30 May 2010

30 May (Isaiah 8-10)

Isaiah 8

God is telling Isaiah what will happen to Syria from the confederacy of Assyria and Israel. It brought great fear and terror into a nation to find out that two or more nations were coming against her. Even though confederacies of men are intimidating, fearing God is much more practical. As Jesus tells us in Luke 12:4-5

Don't be fearful of those that can kill your body, and after that have no power. But rather fear Him who after the body is dead is able to cast both soul and spirit into hell.

(v.19) Going to palm readers and fortune tellers is the fad in many areas of our culture, but that is just man's wisdom...if you can call it wisdom. Why not go directly to the Creator of the universe, who loves you and wants you to live?

Isaiah 9

(v.6) This verse is quoted during Christmas time, and it should be, but I believe we need to read it throughout the year. We need to remind ourselves who Jesus is...God in the flesh, and our Creator and part of the Holy Trinity of God.

For unto us a child is born
~ As we saw in Isa 7:14 this is a unique birth, it's supernatural

Unto us a Son is given
~ This Son already existed in eternity. His mission was to free us from sin

And the government will be upon His shoulder
~ This is prophecy of Jesus' reign during the Millennium

And His name will be called Wonderful
~ In Judges 13:18 we see Jesus in a theophany

~ Jesus is our High Priest and Counselor Heb 6:20

Mighty God
~ Jesus is God, and we see this in the next chapter Isa 10:21

Everlasting Father
~ Jesus said He and the Father are one John 10:30

Prince of Peace
~ Jesus is our High Priest, and He during His reign there will be peace

The text goes on to show us that Jesus came from eternity, and He will reign for eternity. He came the first time as a child to be like us. He came to die for us. But one day soon, He will return as a conquering King, and He will bring justice upon the wicked and unbelieving. Make sure you are His, and ask Him into your life...your eternal salvation depends upon it!

Isaiah 10

(v.5) The rod is used often in Scripture, and it makes sense since shepherds are commonly used to describe God, for He is the Good Shepherd. John 10:11

The shepherd protects and guides the sheep, and if the sheep disobey, He uses his rod to correct them. He uses His staff to steer us and guide us. Psalm 23:4

So the rod and staff are His tools to guide us and correct His own, but to unbelievers, the rod will be dreadful and severe. To those who are rebellious, the rod will seem scary, but to us who know Him, it will be comforting.

(v.12) Assyria is the area we know today as Iraq. The Antichrist is called the Assyrian, and it's believed that the Tower of Babel was in this area. God uses Assyria as the symbol for evil and for where He will bring His judgement upon when He returns.

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