15 May 2010

15 May (Joel 2)

Joel 2

(v.1) The Day of the LORD is coming indeed! I like to use the Blue Letter Bible for referencing and looking up verses, so I did a search for Day of the Lord, and here is what you can find:

God died on the cross for us, just so we can be redeemed and be with Him forever in Paradise! All He asks in return, is for us to acknowledge that, and to give our lives to Him, so He can work in us and through us. For those that reject Him and what He did, they will see a terrible day of Judgement...but they brought it upon themselves, since God has been pleading with them to repent.

(v.2) This is a prophecy to the Day of the Lord, but we've seen similar instances of darkness over the earth...God works that way...He shows us a pattern that we can look for and rely upon. He is not flippant or capricious, He is steady and true. Here are some other verses describing the darkness over the land:

~Exodus 10:22
~Job 5:14
~Psalm 97:2
~Isaiah 60:2
~Amos 5:20
~Matthew 27:45
~Acts 2:20
~2 Corinthians 4:6
~Ephesians 6:12
~1 Peter 2:9
~Jude 1:13
~Revelation 16:10

As you can see, God's Word is consistent from Genesis to Revelation! It is one message, and it's God's love letter to us, to bring us back to Him!

I am reminded of the phrase, "It's the darkest just before the dawn"...I believe this phrase is true, and we will see great evil just before Jesus comes again! He gives us warning and even describes what to look for...all it takes is a desire to understand!

(v.12) Turn to Me with all your heart...this is God pleading with all of us to set aside our sinful pride, and let Him work in our lives. God is love, but He does demand that we choose Him or hell...it's that simple.

(v.18) Many good scholars believe that this part is describing the Millennium...after the Great Tribulation, where Jesus rules on David's Throne in Jerusalem for 1,000 years.

(v.23) I agree with the scholars who believe that there was a water canopy that protected the earth before the Flood. That canopy came down, and the water from the depths came up, and the whole earth was covered in water. After Jesus returns, there will be a reset of His creation, where the earth will enjoy the things it enjoyed in the beginning.

(v.28) Right at the end of the Great Tribulation, God will pour out His Spirit upon all mankind. There will be a great last harvest, before the Son comes to destroy the wicked. We need to pray and share the Gospel with all we meet...time is running out!

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