28 May 2010

28 May (Isaiah 1-4)

Isaiah was the son of Amoz, whom Rabbinic tradition holds was really Amaziah, king of Judah. This would make Isaiah part of the royal family of kings from the tribe of Judah.

In case you run across someone who believes the book of Isaiah wasn't written by just Isaiah himself, just point them to the words of Jesus, who said Isaiah wrote the whole book! Luke 4:17-21 I think that argument is over!

The book of Isaiah has many incredible prophesies of the coming Messiah, and in fact, it's called the "Fifth Gospel" by many scholars!

Another interesting thing about this book, is by itself, it tells all that is written in the Bible, and it has 66 chapters to mirror the 66 books of the Bible. To go further, the OT has 39 books, and the first 39 chapters of Isaiah records many historical data and coming judgements like the OT. Also, the NT has 27 books, and the last 27 chapters of Isaiah focus on the love and salvation provided for us by God! This book is a gem!

Isaiah 1

(v.9) God always leaves a remnant of believers to continue His plans. He did it with Moses, with Esther, with David and with king Joash. Most of all, He did it with His Son, who survived wicked plans to kill Him, and died on His own terms...saving us all!

(v.13) God isn't interested in blind sacrifices and rituals...He wants heartfelt worship that brings us to our knees in gratitude and fear. The many rituals of today's religions are an abomination to the LORD, since they focus more on the rituals of men, than the holiness of God.

(v.17) Great advice for us who want to live righteously and to serve Him.

(v.18) Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD.

God wants a relationship with us, where we choose to love and worship Him...not mindless robots who don't really love Him. God wants us to use our minds and ponder His Word...even doubt it, but strive to find the answers in it...He is loving and merciful, and He will reward the diligent ones who seek His wisdom. Prov 8:17 & Heb 11:6

(v.19) We need to be willing to follow the LORD, then we need to be obedient to Him...then we will live for Him and be lightness to the darkness of the world.

Isaiah 2

(v.3) How awesome will it be for Jesus Himself to teach the people. He did this in His First Coming, but this time, He will teach as the King, and for 1,000 years!

(v.11) The Day of the LORD will be great for believers, and terrible for unbelievers. They will have no escape, and they will be speechless before their Creator, whom they have rejected.

Isaiah 3

(v.4) A nation that pushes away God will have what they deserve for rulers. Here, as in Ecc 10:16 we see that children will rule. As we know, children don't have the intellect and the experiences of life to rule properly, so the people will suffer. I can't help but think of our current situation in America...if we don't seek righteous people to rule, we get inexperienced and childish people to rule instead.

(v.9) Can't we just picture our current society, and see that they openly flaunt their wickedness and perversions? We are in the last days, so be diligent in your walk with God, and share His love with all peoples.

(v.24) Like many other prophets in the Bible, Isaiah is describing the Great Tribulation that will befall Israel in the last days. Only God Himself will stop the terror of the world to consume Israel, and He will save them!

Isaiah 4

(v.2) It is a great learning study to look up all the times the word Branch is listed in the Bible...it is referring to Jesus.

As the rest of this chapter documents, once Jesus has returned and saved Israel from the Great Tribulation, He will rule as King for 1,000 years, called the Millennium. During that time, the Jews will have their Temple, and they will do Levitical practices again as they did in the times of Moses.

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