03 February 2010

Feb 3 (Num 13-16)

Numbers 13

The Jews are at the doorstep to the Promised Land. God has Moses send out some men from the group to scope out the land. I believe God was testing the people, and knew that a majority of them would not have faith. Ten of the twelve were afraid and didn't want to go to the land that God promised them. Their lack of faith was the whole nation of Israel's doom.

(v.33) Here we see the mention of the giants, the sons of Anak. These were the relatives of Goliath and descendants of the Nephilim...the fallen angels (Gen 6). These were men that stood from nine to ten feet in height. At first glance, it's understandable that these men were afraid of these giants, but it's also quite apparent that they didn't remember that God was on their side!

Only Caleb and Joshua were enthusiastic about taking the land, and they and their families were blessed because of it.

Numbers 14

This is a sad part of the nation of Israel...they have witnessed many miracles and direct acts of their God, yet they still complain and fear man more than their Creator and Savior! We all can learn from this. We are all miracles, and when we forget to rely upon God with our careers, our kids, our finances, we are doing the same thing as these disobedient Jews did.

Caleb and Joshua are the only adults that live to see and enter the Promised Land...notice that Moses is not mentioned. God knew that Moses would fail Him at the Rock, and did not include him in the prophesy.

The defiance of the Israelites is capsuled in their insistence of going into the land on their own...without God. I point out to my kids that we risk that same attitude daily, when we think we can handle certain problems on our own. The more we include God in all aspects of our lives, the more we'll be blessed and give Him the glory!

Numbers 15

My kids and I discuss the state of the people here...they are lost. Not only are they in the Wilderness, but they are without God's guidance. This is the last place anyone should be!

Mankind is not lost because they haven't heard the Gospel of Jesus...we are lost because we are sinners, and unable to be redeemed to God on our own. Therefore, those who don't know they're lost, are in a less treacherous state. It's those of us who have heard the Gospel, and CHOOSE to disregard it, that are doomed to eternal torment. Those that hear the Good News and reject it, are spitting in the eye of God.

Numbers 16

Just as when Aaron and Miriam let jealousy drive them to rebellion, the whole congregation does the same with Moses here. Pride is the root of all our sins.

Two things I point out to my kids here are:

~ Not all of Korah's descendants perished. We see the sons of Korah write a great number of Psalms that are beautiful and humble. Perhaps this is a result a valuable lesson learned from the errors of their ancestors.

~ God gives a great warning to us that mirrors the plight of the Israelites in the Wilderness, in 2 Peter 2:10-22. When we don't do what it says in Prov 3:5-6, we rely on man's understanding, and not the will of God.

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