31 March 2010

Mar 31 (Psa 93, 94, 97-100)

Songs of Joy

Psalm 93

This psalm speaks of the eternal throne of Jesus. Before He made the universe, He planned out His death and reign of mankind. He made us, to love us...that's why He died for us. His power is greater than the strongest storm, since He commands the weather by His voice. Mark 4:39

Psalm 94

(v.3) As we have seen before in these psalms, the psalmist wonders why the wicked prosper and triumph in this world. I teach my kids that this may happen for a time, but in the end, they will be miserable and lost without Christ. We are better off to obey God and live for Him.

(v.9) I love this verse, since it makes us think of how incredible the human body is! I can't understand how someone could think that we came from ooze and are descendants of monkeys. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, in the likeness of our Creator. Praise God for His work!

(v.22) God fights our battles if we let Him, and who better to take care of our problems? He is our foundation, our stronghold...He delights in our reliance upon Him!

Psalm 97

(v.6) What we think of today as reading the stars, Astrology, is a pagan practice. But Astronomy is real and very interesting. Check the link at the bottom of the page, where it shows the danger of astrology.

(v.10) It is right to hate evil. If we are His, we hate it when we sin, and when others sin. However, we are to pray and let God take care of our sins, or others' sins. With the Holy Spirit in us, we desire good and the bad things we used to do, don't satisfy like they once did.

Psalm 98

(v.1) The right hand here is Jesus, who gained God victory at the cross!

(v.2) God has revealed Himself through the nation of Israel, and in His Word...the Bible. Today, with television and satellite communications, we are without excuse if we reject the Gospel of Jesus.

All of creation is waiting for the return of Christ, so once again, the whole of creation can be made right, and the curse of sin be lifted. Romans 8:22

Psalm 99

(v.4) I stress to my kids, that God is love and mercy, but He is also justice. If we sin and repent, we are once again in tune with God, but that doesn't mean there are consequences for our actions. I remind them of David, who sinned and repented, but he still lost his child as a consequence. 2 Samuel 12

(v.9) God is holy and pure, that is why we must be redeemed from our sins in order to be with Him in heaven. No man could fulfill the Law totally, so it took God Himself, Jesus, to fulfill the Law for us, and die for us. There was a consequence for sin...the death of the Son of God, to have His blood wash us clean.

Psalm 100

(v.2) Worship by song is Biblical and right. I used to be reserved about my singing and worship at church. Now, I sing and lift my hands when moved to do so. I like to close my eyes and picture us singing to Jesus on His throne in heaven! If we think of what God did for us, and all the blessings He has given us, we should lift our hands or get on our knees in worship to Him!

(v.3) This is a great verse...we are His sheep and He is our Good Shepherd. We need direction and guidance in this sinful world, so let's daily seek His face in prayer and the reading of His Word.

(v.5) God's Word endures for all generations, all cultures, and all movements. God is unmovable, so let's stop trying to change Him and His Word, and let Him change us for good!

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