. Later, as we mature in Christ, we are to be hungry for more meat and solid food, so we can grow and understand God's character better.
Hebrews 6
(v.6) This is a difficult section of Scripture, for there are many opinions and theories about salvation. Some people (the Calvinists for example) believe that God called some people to salvation, and not others...there is no way of changing who He called...there is no way for those who weren't called to be saved.
Others, the Armenians, for example, believe the opposite. They believe that we can attain and lose our salvation at will...it's a daily struggle. This also means that what God sanctifies, can be changed by man.
In each case, both are correct, and both are false. Only God can save us, but He does wish for all of us to be saved. John 3:16
What I have learned from some great Bible teachers, is that what the author is saying here, is when we are saved but fall away, or go back to some sinful lifestyle that prevents us to grow in the LORD. This is key...we are still saved, but we are not walking or growing in the LORD. Only when we repent of that sinful lifestyle, can we again be walking with God, and having fellowship with Him.
Hebrews 7
(v.1) Here is an example of the translators creating chapter breaks incorrectly! Nonetheless, the important thing to show our kids, is that Melchizedek is really Jesus in the Old Testament...a theophany or Christophany! Abraham gave tithes to Mechizedek, and Melchizedek performed communion. Melchizedek had no beginning or end, and he was both a King and a Priest...unlike the roles for the sons of Judah and Levi. Gen 14:18-20
(v.25) Jesus is our King, but He's also our High Priest. Because of this, Jesus is able to save us from sin, and speak to the Father on our behalf.
(v.27) This is one of many verses that rebuke religions and churches that say that the communion actually becomes the body and blood of Jesus! No, He died once and for all, and we only take communion to remember what He did for us.
High Priest,
08 December 2010
8 Dec (Hebrews 3-4)

Hebrews 3
(v.4) Take time to look at God's creation...look at the majesty! Then think on the fact that this current creation is fallen...it used to be so much better! One glorious day, we will see it like it should be! Rev 21:1
(v.19) If we look at the model that God put out for us to study...the Jews leaving Egypt were called by Him. Their wanderings through the Wilderness is like our time here on earth, full of trials and doubts. But their unbelief kept them from entering the Promised Land...those who don't accept what Christ did for us, will be given their wish...eternity separated from God.
Hebrews 4
(v.3) Imagine no more pain, no more worrying, no more hardship...forever! That is what is awaiting us if we push on through this life! This is our time to serve the LORD by loving and serving others! Think of this life as a giant invite to the best party ever...it is up to us to invite and motivate as many who will listen to attend!
(v.9) In this life, we have His peace, but in heaven, we have His rest!!!
(v.12) I have been confronted with such venom by reciting a verse in the Bible! It's not my words, but God's words! When you have this happen to you, remember that truth hurts those who are walking in darkness. Love and encourage them, and let the Holy Spirit do His work!
(v.15) We should never think that God doesn't understand our problems...He was tempted in all ways that we are, and He endured the most horrific and painful death for us! He knows what we go through, and He loves for us to cry out to Him and let Him work in our lives!
07 December 2010
7 Dec (Hebrews 1-2)

The book of Hebrews is believed to be written by Paul, and the intent is to encourage Jewish Christians. No matter who wrote this, it is written by the Holy Spirit, who wants to give us a clearer picture of who Jesus is, and what He did for us!
Hebrews 1
(v.3) In order to get a grasp of the Holy Trinity, but not to say we fully comprehend it, I like to teach my kids that the Father is the mind of God, the Son is the body of God, and the Holy Spirit is the spirit of God. John 14:9
(v.4) Think about it...Jesus, the Creator of the universe, the angels and mankind...gives up all of His power to become man and die for mankind. But now, He is back to where He belongs, working in all things, being the Savior for all. Thank you Jesus!
(v.14) Angels are direct creations of God...that is why they are called the sons of God in the Old Testament. Adam was called a son of God, for he alone is the only man who was directly created by God. All the rest of us, including Eve, were descendants of Adam, and born to a sinful nature.
The angels were created by God to minister to us...this is one of the main reasons that Lucifer rebelled, for he wanted to be worshiped like God.
Because God gave angels the gift of free will and choice, some of them followed Lucifer to sin, and they will be eternally punished. 2 Peter 2:4
The rest of the angels are God's servants, serving us and helping us!
Hebrews 2
(v.3) This is why it doesn't work just to be a "good person" for God made the ONLY way for salvation...the blood of His Son. No matter how nice and good our friends and family are, if they aren't in a personal relationship with Him, and reading His Word and praying with Him daily, they aren't saved from hell. This is harsh to some, but it's the truth.
God created all, and He is the One that provided the way to be with Him...who are we to think we can find another way?
(v.9) Remind your kids, that the Creator of the universe, came into His own creation, suffered and died for us...all because He loves us so much!
(v.11) Even though Jesus is our God and Savior, He says we are His brothers and sisters, for if we are His followers. Beyond that, when we are in fellowship with Him, He calls us His friends! How cool is that? John 15:14
(v.16) God exalts us for we are made in His image, not the angels. Gen 1:26 He made us to be like Him, with mind, body and spirit. That is why He wants to be with us forever!
(v.17) This is the reason Jesus became flesh...to be our propitiation, or payment, for sin.
(v.18) Remind your kids that Jesus experienced every temptation, and every pain that mankind suffers from. He knows how we feel, so when we pray, He is listening!
Deity of Jesus,
06 December 2010
6 Dec (2 Peter)

