27 June 2010

25 June (Jeremiah 48-52)

Jeremiah 48

(v.10) Those that use the Name of the LORD in vain are cursed. This goes back to the Third Commandment, where we are to represent God righteously, not use His Name as a means to gain power or attention. Of course, it's not good to use God's name in a curse word, but the Third Commandment goes further than that...if we say we are God's children, then we must represent our Father correctly and with love. Hatred and hypocrisy are not the ways of God.

(v.38) Vessels are used in Scripture to show us how God views us. We are empty at birth, and we will be the rest of our lives unless we allow God to have His Spirit enter us. We need to daily ask God to fill us up with His Spirit, so we can be used by Him.

Jeremiah 49

God uses Israel's enemies to mete out His wrath upon Israel, but He never wants them to think that they are greater than His people, nor does He like when they boast of their conquests. After all, it was God who allowed them to conquer Israel, and one day, they will try to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, but God will show the world that He is in charge and save them!

Jeremiah 50

(v.6) God uses sheep and shepherds to illustrate His purposes for us...we are sheep, and highly vulnerable to the evil one, unless we have a Shepherd who will protect us and even die for us. John 10:11

The Jews forgot who God is and where He really should reside...in their hearts. God wants to be in our daily lives, not just in some church that we go to every Sunday. He wants to have an intimate relationship with Him, and that requires us to speak with Him daily, multiple times a day.

(v.39) We know that God is speaking about the last days, since Babylon is still inhabited today...it is in modern-day Iraq. In fact, Saddam Hussein was rebuilding a palace in Babylon, for he thought He was the reincarnated King Nebuchadnezzar!

Jeremiah 51

(v.1) Persia rose up and conquered Babylon, but they didn't destroy it. Also, God is talking about His wrath upon Babylon, and His actual hand in it. This event takes place in the last days, and the Apostle John describes it well in Revelation 14.

(v.53) God is using metaphors here, since He's speaking of the future, but He's also referencing the source of all this earthly evil...the Tower of Babel. If you look at all of man's organized religions, they can be traced back to Babel. When Satan lost at the cross, he tried to kill the Church, but it flourished because of the persecution. So Satan isn't stupid, and he then infiltrated the Church. That is why we see so many cults and denominations around...it's Satan's hand in corrupting the Church, and moving men to act on pride instead of the original purpose for the Church.

Jeremiah 52

God's prophecies come true, and Jerusalem falls. God is patient, but He is also just. If we won't listen to Him, He will get our attention through calamity.

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