21 February 2010

Feb 23 (1 Sam 5-7)

1st Samuel 5

We see the contest between the statue of Dagon, and the ark of the covenant. Dagon was a Philistine god, and was said to have been part man, and part fish (see picture above). It is believed that the Philistines main resource was fishing, so they worshipped Dagon to bring them their livelihood. Although not the same, that's why we have the fish symbol for Christians, since most of the disciples were fishermen, and Jesus told them they would be "fishers of men." (Matt 4:19, Mark 1:17)

The difference is that the Philistines made a god out of Dagon, much like the Jews made a golden calf in the wilderness (Ex 32:4)...both are idols, and are a direct affront to the living God we serve!

I love the confrontation between the ark and Dagon...first, Dagon bows. Secondly, he bows, but his head and hands are broken off! You would think the Philistines would've figured out who the REAL God was!

1st Samuel 6

The ark is returned because the Philistine priests remembered history, and they didn't want to end up like Pharaoh and the Egyptians did! We all need to study and remember our history, so we can learn from our ancestors' mistakes.

Unfortunately, the men of Beth Shemesh weren't as wise, and they looked into the ark. God told them that no one other than the high priest once a year was to do this...so God had to smite them. God is love, but He also must be just and fair...He can't go back on His Word, which He regards higher than His own name. (Psalm 138:2)

1st Samuel 7

(v.4) The people finally repented to the LORD and got rid of their idols. Samuel led them in their repentance, and they once again found favor in God's eyes. I teach my kids that as long as God is #1 in their lives, He will guide them and deliver them.

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