16 March 2010

Mar 17 (2 Sam 13-14)

2nd Samuel 13

This chapter is tricky if you have young children. If you have teenagers, then it's worth going through this in detail.

Amnon and Tamar were half brother and sister...they came from two different mothers who were wives of David. If we've paid attention, this practice of siblings marrying is not new to that time nor the whole Bible. Only today, where there have been centuries of mutations in the human DNA, has offspring been affected. In those days, it was not so.

Amnon was not in love...for love is patient and kind. Amnon was in lust...and lust always acts impulsively and without thought to consequences.

(v.15) Notice that Amnon hated Tamar, even though he was the one who raped her. This is quite often seen by police, where a rapist does his evil deed, then hates himself over what he did, and he blames the victim for his sin. Then, most kill the victim in hate, and to prevent the victim from telling authorities.

(v.21) Absalom has told Tamar that he would take care of Amnon, and he would...not out of chivalry, but out of his own desire to be king. David was understandably mad as well, but he didn't do anything...why? Perhaps his own conscious had him remember what he did to Bathsheba and Uriah, and felt he was unworthy to act in this incident...we don't know for sure.

Absalom kills Amnon, and David is grieved over the loss of a son, and the departure of his other son. Lust and greed kill families.

2nd Samuel 14

David's great general, Joab, devises a way to confront David with guilt much like Nathan the prophet did...it worked once, why not try it again? It did work, and perhaps Joab was making sure his position would be secure if Abasalom were the next king.

David loved Absalom, but he couldn't forgive him for what he did to Tamar. David was a great example of faith and courage, but he did have his faults like you and me. Sometimes we let our pride get in the way of serving God. Since David refused to see Absalom for five years, Absalom developed a great hatred and resentment for his father. This would prove to be tragic later.

I discuss with my kids that we have a God who forgives if we repent...and He will remember our sins no more! Heb 8:12

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