This letter was written by Peter from Rome, shortly before his death. The first letter he wrote, was directed to the Jews in Asia Minor (Turkey). This letter, is directed to Christians everywhere, and in every time.
2 Peter 1
(v.2) Grace and peace come to those who seek God's wisdom, and appreciate what He did for us on the cross!
(v.14) Peter is using a Jewish term, tent, to speak to the Christians. A tent refers to our earthly bodies, where we will shed this tent, and God will make us a new, and incorruptible one in heaven!
It is a fun Bible study to look up the references to tents, and especially the Tabernacle...such great typology!
(v.16) Peter reminds us that he spent time with Jesus, God in the flesh, and saw His miracles first-hand. There were many others that did as well, and if these accounts were fabricated or embellished, then history would have denounced them. The truth is, historians are finding more and more, that every event and person in the Bible were true, in spite of their goals to disprove them!
(v.21) Peter write so well what I've been trying to point out all along on this blog...godly men were told what to write by the Holy Spirit! There is no way that so many different men, who never met, and lived hundreds of years apart, could write the same things with intricate detail without God guiding them!
2 Peter 2
(v.6) As I mentioned in Romans 1 and Genesis 19, God made Sodom and Gomorrah as examples for us to see His anger at sexual sin. The tolerance and acceptance of the lifestyle of homosexuality was their sin. We need to love the sinner like God does, but also pray and encourage the sinner to stop their sinful lifestyles.
(v.14) Whenever I read this section, I can't help but picture all those televangelists who use God's Word to trick people into making them rich. They are not doing God's will, and their thoughts are only about money and lust. One by one, they have been exposed, and to the unlearned eye, they have stained the name of the LORD.
Read the Third Commandment of the Law in Exodus 20:7...we need to represent our King with love and righteousness, not earthly lusts and desires.
2 Peter 3
(v.4) When we witness to our friends and family, we often hear this argument..."I can't see God, and He hasn't come back for over 2,000 years! Why do you believe in such a God that would lead us on for so long?"
Know your Bible, and pray...your witness and your experience with God is the best counter to the skeptic. They can't argue with how God has enriched your life with joy and peace!
(v.8) This is one verse that can answer the question above...God is outside of time, and He works on our salvation tirelessly.
(v.10) Peter was given a vision, and it is the same as John received in Rev 21:1
(v.13) God will recreate what He started in Eden, and this time, sin will not be a factor!
(v.16) If one doesn't know God's wisdom, then they can't see what He's saying in the Scriptures. I pray that this blog is one of many tools to help you know God more, and to inspire you to study the Bible for your own eye-opening epiphanies!
False Prophet,
05 December 2010
5 Dec (1 Peter)

Peter wrote this letter and 2 Peter to the Jewish believers in Asia, which is modern-day Turkey. Most scholars believe Peter wrote this from Rome, and it's addressing the persecution of the Church by Rome itself.
1 Peter 1
(v.12) Angels were created to serve God, and thus, to serve us, since we are made in His image. Angels are not, and that is one of the reasons for the fall of Lucifer, for he was jealous of the relationship between God and mankind.
(v.19) Peter ties in the importance of the Passover lamb, which Jesus is for all believers. The lamb sheds it's blood in order to save us!
(v.23) What is born again? Our bodies? No, our spirit is reborn, for at birth, we were destined to hell in our sinful nature. It takes a conscious decision to accept Christ in our accountable years, to be reborn. Otherwise, our spirit is still dead.
1 Peter 2
(v.4) Jesus compares His Church, His Bride, to the Pearl of Great Price...we are precious to Him! He gave all of Himself so we could be redeemed! Matt 13:46
(v.9) All believers are not from the tribe of Levi, but all believers are from the seed of Abraham, since we are faithful. God will make us kings and priests in heaven. Rev 1:6, 5:10
(v.10) Jew, Gentile, rich, poor, free or slave...we are all one family in Christ!
(v.11) As followers of Christ, we are not tied to this world. The followers of Satan are called earth dwellers many times in the Bible. Our citizenship is in heaven, not on earth! As such, we are to support one another, not fight each other!
(v.15) We are to obey the laws of the land, in order that we can be a light to the lost. No one will listen to us if we break the law all the time!
(v.25) Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and now that He has brought us into the fold, we should obey His commands and follow Him. John 10:11, 14
1 Peter 3
(v.1) Once again, if we step back and see the template that God had placed for the family, and the relationship between Him and His Church, no one will have problems with these verses that tell us to obey and give ourselves over to another. One of the key things that Jesus showed us, was to stop thinking about ourselves, and to put others' needs before our own.
(v.7) I make sure to point out to my daughters the words, being heirs together, for we are all the same in the eyes of God. He just made a design for the family to function best, and when following God, it works best.
(v.15) This is why we need to read and STUDY the Bible...not just casually read it. We will learn more about God's character, and the amazing plan of redemption He created. Also, we will be able to witness better, and to lovingly debate skeptics.
(v.21) Peter shows us that baptism is a good thing to do, but it's not needed for salvation.
1 Peter 4
(v.1) What a wonderful way to think of this! If we follow Christ by enduring in the flesh, then we will one day be glorified in heaven as He was. To be clear, we will not be equated with Christ, but we will be fellow heirs of the kingdom with Him. Eph 3:6
(v.14) If we are persecuted for our faith in Christ, then we are doing His will. That is why James said it's a time to rejoice for our trials, for they are the work of God, and they help to further the kingdom of God. James 1:2
1 Peter 5
(v.2) Pastors and elders of the Church have a great responsibility...give them respect and support them with service and prayer...most of all prayer!
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