15 June 2010

14 June (Nahum)

Scholars believe Nahum came from the Galilee region, since Capernaum means "City of Nahum" in Hebrew. The prophet Jonah was also from the Galilee region, so we have three Prophets from Galilee...Jonah, Nahum and Jesus. So much for the theory that no prophet came out of Galilee! John 7:52

Over 150 years prior to Nahum, the prophet Jonah preached to Nineveh, saying that if they didn't repent, they would burn. They did repent, and even though Jonah was a failed prophet with his mouth, his life was prophecy of what Jesus would do later.

But now, the Assyrians were obstinate and didn't want to hear of the God that their ancestors repented to, and Nahum is there to tell them their fate if they don't change their ways!

Nahum 1

(v.3) So many people think that the God of the Old Testament is not the same God as the New Testament, since in Jesus, we see humility and sacrifice. But in Yahweh of the OT, we see vengeance and jealousy. Be sure to explain to your kids that the word jealous here is not like we think of it today. Jealousy today is viewed as childish, insecure and sometimes mean, but God's jealousy is different...He wants us to love Him. He wants us to choose to worship Him, and He looks after His own like a Father watching over His kids...don't mess with His kids!

(v.7) What a comforting verse! Even though God can and does mete out wrath upon the wicked, He is loving and protective of His own...make sure you and your family are His...not Satan and this world's child.

(v.11) This is an indicator to the False Prophet we read about in Rev 19:20

Nahum 2

(v.2) I remind my kids that God has not forgotten about Israel and the Jews...they are His people, and He will work with them again, after He has brought His Church to heaven!

(v.13) God fights our battles, and He does it like no other! Why not let Him take care of our problems since, after all, He's only the Creator of the universe!

Nahum 3

God almost dares the wicked from Nineveh to fortify and prepare, for He will bring destruction upon them no matter how much they think they can fight God!

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